

2017-05-11 20:19来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



What are the different types of meeting that people often go to?

人们 常 参加 的 会议 有 内部 例会、 外部 交流会、 工作 或 学术 讨论会 等。

答案1:There are many different types of meetings that are categorized by contents of discussion or attendants or venue, etc. But people go to work meetings most often, where people meet to discuss their work and that often produce a product or intangible result such as a decision.

答案2:As far as I know, there are six types of meetings by function: problem- solving, decision- making, planning, feedforward (which is about status reporting or presenting new information), feedback, about reacting and evaluating, and finally combination meetings.


2. Some people say that no- one likes to go to meetings — what do you think?

有很 多人 不喜欢 参加 会议, 主要 是因为 有些 会议 的 时间 过长、 效率 不高、 不能 解决 实际问题。 但是 只要 与会者 明确 会议 内容、 提高 会议 效率, 开会 也就 不是 件 令人 难受 的 事 了。 考生 可 根据 自我 理解 将 这些 内容 加以 表述。

答案1: I can’ t agree more. Personally I never liked going to meetings. They are long, and boring, full of red- tapes. I always wonder when people would learn not to waste time. Some meetings I attended are not productive at all, or even counterproductive. I don’ t like meetings.

答案2:Please allow me to respectfully disagree. Though many people may not like to attend meetings, they’ re still important in business, work, study and life. First, people need communication and update of information. Second, exchange of ideas can produce creativity and innovation. Apparently, meetings can facilitate both.


3. Why can it sometimes be important to go to meetings?

会议 本身 具有 极其重要 的 意义, 它是 不同 人群 聚集 在一起 交流 讨论 的 重要 方式, 有助于 工作学 习 的 进展 和 安排。 而且 各项 重要 通知、 决策 都是 在 会议上 进行 通知 和 决定 的, 这些 会议 都是 非常 重要 并且 需要 去 参加 的。

答案1: Meetings are important because no one can be a lone ranger in today’ s society. Everyone is linked to each other in some way. And since the discrepancy of information and knowledge among people is inevitable, it necessitates constant updates of information and exchange of ideas, all of which can be perfectly achieved through meetings.

答案2: Like I said before, meetings are important in many aspects of our life. People need communication and update of information and exchange of ideas is also necessary to produce creativity and innovation. Meetings can facilitate both of them. That’ s why it’ s important to go to meetings sometimes. 4. Why do you think world leaders often have meetings together?


4. Why do you think world leaders often have meetings together?

世界各国 的 领导 人们 经常 召集 在一起 举行 会议 主要 是 为了 更好 的 交流 问题、 解决问题。 这是 国际 事务 协调 解决 的 重要 手段, 也是 各国 进行 对外 交流 的 重要 途径。

答案1:One of the major purposes for world leaders to meet together is to build mutual trust and strengthen bilateral relationship. Apparently, growing international trade has increasingly entailed more and more international frictions. But a good mutual relationship can help to ease it up.

答案2:Nowadays the world has becoming more globalized and countries closer than ever before. As a result, many international affairs can’ t be solved without collaborate efforts, which necessitates meetings at various levels, including that of world leaders.


5. What possible difficulties might be involved in organizing meetings between world leaders?

全球 的 们 都是 非常 繁忙 的 人物, 协调 与会 人员 的 时间 一定 是 件 困难 的 事。 同时 会议 地点、 议题 等 也 将是 会议 组织者 需要 仔细 考虑 的 问题。

答案1:Indeed, it’ s difficult to organize a meeting at an international level especially when it concerns world leaders, who are not like any street boys. They are big shots with busy schedules and need high level of security, all of which have to be carefully considered. Plus a well- prepared agenda also is needed. Of course, no one wants to pay from the public purse for the world leaders to fly in and sit together just to chitchat.

答案2:Apart from the difficulties concerning time, security and agenda, language is another problem,since no one can guarantee the world leaders understand all that’ s being discussed without proper translation. Sometimes there may be some mistranslation, which is really bad because this may lead to misunderstanding between world leaders which in turn might bring about conflicts and frictions between different countries.


6. Do you think that meetings between international leaders will become more frequent in the future? Or will there be less need for world leaders to meet?

未来 国际 间的 交流 和 合作 会 越来越 紧密, 全球 之间 的 会议 交流 也会 越来越多, 只有 这样 世界各国 之间 的 合作 才会 更 紧密, 冲突 与 争端 才会 更好 的 化解。

答案1:I believe yes. I also believe international cooperation will become more common and meetings between international leaders more frequent, because this can help to establish mutual trust and reduce international conflicts and frictions.

答案2: I’ m not sure about this, since I’ m not an expert on international politics. But one thing I’ m sure about is that the world is becoming smaller and country closer, therefore things need to be done to avoid any possible conflicts, be it world meetings or whatever. I just wish to live in a world of peace.


胡敏. 新航道·新航道学校指定雅思(IELTS)培训教材:剑桥雅思真题全解8










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