2018-06-28 16:52来源:互联网作者:上海管理员
摘要:剑桥雅思13Test2雅思口语Part1话题+范文1. Are you happy to be the age you are now? [Why? /Why not?]参考答案1Yes, for sure. I'm really happy to be18 because I think this is the best age in my life.I can do anything I want and know my future is still in front of me. This may change when I get older, but for now. I love it.参考答案2To be honest, not really. You know, I'm currently a university student studying International Business Management and the workload is huge, actually phenomenal would be a better word. So, I think right now, it isn't too brilliant, but I'm hoping the near future is better.
1. Are you happy to be the age you are now? [Why? /Why not?]
Yes, for sure. I'm really happy to be18 because I think this is the best age in my life.I can do anything I want and know my future is still in front of me. This may change when I get older, but for now. I love it.
To be honest, not really. You know, I'm currently a university student studying International Business Management and the workload is huge, actually phenomenal would be a better word. So, I think right now, it isn't too brilliant, but I'm hoping the near future is better.
2. When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future? [Why? /Why not?]
If you ask me, which you did,r' ve always thought a lot about my future. When I was a kid, I wanted to be like my parents. My Mums a teacher and my Dad's in the army and I remember admiring them since I was small. They just seemed so happy and well,sort of organised, or got what they wanted out of life
Not that much, actually. I was too busy enjoying my life as a child and quite often just playing in the mud! I didn t want to think too much about the future, because it bored me. I do think about it more now that I'm older, as that kids future has now arrived.
3. Do you think you have changed as you have got older? [Why? /Why not?]
Yes, I think so. I feel that I've grown up and become more mature. I realise the importance of studying hard now, whereas previously I just used to play games with my friends. Responsible, yes, I think I also become more responsible for my own life and know more what I want and how to get it
No, I don't. I don't believe that a person's character or personality change over time.They may learn from experience and become more mature and wiser, but their base beliefs will always remain the same. If you are a kind and generous person when you re three, you'll be the same when you're thirty three.
4. What will be different about your life in the future? [Why?]
Well, I think firstly, I will be more independent. I'm planning to have my own house and car, rather than relying on my folks or my husband, maybe outside of Beijing. I'll be working in the not too distant future, and will have a steady income for a job that enjoy.
Oh,lots! For a start I'll probably have a family in the not too distant future.Probably one husband and two children, a boy and a girl would be perfect. Or should it be two husbands and one child, no I think that sounds too much like hard work But seriously, I ll be working, with a family whom I love and a child to raise and offer a future to.
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雅思强化段(C段)6-10人班住宿班 | 6-10人 | 152 | ¥28800 | 在线咨询 |
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雅思强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿班 | 20-30人 | 96课时 | ¥8800 | 在线咨询 |
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