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剑5 口语 Test1 Part3范文-Famous people in your country

2017-04-19 10:04来源:互联网作者:新航道雅思

摘要:新航道雅思为各位考生推荐复习材料-剑5 口语 Test1 Part3范文-Famous people in your country,需要本单元听力材料的考生,请:剑5Test1听力section2解析;剑桥雅思5Test1听力section3解析。

新航道雅思为各位考生推荐复习材料-剑5 口语 Test1 Part3范文-Famous people in your country,需要本单元听力材料的考生,请:剑5Test1听力section2解析剑桥雅思5Test1听力section3解析


  PART 3

  Famous people in your country

  Example questions:

  • What kind of people become famous people these days?



  unique talent


  patient and persistent

  Well, the kind of people who become famous today are innovative, patient, and super careful with his or her work. They often become fast famous through the new media  of the internet.

  For example, when I was abroad, my friends and I often used the Youtube. And I  happened to find out about the story of the person who invented the Youtube, Steven Chen(陈士骏). He was a nobody before youtube but an international student. But he

  came up with a great idea of sharing video on the internet. He and his friend, Chad Hurley worked really hard at it and then in 2007, Google bought it for 1.65 billion  dollars. And suddenly Steven and Chad are two names that everybody talks about.

  Their fame did not come with luck but more importantly because they think fast and  they invent something that is very valuable to others. So original genius can make a person famous.

  If you are a thinker, and you love the world and want to spread that love to others,  you can usually make some noise. I saw this video on Youtube “freehug”. And it’s about a guy who wants to show people that trust is easy and we need to love and care

  about each other. This has become a popular thing to do among all countries as people go on the street and do the same as him. With the help of the internet and a new idea, he impressed millions of people and inspired many. This kind of people can also

  become famous because try to change the world and make it a better place for others.

  The third kind of people who become famous are the internet stars and entertainment stars. Internet is such a powerful medium and it totally changed the way people know things. Lonely Girl 15 is a good example. This girl was a common girl, but because

  she’s always showing her life on the internet and she’s so cute and innocent. Millions of people begin to watch her life. So she’s a grassroot star made by herself.

  Anyway, if you want to become famous, the internet is obviously a great tool in the 21 st century. (369 wds)

  • Is this different from the kind of achievement that made people famous in the past?

  Most famous people in the past have done contribution to the society, almost all of them sacrificed something and create a positive influence towards other people. Some of them died for the country when they were still very young, some of them were

  handicapped but still not giving up, some of them worked like crazy for the public. So in a sense, they all had a very tragic story in their lives. (72 wds)

  • How do you think people will become famous in the future? The world is so fast now. And there’re so many people around us. If you want to become famous in the future, you should have a strong personality that makes yourself so different from others.

  And you need to have a tremendous confidence in what you do. You also have to be really good at competing with others and marketing yourself. Just so that you can be the next famous person. (70 wds)

  Being in the public eye

  Example questions:

  • What are the good things about being famous? Are there any disadvantages?


  If you’re famous, there’re so many people paying attention to you all the time. And you will never feel lonely again. And being a celebrity, you are always attending events, such as award show, fashion

  show, sports events and meet other famous people, so your life is very hip, very happening. Life is colorful and full. When you’re famous, you have lots of privileges. And because you know so many powerful people, you can get things done so easily.

  Since so many people admire you, you can be their model. What you say and what  you do can influence them. So when you’re famous, you can really be inspiration for other people’s lives. You can make a difference. (118 wds)


  When you’re famous, other people are always watching you. You lose your most important thing, your freedom and even your privacy. Newspapers are always trying to find some interesting news about you. And you are always under a lot of pressure.

  You even have to disguise yourself when you go shopping or people will recognize you. You feel you’re living in a public prison.

  You’re always on the run. You’re so busy with your work that you don’t even have the time to enjoy life and spend the money your work has brought you. So in this sense, being famous can only be a short time in your life. The entertainment business

  is not easy.

  When you’re famous, you don’t want to, but you become a public idol and role model for the society. When something happens, the expectation of the society on you is very high. So you do things that you don’t really want to but you have to just because

  you don’t want to disappoint the public who looks up to you.

  How does the media in your country treat famous people?  Most media, including newspaper and TV are reasonably respectful to famous people. Yes, they’re interested in their private lives, but the media still keep a distance.  Unlike the western me,Chinese media are more respectful and less aggressive. So famous people should feel happy in China. (231 wds)

  • Why do you think ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people?

  I think curiosity is reason number one. Because everybody wants to be famous and living the glamorous life, yet not everyone can be famous, so they want to read news about famous people and imagine what their lives are like.

  Nothing wrong about that, right?

  I think the public want to be like the stars. So they’re reading articles about them, looking at famous people’s pictures and imitate their lives. As a result, the public feel  like a star too.


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