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雅思Part2范文:Describe someone who is older than you that you admire

2017-05-17 14:42来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语Part2范文:Describe someone who is older than you that you admire。新航道雅思培训团队给大家带来了四篇雅思口语模板,有主题说的是当代雷锋-郭明义,有雅思高分范文,还有外国友人的范文哦,男女通用!

  雅思口语Part2范文:Describe someone who is older than you that you admire,新航道雅思培训团队给大家带来了四篇雅思口语模板,有主题说的是当代雷锋-郭明义,有雅思高分范文,还有外国友人的范文哦,男女通用!

  Describe someone who is older than you that you admire

  > You should say:

  > who the personis

  > how you got to know this person

  > what kind of person he or she is

  > and explain why you admire this person.

雅思口语Part2范文:Describe someone who is older than you that you admire

  The old person I admire is Guo Mingyi, an ordinary worker, but he is called the living Lei Feng. (Lei Feng, a person in the history kindly doing good deeds to loads of people he never knew, now refers to people who are willing to help others.) I got to know him from the reports about him on newspaper and internet, telling his story of donating money to students in poor regions, donating his blood for over 20 years, setting up a voluntary group to help those in need. The continuous donation took up a large part of his income, while his family still lived in an old small house provided by his factory. I admire him for his selflessness and dedication which impacted millions of people in China.

  In 1982, Guo retired from the army where he stayed for five years, during the time his hardworking and kindness to others was highly praised. In 1979, he made his first donation to people suffering earthquake in Yunnan province, with all his savings as a soldier. In 1990, he joined the Blood Donation activity organized by his factory, and he kept on doing it from then on, once, sometimes twice, a year. What's more, he advocated among his colleagues who joined the voluntary group he founded to donate blood. An increasing number of people around were influenced by his deeds and joined his group. Once a person in need of rare blood type, Rh-negative blood, turned to him for help, for there was no that kind of blood store in the hospital, Guo spread the news to the internet as an emergency. People around the China in the blood volunteered to help, whose blood successfully saved the dying person. From then on, Guo realized the usefulness of internet, and set up an online group welcoming anyone to join. Now, there are plenty of groups named after him around the China, whose members are ready to donate their blood to those in need.



  Someone I admire who is older than me is my grandpa. My grandpa is in his 70s now and he is has settled into a quiet retirement life in place in the suburbs that my parents bought for him. In my mind, he is an intelligent person because of his ways of educating and getting through to others. He has made my father into the man he is today and also gave me a strong foundation on my life. My grandpa loves playing Chinese chess so when we’re together we play Chinese chess and when we play, he is able to use the chess moves I make to tell me many life philosophies and the mindset involved in me making my moves. He always thinks ahead and he can organize a plan of attack before I can even realize I made a huge mistake. Through playing chess, I learned many things and my grandpa uses these philosophies from chess and applies it in real life examples to educate me. I think I got a lot of wonderful influences from my grandpa and I’m glad a have a person like to teach me.



      Describe an old person you admire.

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how long you have known him/ her

  what qualities he/ she has

  and say why you admire him/ her.

      Possible Answer 1:

  This is an easy topic for me as I know exactly who I want to tell you about! I’ll say who she is, how long I have known her, a bit about her special qualities and why I admire her so much.

  I don’t think of this person as old, but I suppose she is because she will be 90 next year, and that’s certainly a good age. She is a distant cousin of mine, she now lives in a residential nursing home, which makes me sad, but she has had a full and interesting life and done many amazing, brave and brilliant things.

  I think I have known her about twenty one years, but the story of how we came to be friends is a little strange. I was about to go travelling to Australia, and was staying with my parents in London overnight before catching a plane from Heathrow the following day. Whilst I was there my parents told me about this distant cousin who had been in a road accident and was in a hospital. She was/is a very well educated woman with many academic and cultural interests, and they were wondering what to take her to read during her stay. I offered some of my collection of short story books. I wasn’t sure they would be to her taste, they dealt with political issues and were not by any means what I would have expected an elderly sick relative to be interested in. The volumes were by Alice Walker, Susan Hill and other such writers.

  My cousin loved them! She wrote to me whilst I was in Australia to tell me, and also mentioned that she herself had worked in Australia for many years. She had a very illustrious career as a paediatric pathologist, but also did research on things like mammalian hearts which took her all over the world. She asked me to look up an old friend of hers whilst I was there, which I did with some reluctance as I wasn’t sure what I’d find. I met another amazing woman who lived in the middle of a beautiful rainforest and was passionate about conservation. When I came back to England a year later, I visited my cousin to tell her all about my travels, and that was the beginning of an ongoing friendship. We have always corresponded with one another and I find her wise and a great role model. We have shared interests and I think our personalities are also rather alike – for better or worse! Opinionated and stubborn at times, but also caring very much about the world and those around us and constantly curious and restless. Endlessly wanting to go and explore and experience new things. We share a wanderlust at least!

  My cousin is intelligent, well-travelled and very independent. She has insight and great skill in academic writing. Over the years I’ve shared with her my own writing efforts, looked to her for advice on what to do when facing certain decisions, and gained inspiration from her lifestyle. She is very good at setting herself goals and getting on with things – it would be fair to say she doesn’t suffer fools gladly, so she is certainly someone who will put you straight on things. I think of her as a ‘critical friend’ I know she cares about me a lot, as I do her, but that doesn’t mean she’ll indulge me at all if she feels I’m being foolish in any way. She never married, and I too am on my own, so I think we sort of understand one another, and we both like our own space, which can be confusing for some people at times.

  I admire her hugely, her health is frail now, and that makes me sad, but she has achieved so much in her career, life and network of friends. If I can do half as well in the time I have I’ll be very content with that!


  Possible Answer 2:

  The aged person whom I really admire and like is my grandmother. From my childhood, she has always been a caring person and loved me very much. Till now she is a good friend of mine with whom I share so many of my personal information. She is a benevolent and good person who possesses a good heart. She tries to help others with her highest efforts. I know her from my childhood as she has been living with us for a long and we have lots of happy memories together.

  She is a successful mother of 4, including my father. She has devoted her entire life for the betterment of her kids and made them educated and helped them greatly to be established. She possesses a nice and charming personality that always pleases people around her. She is a kind and a wise woman.

  I love and admire her for many different reasons. The most important reason is because of her unconditional love and affection for me. She is a good mentor who can show me positive ways and guide me in my distressing time. Talking to her is a soothing experience and the stories she tells are always attractive and full of morality. I have learned many positive attitudes and good thinking from her. For all those reasons and a strong bonding between us, I admire her very much.


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