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雅思口语范文:Describe a person who likes to travel by plane

2017-05-17 15:10来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语范文:Describe a person who likes to travel by plane

      雅思口语范文:Describe a person who likes to travel by plane。三篇范文,其中有一篇模板范文,有一篇雅思高分学员的范文,请烤鸭参考!

雅思口语范文:Describe a person who likes to travel by plane

  Describe a person who likes to travel by plane.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how you know this person

  where this person travels to

      and explain why this person likes to travel by plane.


  I think this person would be my father. He is a engineer. Due to his work, he has to travel a lot around the country and sometimes go abroad. And almost two-third of the time in a month, he is on business trips. So he really travels a lot, to see his clients, to attend some conferences and to do some market research in different cities. He says he enjoys traveling by plane mainly because it is the quickest and the most efficient transportation means, so he can make full use of the flight time to do his own work or just enjoy a sound sleep on the plane.

  Of course, all the pilots and flight attendants are well trained and usually provide hospitable services, making his journey easier and more comfortable. And this is another reason why he prefers to travel by plane.

  By the way, as my father travel by plane frequently and now he has come a VIP in many airline companies, so he always purchases some tickets in a lower price. And whenever he takes a long journey, he is well prepared, never forgeting to take his own eyepatch, pillow and blanket.


  I think this person would be my father who is an engineer. Due to his work, he has got loads of clients to the big cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou, and even in other countries. And almost two-third of the time in a month, he is on business trip to meet clients, attend meetings and tackle some severe problems. That’s why he has travelled a lot especially by air to different places.

  I feel that as for a businessman, taking the airplane would save him much time and he is able to finish his work with high efficiency. Sometimes the price of a flight ticket can be negligible if he successfully make orders with clients. Also, the service on the plane is much better than that on the train. The flight attendance will offer various beverages and food, and the passengers can even ask for free blankets and back cushion. The passengers on the plane are not as many as that on the train, which makes the plane a cosy place for relaxation. My father always tells me that the quietness on the plane makes it possible for him to take a rest between the two cities. I think that’s the main reason why he insists on taking planes for business trip.



  I’d like to talk about my classmate XXX. I’ve never seen anyone who’s so obsessed with traveling by air. As far as I can remember, he has never taken other means of transportations ever since I knew him. No matter where his destinations are, he would book an air ticket.

  He says the reason as to why he likes taking the plane is that he enjoys the impeccable service and comfortable environment. He can enjoy the in-flight entertainment, like watching movies or listening to the music. And the food provided by some airlines is palatable, even the stuff served in the economy class. And he thinks flight attendants are extremely hospitable and considerate. It’s always lovely traveling with them/He really enjoys their company.

  I remember once, we planned to take a trip to Shenyang which is only 3 hours’ drive from my hometown. So as you can see it’s quite near. I thought we could take the train, which would only take us at most 5 hours. And we can have lots of fun on the train, for example, we can play poker or other board games, ‘cause, you know, there’s a small table on the sleeper. It’s quite spacious. And we can also enjoy the gorgeous scenery along the way. Plus, the ticket is much cheaper. However, he insisted that we should fly. He said it would be a lot faster, ‘cause he didn’t want to waste any time on the road.

  I couldn’t convince him, so I just give in. So, you see, that’s how much he likes to travel by air.


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