

2018-06-27 17:21来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:剑桥雅思13Test1雅思口语Part3话题+范文1. What kinds of jobs do young people want to do in your country?参考答案1Well, I think young people prefer to do some creative and challenging jobs in my country. You know, most young people have explorative and innovative spirit;they don't like their life being the same every day. They would be bored of it. They want to get a creative job and live a good life. If they want, they are more able to talk to their boss to express their opinion. I think these kinds of jobs are nearly perfect,which is why most young people want to do them.参考答案2I think that a lot of the younger generation these days don't really mind what job they do as long as it earns them a lot of money. Me, for example, I'd like to use my English in some way, but am not all that fussed and really


1. What kinds of jobs do young people want to do in your country?


Well, I think young people prefer to do some creative and challenging jobs in my country. You know, most young people have explorative and innovative spirit;they don't like their life being the same every day. They would be bored of it. They want to get a creative job and live a good life. If they want, they are more able to talk to their boss to express their opinion. I think these kinds of jobs are nearly perfect,which is why most young people want to do them.


I think that a lot of the younger generation these days don't really mind what job they do as long as it earns them a lot of money. Me, for example, I'd like to use my English in some way, but am not all that fussed and really just want as large a pay check as possible at the end of the month.


2. Who is best at advising young people about choosing a job: teachers or parents?


To be honest, I think it is a hard question for me, because in my lite, my teachers and parents all give me some suggestions about choosing a job. But actually, I think teachers are best. When I was in high school, my head teacher alway talked to me about my study and job for the future. She knows everything about my study life,such as styles, suitable ways of study and so on, even my character and attitude. So I believe she can give me more objective suggestions than my parents.


Absolutely, parents! They are the most knowledgeable about their children.When I was very young they always taught me how to study and how to be a responsible person. Referring to finding a job, they always had some great suggestions, ideas and advice. In fact, they still do.


3. Is money always the most important thing when choosing a job?


I would say not probably. But first, I admit money is an important thing when you're choosing a job, because this directly effects your standard of living. But money isn't always the most important thing, because if you get a job which earns much money but actually you don't like it, you will feel bored and bad soon. So in my opinion, I think the most important thing is your interest and whether it suits you.


Most definitely. If people can't, or don't, make enough money they will not have a good future. For example, they won't be able to buy a house, or a car, or even pay for their child's education. So, I think it's absolutely crucial that money is at the forefront of any decision about a job or career.


4. Do you agree that many people nowadays are under pressure to work longer hours and take less holiday?


I would say,yes. You know, my country is China and has the largest population on the planet so there is immense competition for each job, or position in a company.If you don't excel and have a good education there are always 1,000 people behind you that do. A good work ethic is also necessary to keep the job and hard work an overtime is expected for exactly the same reason.


NO, I don't agree with that at all. People do it to themselves,it's their own faul.lt is vital that people have a good work-life balance and most of the time it's the employees, you know, the workers, that put this out of whack rather than the managers.Money is sometimes glorified too much, and people occasionally forget what's really important.


5. What is the impact on society of people having a poor work-life balance?


I think that it would have a negative effect on society as well as the family unit,not to mention the individual's own health. If all they do is work, yes, the money might be great, but the happiness value will go through the floor which has been known to destroy marriages. This in turn can break up families and leave children in limbo,and as the future of any society is its children, that is disastrous.


The largest impacts would be on a person's physical and psychological health.Workers may have no time to exercise, or even just get enough rest. They are often in a constant state of mental distress and self-given pressure in order to make ends meet and provide for their family. Overall, this is a fast downward spiral that easily gets out of control and is very hard to come back from.


6. Could you recommend some effective strategies for governments and employers to ensure people have a good work-life balance?


I think that the government should implement a system where there are a fixed number of hours that a person can work, and if that member of staff exceeds this,then there is some kind of punishment for the company. I think that if you just offer people overtime at, say, double pay, then the people will take it rather than spend more time with their families


Wow, you don't ask easy questions!! Thinking about it, I suppose the government or the companies could introduce some rules or incentives to workers that don't exceed a certain number of working hours per week. You could also use the stick sometimes too and have fines for the managers if their staff work too much.










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