

2017-04-20 17:03来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:剑桥雅思6test4写作大作文题目+范文:Some people prefer to spend thier lives doingthe same things and avoiding change. Others , however, think that change isalways a good thing.

  剑桥雅思6test4写作大作文范文:Some people prefer to spend thier lives doingthe same things and avoiding change. Others , however, think that change isalways a good thing.

  Discuss both these views and give your ownopinion.

  You should write at least 250 words.



  There are arguments that individuals should be refrained from doing new things and must stick to traditional methods. However, some people are convinced that individuals need to venture into some noble experiences in life. In my opinion, I would argue that alterations in some activities and practices are essential to achieve progress and success.

  Primarily, it can never be denied that some people may become comfortable to the routine practices in life, which they are more accustomed. Clearly, people will not need to learn new things as they are already more cognizant about the activities that they habitually perform. For instance, in this modern era, the seniority group will find it confusing to read newspapers in an electronic tablet due to the fact that they are not aware of its new features and the proper operation of the gadget. For these reasons, the geriatric individuals do not need to learn the settings and the high technology applications as it will take them a long period of time to adapt this product of technology.

  However, it can be argued that the life of people will become more adventurous if they opt to new trends and experiences. As can be expected, the progress and success in life are often achieved when a person tries to explore new ideas and practices, which might be beneficial for the improvement of his or her life. To illustrate, a businessman, who have experienced failures in his or her business, will resort to new strategies in order to make the business more firm and highly profitable. This can be done by abandoning the old-fashioned styles and techniques while accepting the modern ways, which could make the people’s lives more favorable. The new idea, new way of life and changes to the old way life often bring new opportunities to people and getting adapted to the changes is the primary means of survivals and advancement.

  In conclusion, there is a heated argument whether people must remain to the conservative ways of life or to resort to modern trends. However, I personally believe that the ideology of success can be reached if people will embrace the new-fangled ways of living in the society.



  Masses are changing according to the environment needs. In the past time, all people preferred to spend their lives doing the same things while only handful of people did not prefer it. However, nowadays the former category is lower in number. All people especially youngsters prefer to change and they expect the changes would be enjoyable and for better.

  Firstly, in these days only young generation give full preference to changes in most of the cases. They embrace changes and think that changes will make their life meaningful. Secondly, changes create new opportunities which make us to leap forward. A new job, for instance, might present challenges that push the person to adapt, acquire new knowledge, or add to their skill set. Thirdly, a change can represent a break with the past and an old routine which has become boring and predictable. Finally, as well as making life more fun and interesting, new experiences can be good for our physical and mental health. We find that changes can make us experienced and valuable.

  On the flip side of the coin, people like old generation avoid changes in many cases because they do not want to become a materialistic. They opine we should give our full attention to one thing and to old way of traditional living. They mainly avoid major changes and thus remain in a safe side while missing many opportunities that the changes might have bought. They do not want to step outside their comfort zone, prefer following their daily habits. They feel satisfied with their circumstance. Perhaps they feel that routine gives them structure, maybe they are not fond of surprises or confident enough to face new challenges. They believed that staying secure and maintaining the current circumstance is the best way to live life safer.

  To put it in a nutshell, both side seem to have their own merits. However I also persuade that change is unavoidable and necessary if someone wants to keep up with fast pace of modern life. Even if some people maintain a form of stability by following a routine, the world keeps spinning and evolving.


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