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托福TPO63阅读Passage 3题目+完整原文(已收藏)

2021-02-03 10:20来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

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托福TPO试题基本所有参加托福考生必做试题,在下文中上海新航道托福培训小编整理了托福TPO63阅读Passage 3题目+完整原文(已收藏),希望对大家有所帮助!

前面咱们阅读了托福TPO63阅读Passage 3完整原文,下面一起来做一下托福TPO63阅读Passage 3题目吧!

托福TPO63阅读Passage 3题目

1. (单选题)According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the Roman Empire?

A. It included more territory in the early second century A D than at any other time

B. It had reached the Euphrates River in southwest Asia by 509 B.C.

C. It endured in the eastern Mediterranean for about five centuries.

D. It allowed conquered peoples to keep their own government and cultural structures.

2. (单选题)Paragraph 1 suggests that the Romans called the Mediterranean Sea mare nostrum, or "our sea," because they

A. controlled all the territory that surrounded the Mediterranean

B. had explored the Mediterranean more thoroughly than any other group of people

C. extended Roman rule by absorbing Mediterranean culture from other countries

D. thought that only Roman ships should sail on the Mediterranean

3. (单选题)The word "mandating" in the passage is closest in meaning to

O A. allowing

O B. ordering

O C. funding

O D. designing

4. (单选题)The word "durable" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. convenient

B. attractive

C. low-cost

D. long-lasting

5. (单选题)The word "remnants" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. copies

B. Plans

C. remains

D. surfaces

6. (单选题) Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. [Paragraph 4]【Entirely functional, the Roman aqueduct conveys the balance, proportion, and rhythmic harmony of a great work of art and fits naturally into the landscape, a reflection of the Romans' attitude toward the land.]

A. Because the Romans believed that works of art fit more naturally into the landscape than practical structures, their aqueducts were always in use

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C. The Roman aqueduct reflects the qualities of a functional structure rather than those of a great work of art.

D. The Roman aqueduct conveys the belief that a great work of art is often inspired by the landscape.

7. (单选题)According to paragraph 4, all of the following were true of Roman roads EXCEPT

A. They commonly ran alongside Roman aqueducts

B. They extended from Rome to distant parts of the Empire

C. They were built in part to facilitate trade and business

O D. They determined the course of some modern roads.

8. (单选题)According to paragraph 5. Romans expressed their love of nature in all of the following ways EXCEPT by

A. hiring artists to paint landscapes on their walls

B. planting gardens on the property of their town-homes

C. keeping homes in both the city and the country

D. having artists portray them as simple country folk who loved nature

9. (单选题)In paragraph 6, why does the author mention that the Romans stripped the Greek city of Corinth of its art treasures and shipped them back to Rome?

A. To explain how the Romans first became familiar with Greek designs

B. To emphasize that Romans usually removed possessions from countries they conquered

C. To illustrate the Roman admiration for Greek art

D. To argue that the Romans associated art with military power

10. (单选题) According to paragraph 6, which of the following best describes how Romans felt about artists?

A. They respected Greek artists more than Roman artists.

B. They valued artworks more than they valued artists

C. They considered artists to be far superior to skilled laborers.

D. They admired Greek architecture more than Greek art.

11. (单选题)According to paragraph 7, the Romans made gods of their emperors partly in order to

A. encourage loyalty to the Roman state

B. imitate the Greek practice of making gods of important rulers

C. claim that their emperors were more powerful than ancient gods

D. promote the worship of Roman rather than Greek gods

12. (单选题)The word "allegiance" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. interest

B. loyalty

C. respect

u. He proved tnat old comets do not really disappear; tneyjust move beyond tne limits or tne solar system.

13. (单选题)Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

This streaking phenomenon is called a meteor or sometimes a falling star or shooting star.

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [] to add the sentence to the passage.

[Paragraph 5] A comet leaves a trail of matter behind it as it moves through the inner solar system. Some of this debris may get strewn across Earth' s orbit around the Sun. [A] When Earth passes through this part of its annual path, it sweeps through the dust trail. [B] The particles enter Earthz s atmosphere at high velocity. [C] The air friction can cause one of these bits of matter to produce a brief streak of light as it burns up in the atmosphere. [D]

O A. A

O B. B

O C. C

O D. D

14. (多选题) Astronomers have acquired much information about the composition of comets and the ways comets change as they move through the solar system.

Answer Choices

A. Ices and dust particles compose the nucleus of a comet.

B. The type of tail exhibited by a comet depends on its proximity to the Sun

C. The solar system contains a limited number of comets

D. A comet produces tails and a coma as it approaches the Sun.

E. The coma of a comet is typically larger than the tail of a comet

F. Comets lose matter each time they pass by the Sun, until they eventually disappear.



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