

2017-04-27 16:45来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



  Part 3

  1. What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other?


  核心词汇frequently, e- mail, at any destination, less expensive, posting letters, secure

  参考回答1 The Internet has greatly revolutionized the way people communicate with each other, just like the invention of writing has done. People nowadays can easily get in touch with each other and share their latest happenings at light speed, or should I say electron speed. It is faster, safer and cheaper.

  参考回答2 People communicate far more frequently now than they did before. Now you can type out an e- mail and know that it will probably arrive anywhere from a minute to fifteen minutes later at any destination in the world. It is much easier and less expensive than posting letters. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I handwrote a letter to anyone. I rarely do that unless the circumstances warrant it, like for a really private letter, because the Internet is not all that secure yet.


  2. Why do you think the Internet is being used more and more for communication?


  核心词汇speed, efficiency, security, download

  参考回答1 I guess one of the most important reasons is that the Internet has penetrated every single aspect of our life. Almost everything is being computerized and networked. Therefore, the Internet just naturally becomes used more and more often for communication.

  参考回答2 Because of its speed and efficiency. Security is becoming better, but you still have to be careful, especially in business. It is important to download stuff from sites that you are familiar with.

  3. How reliable do you think information from the Internet is? Why? What about the news on the Internet?


  核心词汇depending on, garbage, good solid information, verity, weed

  参考回答1 Well, I can’t say that information on the Internet is very reliable, or at least as far as I’ve experienced. Look, last week I bought a pair of shoes on E- bay, but they are one size smaller. The seller said on their webpage that I can change my shoes for free if the size is not right. But after I sent the shoes back, they charged me 5$. I protested, but they said it’s postage. I just feel cheated. Anyway, I think the Internet must be supervised like all newspaper agencies are to ensure truthful information.

  参考回答2 It’s as reliable as any other information depending on the site you go to. If you want garbage, you can always find it. If you want good solid information, you can find that too. Of course, you always have to verity everything before you can rely on it, but in general, it’s as reliable as newspapers and television. Like I said before, there is a lot of garbage on the Internet, you just have to know how to weed it out.

  4. Why do you think some people use the internet for shopping? Why doesn’t everyone use it in this way?


  核心词汇go out, items, convenient, order online, credit cards

  参考回答1 Look, I’ve experienced online shopping before. It’s quite a pain and toil to search for the thing you want to buy, but once you find it, the price is just…you can only use one word to describe it “CHEAP”. So I believe price is the main reason that drives people to do shopping online. And as to why someone doesn’t use it, I guess it’s just a matter time. We’ll see.

  参考回答2 Maybe some people are just too lazy to get up and go out to buy things. On the other hand, some items come from overseas and it is much more convenient and cheaper to order online than to fly to the USA to buy a book. The reason everyone doesn’t use it is that we don’t all have credit cards. That’s the only drawback.

  5. What kinds of things are easy to buy and sell online? Can you give me some examples?


  核心词汇retail stores, special shops, online order forms, online bank 参

  考回答1 Well, most people buy some clothes, shoes, digital stuffs on the Internet, but I’ve seldom see people buy food or drinks on the Internet. So I guess it’s the endurable products that can be easily sold online, but when it comes to daily supplies or nondurable products, people just prefer the traditional way of shopping.

  参考回答2 You can buy almost anything you want online. Most large retail stores and smaller specialty shops have web sites and online order forms. Take Amazon. com for example. You can buy any book you can think of. If they don’t have it, they will find it. You can buy cars online. You name it and probably get it. Even, you can do online banking now.

  6. Do you think shopping on the Internet will be more or less popular in the future? Why?


  核心词汇groceries, click

  参考回答1 I’m not quite sure as to how online shopping will evolve or whether it’ll be more popular in the future, because there are still lots of things you prefer to see, or smell, or touch before you make a decision to buy them, and I’m just not confident that the Internet will adequately deliver this information to consumers.

  参考回答2 I think that in the future the Internet will evolve and become even more popular as an add- on to your home entertainment center. All you will have to do is to buy groceries or whatever else you want, which will be to click on touch sensitive screens on your television and an hour or so later everything will be active television. That’s a great idea, but I personally don’t think I would use it. I like to get out and see what’s going on and talk to people in the store or whatever.

  以上内容来自新航道《雅思真题全解4》,更多听力解析,请:剑桥雅思4听力解析 。剑4下载,请:剑桥雅思4PDF文本+听力MP3下载

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