

2017-04-21 00:00来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




  场景: 图书馆场景,主要讲述的是如何使用学校内不同的图书馆。 图书馆场景在雅思听力考试中经常出现,而且相关的话题有图书馆部门介绍,书目介绍以及办理相关手续。因此,考生在平时准备相应的场景时要掌握一些图书馆的英语术语,以免在听力中听不懂。 难词注解: site n。地点 CD-ROM n。压缩光盘 hang on to保留,保有 renew v。续借 overdue a。过期的 workshop n。研讨会,讲习班 词汇拓展: wing building 翼楼 annex building 辅楼 loan card 借书证 renewal n。续借场景: 图书馆场景,主要讲述的是如何使用学校内不同的图书馆。 图书馆场景在雅思听力考试中经常出现,而且相关的话题有图书馆部门介绍,书目介绍以及办理相关手续。因此,考生在平时准备相应的场景时要掌握一些图书馆的英语术语,以免在听力中听不懂。 难词注解: site n。地点 CD-ROM n。压缩光盘 hang on to保留,保有 renew v。续借 overdue a。过期的 workshop n。研讨会,讲习班 词汇拓展: wing building 翼楼 annex building 辅楼 loan card 借书证 renewal n。续借场景:


  图书馆场景在 雅思听力 考试中经常出现,而且相关的话题有图书馆部门介绍,书目介绍以及办理相关手续。因此,考生在平时准备相应的场景时要掌握一些图书馆的英语术语,以免在听力中听不懂。


  site n。地点

  CD-ROM n。压缩光盘

  hang on to保留,保有

  renew v。续借

  overdue a。过期的

  workshop n。研讨会,讲习班


  wing building 翼楼

  annex building 辅楼

  loan card 借书证

  renewal n。续借


  1。 Access to online databases and the Internet is available at both sites and each site has a range of reference materials on education。



  access to的意思是“接近;有权使用;通向…的入口”

  2)available adj。 有效的,可得的;可利用的;空闲的

  2。 At Fordham we hold material relating to primary education, as well as special needs, but of course you’ll need to familiarise yourself with both sites to make the most of our resources。


  1)hold 的意思有vt。 持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制;vi。 支持;有效;持续;n。 控制;保留;n。 (Hold)人名;(英、德、捷)霍尔德

  2)as well as special needs省略句,补充此句为…。as well as meet your special needs

  as well as 的意思是“也;和…一样;不但…而且”

  3)make the most of的意思是“充分利用”

  3。 I’m living out of town, so I’m hoping I can borrow quite a few items, and cut down on the number of trips I have to make。


  1)out of town adj。 不在城里;出门,室外

  2)quite a few不少,相当多。同近义词有not a few,quite a bit

  3)cut down on 削减,减少

  4)the number of trips I have to make中有一个定语从句,I have to make作为定语修饰trips,中间省略了that。


  22与23题信息密集。听力原文为But the Castle Road site has books on the sociology of education and a collection of textbooks and teaching resources covering most of the subjects taught in secondary schools。


  26题听力原文为No, you can do it by telephone or email, but you can’t renew overdue books this way, only before or on the due date stamped in the book。

  27题听力原文为Well, sometimes an item is requested by another borrower, in which case we’d send you a letter, and you'd have to return the book within seven working days。



  1)How to use the library’s resources。 That includes everything not just the print and technical resources。

  2)This term it's finding research materials online。

  3)It’s a workshop on dissertations。 It’s more to do with academic writing conventions, you know - writing a bibliography and how to refer to sources in your text。




  21, refernce22, textbooks23, secondary24, primary25, back26, overdue books/ones27, 7 working days28-30 C E F



  LIBRARIAN: Good afternoon。 Can I help you?

  STUDENT: Good afternoon。 Yes, I’ve just transferred to the School of Education,and I’d like information about joining the library。

  LIBRARIAN: Well, the School of Education has libraries on two sites, as I’m sure you know。 This one here is the Fordham Site, and the other is on Castle Road。

  STUDENT: And is there any difference between the two libraries?

  LIBRARIAN: Not in terms of their facilities。 Access to online databases and the Internet is available at both sites and each site has a range of reference materials on education。

  STUDENT: Oh yes。 I see。

  LIBRARIAN: But the Castle Road site has books on the sociology of education and a collection of textbooks and teaching resources covering most of the subjects taught in secondary schools。

  STUDENT: Ah, right, but I’m training to be a primary teacher so I need to look at materials for the five to eleven age group。

  LIBRARIAN: Then you’ve come to the right place。 At Fordham we hold material relating to primary education, as well as special needs, but of course you’ll need to familiarise yourself with both sites to make the most of our resources。

  STUDENT: You haven't mentioned periodicals。 Are they held at both sites?

  LIBRARIAN: Current issues, yes but if you want to look at back issues you’ll need to use the CD-ROM databases which are held here at Fordham。

  STUDENT: I see。 Now,about borrowing books。 I’m living out of town, so I’m hoping I can borrow quite a few items, and cut down on the number of trips I have to make。

  LIBRARIAN: Right, well, members can borrow two books at a time from each site。

  STUDENT: Only two books?

  LIBRARIAN: Only two from each site, but that's four altogether。

  STUDENT: Oh I see, and how long can I hang on to them for?

  LIBRARIAN: The borrowing period is one month, but of course books can be renewed。 You renew any item a maximum of three Limes。

  STUDENT: Do I have to come to the library to do that?

  LIBRARIAN: No, you can do it by telephone or email, but you can’t renew overdue books this way, only before or on the due date stamped in the book。 We’ll need your full mime, your borrower number and the mime of the site library you borrowed the items from。

  STUDENT: So theoretically I can borrow books for up to three months - is that what you’re saying?

  LIBRARIAN: Yes, provided they’re not recalled。

  STUDENT: So, what happens then?

  LIBRARIAN: Well, sometimes an item is requested by another borrower, in which case we’d send you a letter, and you'd have to return the book within seven working days。 Don’t forget we’re closed on Sundays。


  STUDENT: I expect it’ll take a while to find what I need。 There’s such a lot here。

  LIBRARIAN: Yes there is, but if you need help getting started, this term we’re running three study skills workshops。

  STUDENT: Oh? What are they on?

  LIBRARIAN: Er, let me see。 The first one's on resources - yes, here it is。 How to use the library’s resources。 That includes everything not just the print and technical resources。

  STUDENT: That sounds useful。 Is there anything on using the Internet?

  LIBRARIAN: Er, let’s see。 The one on the internet for beginners was last term。 This term it's finding research materials online。

  STUDENT: That sounds interesting too, hm, what's the last one?

  LIBRARIAN: It’s a workshop on dissertations。

  STUDENT: What do you mean - how to write one?

  LIBRARIAN: Er, no it’s more to do with academic writing conventions, you know - writing a bibliography and how to refer to sources in your text。 That sort of thing。 Anyway, here's n leaflet with information about all three。

  STUDENT: Thanks a lot。 That’ll be very useful。

  LIBRARIAN: You’re welcome。





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