

2017-04-27 11:42来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



  1. Do you think having a hobby is good for people’s social life? In what way?


  核心词汇socialize, bridge, pastime, have fun

  参考回答1 Sure thing. Hobby plays an important role in people’s social life. It bridges people’s differences. People often get together because they share the same interest. My uncle is a very good example. He has this weird hobby of cross- dressing and he used to feel lonely and deserted until one day he found a group of others who share the interest with him. Now he seems to be much happier and warmer to people around him.

  参考回答2 Yeah, it is a lot of fun to sit around and talk about who your ancestors may have been and what it was like in their time. It is sort of an icebreaker if you are meeting people for the first time. You know, you can just toss the question out, “what do you guys do for fun or do you have any other interests other than school, girls and food?”and people will respond.


  2. Are there any negative effects of a person spending too much time on their hobby? What are they?

  题目分析万事万物都有个度(there are limits to everything),一旦超过这个度( once you exceed the limit),好事也可能变成坏事,就像有些人会玩物丧志(overdoing a hobby saps one’s will to make progress),所以正确的做法是make use of your hobbies but don’t let your hobbies make use of you.

  核心词汇be obsessed with, ruin life, spoil life

  参考回答1 No, I really don’t think so, or at least there isn’t any negative effect I can think of at the moment.

  参考回答2 Yes, then the hobby becomes an obsession and that is not good for anyone, his or her social life. Nobody wants to hear about your hobby all the time. If in that case, you become a sort of social misfit.


  3. Why do you think people need to have an interest or hobby?

  题目分析人们从不同的视角看这个问题往往会得出不同的结论(if you look at this question from different perspectives, you may have different answers)。从心理学的角度讲,兴趣爱好给人一种追求感( a sense of pursuit)、满足感( a sense of fulfillment),从某种程度上来说是一种生命的意义,也能激励人们珍惜生活、热爱生活。

  核心词汇fulfill, pursue, stimulate, relax, relieve

  参考回答1 Well, if you look at this question from different perspectives, you would easily have different answers. Psychologically speaking, everyone needs meaning in their lives life, a sense of pursuing something. I believe hobby often serves this purpose. It makes people feel happy, satisfied, fulfilled, and thus encourages them to love their life and enjoy it.

  参考回答2 Well, since you are not around people all the time, except of course at university where you really can’t get away from them, you should have something else to focus on to relieve stress, something that you find relaxing. That is what other interests and hobbies are for.


  4. In your country how much time do people spend on work and how much time on leisure? Is this a good balance, do you think?

  题目分析中国实行的是五天工作制(five working days’system),每天工作的时长基本上是八个小时,从早8 点到晚5 点,其余的时间都可以作为休闲使用。核心词汇varies according to different people/ place/ gender/ age, pastime, fun, kill time, overwork, stress

  参考回答1 Well, I don’t think I have a very good answer to that, because the time they spend on work and leisure varies from people to people. But generally I guess most people have managed to balance their time of work and leisure, because as far as I’ve observed, I seldom hear people complaining for little time of leisure.

  参考回答2 People now in China, at least in the large cities, spend most of their time trying to make money and have very little leisure time. Although, having said that, the government has created a lot more holiday time for people, but that is primarily to get them to spend money—it’s economic as opposed to a kind gesture. I don’t think that the balance now is good at all, and we need to be careful. I have heard that in some countries people die at their desks working. It’s crazy. I won’t be doing that.


  5. Would you say that the amount of free time has changed much in the last fifty years?


  核心词汇enjoy more/ less free time, driven by (purpose), lifestyle, diminish, increase

  参考回答1 I really don’t think so. Though the society has changed a lot, the basic economic system remains unchanged. One way or another, people still have to work most of their time to earn their “bread”and only enjoy very small amount of free time.

  参考回答2 Yes, of course. People are now driven by money and they need to have it, and that basically discounts most leisure time except on weekends for some, not most. Fifty years ago, people may have a little more leisure time, but then most businesses were state- owned and there were very few foreign companies here.


  6. Do you think people will have more or less free time in the future? Why?


  核心词汇robot, auto system, automatic, computerize, digitize, SOHO (single office, home office)

  参考回答1 I guess people will have more free time in the future, because technologies are going to play bigger roles in our everyday lives. A lot of work will be done by computers and robots, which gives us more free time to enjoy.

  参考回答2 Well, I think that they will have more, with the increase of concepts such as SOHO—small office, home office. A lot of people will be able to work from home and as long as they get the work done on time, it doesn’t really matter when they do it so they will probably be able to go out more often and go on vacation more often because even if they are away, they can take the office with them on their laptop.








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