

2017-05-16 20:41来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



  1. What types of things do young people in your country most want to own today? Why is this?

  参考 回答 1 I’ m not sure what most young people want to own nowadays, since they seem to have a great deal more than any generation before them. In terms of physical items, I suppose they desire a house and a car and those kinds of things, but in terms of the spirit, I’ d imagine what they want most of all is a sense of stability. We live in strange times, although I’ d guess people have been saying that for a few thousand years now.

  参考 回答 2 Young people today most want to own a house, a car and various electronic products such as iPads. This is because without a good house or a car no- one will want to marry you or even spend time with you as a friend.


  2. Why do some people feel they need to own things?

  参考 回答 1 I think people feel they need to own things because physical wealth is a kind of yardstick one can use to measure their progress in life. The abstract things are hard, if not impossible to measure, so material goods can be used to provide a sense of stability and meaning to people’ s lives.

  参考 回答 2 People feel they need to own things because owning things is the meaning of life. There is no other reason for being alive than to accumulate possessions - it’ s really that simple.


  3. Do you think that owning lots of things makes people happy? Why?

  参考 回答 1 I think some people can gain happiness from owning lots of things, and if that’ s all it takes to please them then I suppose they’ re lucky in a way. It’ s a remarkably shallow way to live, but happiness is happiness and it would be churlish to begrudge them that. I honestly have no idea why possessing something someone else made gives people such a sense of achievement, but more power to them.

  参考 回答 2 I think owning things makes people very happy. For instance, owning a house gives you a sense of security, and owning the latest iPhone gives you a sense of superiority over poor people.


  4. Do you think television and films can make people want to get new possessions? Why do they have this effect?

  参考 回答 1 Perhaps in the past it was easier to convince people that they wanted something simply by advertising it on TV and the cinema, but I think people today are somewhat overloaded by the amount of information and sales pitches that are constantly thrust at them day in and day out. I suspect advertising is not nearly as effective as people think any more.

  参考 回答 2 Television and films can make people want to get new possessions because they show beautiful people using the products and everyone wants to be like the beautiful people. Therefore, people buy products to be closer to society’ s sense of the “ideal” person.


  5. Are there any benefits to society of people wanting to get new possessions? Why do you think this is?

  参考 回答 1 In terms of commerce, the advantages are obvious – people wanting new stuff makes the world go round. The need for possessions drives society forward, but the ship is kind of rudderless. Whether it’ ll be a good thing or not is a matter for future generations to know.

  参考 回答 2 People wanting to buy new products benefits society by advancing technology and people’ s expectations for their life. Without having things to buy, people would not know what to do with their lives and there would be chaos in society. Therefore, products provide harmony and a stability to the world.


  6. Do you think people will consider that having lots of possessions is a sign of success in the future? Why?

  参考 回答 1 In the future, either possessions will have become meaningless due to advances in molecular physics or the world will be some kind of hellish dystopia where we fight over the last scraps of food and the last dregs of energy among the ruins of past civilisations, continuing this inane struggle for limited resources until the last man on earth stands with his possessions, triumphant and utterly alone.

  参考 回答 2 I think that having lots of possessions will always be a mark of success for as long as there are people. For example, having a BMW is a sure sign that a person is successful nowadays. In the future, we may have flying cars or something, but there’ ll always be “good” flying cars and “bad” flying cars. This is because we will always need a way to show that we are more successful than other people.


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