2017-03-09 17:35来源:互联网作者:上海管理员
摘要:看来雅思考试还是很喜欢考到剑桥雅思的原题吗。今天要分享的剑8雅思口语Test2Part1范文-magazines and newspapers,其实从去年开始到今天上半年都是热门口语话题
看来雅思考试还是很喜欢考到剑桥雅思的原题吗。今天要分享的剑8雅思口语Test2Part1范文-magazines and newspapers,其实从去年开始到今天上半年都是热门口语话题,新航道团队此前也在上海雅思培训班上分享过该话题范文,具体请:雅思口语话题范文-Newspaper &Magazine
剑8雅思口语Test2Part1范文-magazines and newspapers分析
1. Which magazines and newspapers do you read? [Why?]
杂志的类别有很多,有大众休闲杂志,有学术杂志,还有一种叫做 sensational magazine 的类 别?(厚薄有点像报纸,版面也较大,主要就是用一些故事或内容创造一些轰动,常登一些名人花边新闻等,类似于狗仔队杂志吧)。不管读报纸还是杂志,基本上就是为了获取一些信息,有可能是休闲的目的,也有可能是教育的目的。
2. What kinds of articles are you most interested in? [why?]
3. Have you ever read a magazine or newspaper in a foreign language? [when/why?]
4. Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language? [Why/Why not?]
1. Which magazines and newspapers do you read? [Why?]
general interest magazines, scholarly magazines, sensational magazines, paparazzi, tabloid, headline, feature, entertaining, educational, China Daily, New York Times, Washington Post, Sunday Times, Time, Newsweek, Vogue, Metropolitan, Vogue, Seventeen, Elle.
2. What kinds of articles are you most interested in? [why?]
news, business, finance, market, stocks, sports, entertainment, movies, books review, horoscope, crossword puzzle, wide range of interest, particularly enjoy, especially fascinated by.
3. Have you ever read a magazine or newspaper in a foreign language? [when/why?]
good way to learn foreign languages, brush up vocabulary, consolidate grammar knowledge, remote area, difficult to get hold of a copy, government censorship, banned by government, government propaganda, read in the morning, get updated with the latest happening, read at night, quiet, no disturbance.
4. Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language? [Why/Why not?]
brush up vocabulary, consolidate grammar knowledge, improve reading power, familiarize with different topics, dislike reading, not practical, academic vocabulary, colloquial vocabulary/ expression, prefer visual learning than textual learning.
1. Which magazines and newspapers do you read? [Why?]
I really like to read New Scientist. It is a weekly international science magazine that covers recent developments in science and technology. It is always thrilling to read about what our future would be like and get to know how we can contribute or have contributed to make that happen. And as to newspapers, I’m a loyal subscriber to China Daily, which can keep me updated about the latest happenings in China and around the world.
I like reading all kinds of fashion magazines, especially Vogue. It is a fashion and lifestyle magazine. Look, like every other girl, I love buying clothes and I always want to look for the best when I go out. In order to do that, I must train myself to be keen on fashion and I believe reading Vogue is the best way to do so.
2. What kinds of articles are you most interested in? [why?]
I’m personally very much fond of articles on new discoveries of the universe. Look, I don’t believe that we’re the only intelligent species in the universe. I believe, like the Drake Equation described, there must be millions of earthlike planets inhabited by alien life forms which are only to be discovered by us.
I really like to read articles about the latest fashion events around the world, like the Paris Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, London Fashion Week and etc., because new fashion trends all
started there. Getting the latest updates on that is essential to becoming a beauty expert.
3. Have you ever read a magazine or newspaper in a foreign language? [when/why?]
Of course I have. Look, I love learning all kinds of languages, and reading magazines and newspapers is a very good way to brush up my reading and vocabulary power. And I always do my reading at night, because it’s quiet and therefore not easy to get distracted.
No, I haven’t, simply because it’s quite hard to get hold of any foreign magazine or newspaperhere except for China Daily, which is just full of government propaganda and articles of heavily biased opinions. But I really would like to read a real foreign published magazine and get to know what the rest of the world think about China.
4. Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language? [Why/Why not?]
Definitely yes. Taking English for example, reading newspapers and magazines can help students learn a lot of useful words and expressions, plus it’s also a good training for reading. Not only can students learn knowledge from it, it also provides them with plenty of discussion materials, which in turn improves their writing and speaking as well.
Well, I doubt it. Look, I can’t quite say whether it works well for others, but it definitely is not suitable for me. I just find reading kind of boring, because I guess I’m more a visual kind of person rather than textual, by that I mean it’s much easier for me to accept visual information than textual information, which means I personally find watching videos is a much better way to learn a foreign language.
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