2018-06-28 16:58来源:互联网作者:上海管理员
摘要:剑桥雅思13Test2雅思口语Part2话题+范文。题目:Describe a time when you started using a new technological device (e.g. a new computer or phone).You should say:what device you started usingwhy you started using this devicehow easy or difficult it was to use and explain how helpful this device was to you.
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Describe a time when you started using a new technological device (e.g. a new computer or phone). You should say: what device you started using why you started using this device how easy or difficult it was to use and explain how helpful this device was to you. |
The piece of equipment I would like to describe for you is a PC that my parents bought for me when I was in junior school, so I was about 11. I vividly remember when my Mum brought it home from the shop; the box was just enormous, I swear;it was nearly as big as I was. We unpacked it together and set it up. It was mostly black but had a mutli-coloured screen with some quite large speakers.
She bought it so that I could use it for my courses and studying, you know, to do some English essays or even Chinese ones. At the beginning, I think it was quite difficult to use, but I soon got used to it, I'm a clever girl that way even then, and often ended up teaching my parents how to do things too. To be honest, I also played quite a few games on it, but don't tell my folks that: it's a secret!!
As for how helpful it was, the word extremely comes to mind. I could often organise things like my assignments or my homework and often found that using the word-processor was much easier and convenient than writing by hand. Correcting things on paper was, and still is, a nightmare. I'm always wanting to change things and edit the text. It gets really messy when I have to write it, but when I can type it,it just allows me to make it neat and tidy. Over the years I've upgraded to a laptop,but my useage is still the same. My university course is very demanding and I'm often required to do copious amounts of research both in the library and on-line, so for me, it's invaluable.
I'd like to talk about my smartphone. I got my first one when I was about13 years old in high school. It was a birthday gift from my mother, which really surprised me. I remember that I was nagging my parents for months about this, and neither of them caved. So, when they gave me my first bit of technology it was a pleasant shock.
As for why I started using it, or more specifically wanting it, at the time, being a teenager I wanted what everyone else had. I figured I could also use it to play games,oops, I mean study really hard, HaHa. I would never use a smartphone for games.At least, thats what my mother thinks
For the first couple of days, if I'm honest, I had no clue about how to use it. I was just like a small baby with a new toy. I kept pressing all the buttons until something worked. In the end, I actually logged on to the internet to find some helpful books. After I had found some user manuals, I found it was intuitive to operate. By the end of the third day, I was a dab hand at the OS and was downloading educational software and showing my mother.
It was very throughout high school for my social life. I was able to keep in touch with, not only my family, but also my classmates using Apps like WeChat and WeiBo. I could also follow my favourite stars and see what they're up to. Somehow,I convinced my mother that this was part of my sociology research. I don't think she entirely believed me, but I'm not sure.
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
雅思入门段(A段)6-10人班 | 6-10人 | 80课时 | ¥18800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思强化段(C段)6-10人班 | 6-10人 | 101课时 | ¥26800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思全程段(A+B+C段)6-10人班 | 6-10人 | 192课时 | ¥45800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思精讲段(B段)6-10人班 | 6-10人 | 96课时 | ¥25800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思口语单项班 | 15-20人 | 按需定制 | ¥ | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
雅思强化段(C段)20-30人班 | 20-30人 | 96课时 | ¥8800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思精讲段(B段)20-30人班 | 20-30人 | 96课时 | ¥7800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思全程班(A+B+C段)20-30人班 | 20-30人 | 192课时 | ¥13800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
雅思强化段(C段)6-10人班住宿班 | 6-10人 | 152 | ¥28800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思全程班(A+B+C段)6-10人班住宿 | 6-10人 | 304课时 | ¥50800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思精讲段(B段)6-10人班住宿班 | 6-10人 | 152课时 | ¥29800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思入门段(A段)6-10人班(住宿) | 6-10人 | 80课时 | ¥20800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思3周特训住宿班 | 10 | 228 | ¥30800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
雅思强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿班 | 20-30人 | 96课时 | ¥8800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班住宿 | 20-30人 | 192课时 | ¥15800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思精讲段(B段)20-30人班住宿班 | 20-30人 | 96课时 | ¥9800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
雅思一对一 | 1人 | 按需定制 | ¥980元 | 在线咨询 |
雅思托福预备班 | 6-10人 | 50 | ¥9800 | 在线咨询 |
雅思免费试听课 | 不限 | ¥0元 | 在线咨询 | |
雅思口语5月新题刷题实战营 | ¥999 | 在线咨询 |
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