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A family member that you have spent the most time with

2017-05-17 17:05来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part2话题范文:Describe a family member that you are mostly close to

        雅思口语part2话题范文:Describe a family member that you are mostly close to.这是去年的雅思高频话题,不过说不定哪天就会重回话题库,所以烤鸭还是早作准备!以下是新航道整理的两篇雅思口语高分范文,拿走不谢!

  Describe a family member that you are mostly close to

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  What this person looks like

  What do you like to do with him/her

  And explain why you are very close to this person


  I have got 6 family members and all of them are very dear and close to me. If I need to pick one family member among them to talk about, that would be my father.

  My father’s name is XXX and he is around 50 years old. He is the kind of person I would want my offspring to be. He did his graduation in a time when formal education was not people’s first choice. They would rather start earning from work rather than going to school. My father fought to ensure his education with the people who thought working or doing some sort of business has more value than education. But my father believed that education is the most important part of a man’s life. He heartily held the idea that education shapes a man’s life and is the kind of power and asset that would always accompany him.

  I have lots of memories of my father and I see him every day. That’s why I’m close to him. There exists a strong bonding between us that only two of us feel. I still remember those days of my childhood when I used to wait in the evening for my father to return from office. He would then play with me and help on completing my lessons. I vividly remember him sometimes taking me to the market and buy me gifts. When I was an infant he moved to the city from the village to ensure me better schooling and environment. That was a decision that has changed my life path. He himself helped me finishing my home works and lessons, always allured me of gifts if I could complete my study. Besides my education he taught me lots of moral values and important things of life.

  He used to work in a Government organization and for his hard-working and kindness; he is revered by all of our relatives, his friends and neighbors.

  He believes in humanity, good behavior, our creator, and leads a life that can be exemplary. He still does most of his own works and helps my mom on her house hold works. After retirement he has picked 2 new habits: gardening and teaching neighbors’ kids. He is a quiet and intelligent man who has benevolent heart and that what make him so admirable to me. He is still the pillar of our family and all of our family members love and respect him very much.

雅思口语part2话题范文:Describe a family member that you are mostly close to



  Describe a family member that you are mostly close to.

  You should say:

  Who the family member is

  What you know about this person

  What kind of person he/she is

  And explain why you are close to him/her

  I have a younger sister and I love to spend time with her. She is also fond of me and loves to be with me always.

  I am 20 and Georgina, my younger sister, is a teen now and I prefer to spend most of my time with her when I am at home. She is in her secondary grades and loves drawing images of nature, and landscapes. Sometimes, I instruct her on drawing images, solving her math problems, complete her homework and many more. She prefers to be with me as I do not behave impolite with her and try to make everything simple to her. She believes that I am the smartest brother in the world as I solve almost all of her problems. On the other side, I also miss her when I am out home for my academic activities in college. She waits eagerly for me round the day and when I get back at home, she jumps on me. She never leaves me alone at home and I also prefer to be with her always.

  She is an amicable person and owns a very smart and intelligent brain. She is tall with her dark brown eyes. She is highly kind in nature and loves to make friends in her real life. But she has one negative aspect. She is a bit hot tempered as well. Nobody knows when she will be angry and mostly she turns angry with the petty issues. Once I made late to pick her from her school and she did not talk with me for the remaining part of the day. At first, it was difficult for me and later I discovered my mistake and apologised to her, bought some chocolates to resume the relation. But she is generous in nature and loves to share everything with people. Often she shares her foods with her friends and classmates in the school which I am proud of indeed.

  Both of us love to watch movies. Whenever we have enough time, we start watching movies and she prefers to watch the action movies of Hollywood and I also prefer such movies. Besides, I like to read and I read out loud the stories that I prefer most. She appears to be a bored with my attempt of reading as my pronunciation of English is not in the right tone (after her opinion). In that case, I ask her to complete the story and she dumps my proposal. Sometimes both of us go for fishing at the adjacent lake. My fishing luck is not as good as her- she gets fishes often and I do not. Moreover, we also participate in chess. She is a great chess player and it becomes tougher for me to beat her. Before going to school every day, she comes to me for remembering all the activities to be done in the evening together.

  In my family, I am the elder son of my parents while she is the second and smallest. The age difference is not so much between us. I like to spend most of the times with her for many reasons. The first thing is that she is like my best friend. I share all of my events with her as like she does with me. I like to share my foods, my attires, my money … everything. On the other side, she also feels for me. She misses me always and as her brother, I am like her world. My parents always adore the cordial relationship between us and I think they are happy too. My dad is a businessman and passes most of the time out of home and mom being a homemaker remains busy with the domestic chores always. So, we two do not have anyone to accompany us and thus I like to spend most of the times of the day with my younger sister.


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