2018-06-21 15:34来源:互联网作者:上海管理员
摘要:剑桥雅思13Test4雅思阅读passage 3真题+解析,此题型是填空题的一种,为概括总结型题目,在雅思阅读中难度适中。此题分为两种考查方式,有词库与没有词库。没有词库的 Summary 需要注意填空字数限制,原词填空;而有词库的 Summary除了要找到原文中合适的原词,还有极大的可能需要在题目的词库中找到该词的同义替换词。此题型着重考查对原文一段或几段甚至全文的大意补充完整。句与句之间在原文中跨度可能略大,偶尔会出现乱序,所以如果定位词处找不到答案,可向上或向下多读几句;概括总结题逻辑性很强,也可从题目上下文推断是否有并列、转折因果或比较等关系,以此帮助快速找到答案。本题属于有词库 Summary。
剑桥雅思13Test4雅思阅读passage 3真题+解析
体载 | 议论文 |
主要内容 | 本文对《幸福产业》一书及其作者哲学观点进行了点评 |
结构 | 第1段:积极心理学的内涵。 |
第2段:积极心理学的支持者的哲学理论缺陷。 | |
第3段:《幸福产业》的作者提出的观点及该书的优点。 | |
第4段: Bentham提出量化幸福的两种方法。 | |
第5段:人的行为可以被塑造。 | |
第6段:促进幸福不应当是政府的责任。 |
Questions 27-29
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 27-29 on your answer sheet.
27 What is the reviewer’s attitude to advocates of positive psychology?
A They are wrong to reject the ideas of Bentham.
B They are over-influenced by their study of Bentham’s theories.
C They have a fresh new approach to ideas on human happiness.
D They are ignorant about the ideas they should be considering.
28 The reviewer refers to the Greek philosopher Aristotle in order to suggest that happiness
A may not be just pleasure and the absence of pain.
B should not be the main goal of humans.
C is not something that should be fought for.
D is not just an abstract concept.
29 According to Davies, Bentham’s suggestion for linking the price of goods to happiness was significant because
A it was the first successful way of assessing happiness.
B it established a connection between work and psychology.
C it was the first successful example of psychological research.
D it involved consideration of the rights of consumers.
●题目类型:Multiple choice
Questions 30-34
Complete the summary using the list of words A-G below.
Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 30-34 on your answer sheet.
Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Bentham was active in other areas besides philosophy. In the 1790s he suggested a type of technology to improve 30.................. for different Government departments. He developed a new way of printing banknotes to increase 31.................. and also designed a method for the 32................... of food. He also drew up plans for a prison which allowed the 33.................. of prisoners at all times, and believed the same design could be used for other institutions as well. When researching happiness, he investigated possibilities for its 34.................. ,and suggested some methods of doing this.
A measurement B security C implementation D profits E observation F communication G preservation |
Questions 30-34
●题目类型: Summary
此题型是填空题的一种,为概括总结型题目,在雅思阅读中难度适中。此题分为两种考查方式,有词库与没有词库。没有词库的 Summary 需要注意填空字数限制,原词填空;而有词库的 Summary除了要找到原文中合适的原词,还有极大的可能需要在题目的词库中找到该词的同义替换词。此题型着重考查对原文一段或几段甚至全文的大意补充完整。句与句之间在原文中跨度可能略大,偶尔会出现乱序,所以如果定位词处找不到答案,可向上或向下多读几句;概括总结题逻辑性很强,也可从题目上下文推断是否有并列、转折因果或比较等关系,以此帮助快速找到答案。本题属于有词库 Summary。
Questions 35-40
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the w riter
NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the w riter
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the w riter thinks about this
35 One strength of The Happiness Industry is its discussion of the relationship between psychology and economics.
36 It is more difficult to measure some emotions than others.
37 Watson's ideas on behaviourism were supported by research on humans he carried out before 1915.
38 Watson's ideas have been most influential on governments outside America.
39 The need for happiness is linked to industrialisation.
40 A main aim of government should be to increase the happiness of the population.
Questions 35-40
此题类型属于细节题,是雅思阅读中难度较低的题型。此题型考查题目信息与原文信息的关系。在解题时,根据题目当中的定位词找到原文中相关的同义替换词:如果题目与原文表述的信息一致,答案为YES;如果题目与原文表述的信息矛盾,答案为NO;如果题目信息在原文中并未出现或并不矛盾,答案为 NOT GIVEN。注意:包含比较的判断题,以下两种情况选择NG:1、比较双方在原文中少了任意一方;2、原文中比较双方都出现了,但两者并没有比较。
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