

2017-04-20 17:46来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:剑桥雅思6test1写作大作文范文Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  小作文,请:剑6Test1写作task1 范文-About water use worldwide

  Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  题目分析,包括写作中需要涉及的要点以及考生可能对题目产生的错误理 解。

  1. 题目只问“To what extent do you agree or disagree?”因此,罗列正反双方的论点并不是 必需的,但是,一篇好作文应该做到这一点。

  2. 题目明确指出消费品,不是所有商品。因此,写作重点应在非必需品而不是必需品上。

  3. 3. 社会的真正需求并没有界定,考生可能对此有各自不同的合理理解。

  4. 4. 作文需要举例证明广告影响人们的购买决定。

  5. Â 建议的回答结构,对比此结构与考生有可能采用的不恰当结构。

  6. 这篇作文需要一个简短介绍和简要的结论。正文应有两到三个段落,每段阐述一个 要点。建议考生单独写一个段落来阐述与题目意见相反的观点,或者考生在正文各段中提 及相反的观点。考生应该注意,不能把这篇作文写成完全同意或者完全反对题目说法的文 章。

  新航道雅思 这里给大家提供了两篇范文,共烤鸭参考!

  Â 两篇观点不同的参考范文(250字—300字) 参考范文1——同意题目的说法 I tend to agree that high sales of consumer goods reflect the power of advertising rather than the real needs of society and will outline my reasons below. Advertising clearly often encourages people to buy more than they need and more often than they need to. In wealthier countries, many families have two or more televisions or even computers. People in wealthier countries also have many clothes, some of which they hardly ever wear. At the same time, even these wealthier countries have social problems such as poverty and crime. Many communities, again even in the wealthiest countries, suffer from a lack of investment in education and health care. It seems that people have somehow been persuaded to purchase a wide variety of consumer goods whilst neglecting to spend their money on areas where it could make a substantial qualitative difference to people’s lives. Advertising tends to tell people that they need a certain product because of benefits such as making the purchaser look fashionable, apparently performing a task slightly faster or better, or even simply because it is good to have the things that everyone else has. These reasons might have limited benefits for the individual, such as enhanced status, but rarely, if ever, benefit society as a whole. This is obviously because the aim of most producers is to make ever greater sales, not to function as an organisation working for the public well-being. To conclude, advertising generally aims to encourage the purchase of goods regardless of their value to societies in general. This has resulted in a situation where many people spend their money on things that they don’t really need, whilst not spending enough on things that they do need. (284 words)

  我比较赞同题目中的观点,即消费品的高销售额反映的是广告的作用而不是社会的实 际需求。我的理由概述如下: 广告显然时常鼓励人们买一些非必需品,人们在购物时常常买一些他们产上并不需要 的东西。在较富裕的国家,许多家庭有两个或两个以上的电视甚至电脑。富裕国家的人们 有很多衣服,其中一些他们却很少会穿。而同时,即使是这些富裕国家也有贫困和犯罪等 社会问题。甚至是在最富裕的国家,许多社会群体也缺乏教育和卫生保健方面的投资。似 乎人们很容易被各种理由说服去购买各种各样的消费品,而不是把钱花在能给他们生活能 带来质的飞跃的地方。 广告想要告诉人们他们需要某个产品是因为能从中获得好处,例如使购买者看起来更 时尚,使任务执行得快一点或好一些,甚至只是因为别人都有的东西你也有。这些理 由可能会给个人带来有限的好处如提高社会地位,但对社会这个整体来说几乎没有什么好 处。很明显这是因为大多数制造商的目标是增加销售额,而不是像一个为公众谋福利的组 织那样运作。 结论就是,广告的目的主要是鼓励商品购买而不考虑商品对社会整体的价值。这导致 许多人把钱花在他们实际上并不需要的东西上,而在他们确实需要的东西上却用得不够。


  Many people nowadays suggest that high sales of consumer goods, particularly in more developed societies, is the result of the power of advertising rather than any real need for these products. Generally speaking, I disagree with this notion and will outline my reasons in this essay.

  At first sight, it might appear that people do not need the latest models of mobile phones or plasma screen TVs. In societies where buying these goods has become commonplace, almost all people already have their basic needs, such as food, clothing, health care and shelter taken care of. At the same time, they have greater disposable incomes. This means that the needs of such societies have changed from the provision of basic needs to the provision of luxury goods.

  There is certainly more advertising in societies where more is consumed. These societies, as mentioned above, have more people with greater disposable incomes, so producers are bound to concentrate their marketing efforts on such societies rather than those where people have smaller amounts of money to spend on consumer goods. The real needs of societies where people have lower incomes (for example, in many African countries) are clearly still basic things like food, drinking water, clothing and health care. In those societies, advertisers concentrate on those products rather than on selling the latest consumer electronics.

  To conclude, I believe that high sales of consumer goods (and the great number of advertisements) reflect high disposable incomes rather than the power of advertising. However, this is not to deny that advertising influences which consumer products people decide to buy. (264 words)

  现今许多人认为消费品的高销售额,尤其在比较发达的社会中,是广告的作用,而不 是由对这些产品的实际需求带来的。总的来说,我不同意这种看法,在这篇论文中我将概 述我的理由。 乍一看人们可能不需要款的手机或等离子电视。在有些国家,购买这些商品已 经很普遍。在那里,人们的基本需求已经得到满足,如食品,衣物,保健用品,容身之所 等。同时,他们还有大量可支配收入。这就是说这些国家人民需求已经从基本商品转移到 商品。 消费更多的国家中广告肯定也更多。这些国家中,像上面提到的那样,有更多拥有大 笔可支配收入的人,所以制造商势必会把他们的市场营销集中在这些国家,而不是人们在 消费品上花钱较少的国家。人们收入较少的国家(如许多非洲国家)的实际需求显然仍是基 本生活品像食品,饮用水,衣物和保健品。在这些国家,广告商主要关注以上的产品而不 是电子产品的销售。 总之,我认为消费品的高销售额(和广告的数量多)反映的是可支配收入高而不是单一 的广告的作用。当然,我们也不能否认广告影响着人们购物取向。

  Â 参考范文中的词汇及结构分析,以及考生可能犯的错误。 1. “I tend to agree that…”这个结构表明作者不想采用某个极端的立场,它表明作者明白 正反双方论点都有合理之处。 2. “Advertising clearly often encourages people to buy more than they need and more often than they need to. In wealthier countries, many families have two or more televisions or even computers.”这两句话说明作者清楚重点在消费品,而不是所有商品。 3. “At the same time, even these wealthier countries have social problems such as poverty and crime. Many communities, again even in the wealthiest countries, suffer from a lack of investment in education and health care.”在这两句话中,作者指出了他/她认为的社 会的真正需求。 4. “Advertising tends to tell people that they need a certain product because of benefits such



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