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托福TPO61阅读Passage 1完整原文

2021-01-28 15:28来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

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托福TPO试题基本所有参加托福考生必做试题,在下文中上海新航道托福培训小编整理了托福TPO61阅读Passage 1完整原文,希望对大家有所帮助!

托福TPO61阅读Passage 1

Physical Properties of Minerals

【Paragraph 1】A mineral is a naturally occurring solid formed by inorganic processes. Since the internal structure and chemical composition of a mineral are difficult to determine without the aid of sophisticated tests and apparatus, the more easily recognized physical properties are used in identification.

【Paragraph 2】 Most people think of a crystal as a rare commodity, when in fact most inorganic solid ob 丿 ects are composed of crystals. The reason for this misconception is that most crystals do not exhibit their crystal form: the external form of a mineral that reflects the orderly internal arrangement of its atoms. Whenever a mineral forms without space restrictions, individual crystals with well-formed crystal faces will develop Some crystals, such as those of the mineral quartz, have a very distinctive crystal form that can be helpful in identification. However, most of the time, crystal growth is interrupted because of competition for space, resulting in an intergrown mass of crystals, none of which exhibits crystal form.

【Paragraph 3】 Although color is an obvious feature of a mineral, it is often ,an unreliable diagnostic property. Slight impurities in the common mineral quartz, for example, give it a variety of colors, including pink, purple (amethyst), white, and even black. When a mineral, such as quartz, exhibits a variety of colors, it is said to possess exotic coloration. Exotic coloration is usually caused by the inclusion of impurities, such as foreign ions, in the crystalline structure Other minerals­for example, sulfur, which is yellow, and malachite, which is bright green-are said to have inherent coloration because their color is a consequence of their chemical makeup and does not vary significantly.

【Paragraph 4】 Streak is the color of a mineral in its powdered form and is obtained by rubbing a mineral across a plate of unglazed porcelain. Whereas the color of a mineral often varies from sample to sample, the streak usually does not and is therefore the more reliable property.

【Paragraph 5】 Luster is the appearance or quality of light reflected from the surface of a mineral Minerals that have the appearance of metals, regardless of color, are said to have a metallic luster Minerals with a nonmetallic luster are described by various adjectives, including vitreous (glassy), pearly, silky, resinous, and earthy (dull).

【Paragraph 6】 One of the most useful diagnostic properties of a mineral is hardness, the resistance of a mineral to abrasion or scratching. This property is determined by rubbing a mineral of unknown hardness against one of known hardness, or vice versa A numerical value can be obtained by using Mohs'scale of hardness, which consists of ten minerals arranged in order from talc, the softest, at number one, to diamond, the hardest, at number ten. Any mineral of unknown hardness can be compared with these or with other objects of known hardness. For example, a fingernail has a hardness of 2.5, a copper penny 5, and a piece of glass 5.5. The mineral gypsum, which has a hardness of two, can be easily scratched with your fingernail. On the other hand, the mineral calcite, which has a hardness of three, will scratch your fingernail but will not scratch glass Quartz, the hardest of the common minerals, will scratch a glass plate.

【Paragraph 7】 The tendency of a mineral to break along planes of weak bonding is called cleavage Minerals that possess cleavage are identified by the smooth, flat surfaces produced when the mineral is broken. The simplest type of cleavage is exhibited by the micas. Because the micas have excellent cleavage in one direction, they break to form thin, flat sheets Some minerals have several cleavage planes, which produce smooth surfaces when broken, while others exhibit poor cleavage, and still others exhibit no cleavage at all When minerals break evenly in more than one direction, cleavage is described by the number of planes exhibited and the angles at which they meet. Cleavage should not be confused with crystal form. When a mineral exhibits cleavage, it will break into pieces that have the same configuration as the original sample does. By contrast, quartz crystals do not have cleavage, and if broken, would shatter into shapes that do not resemble each other or the original crystals. Minerals that do not exhibit cleavage are said to fracture when broken Some break into pieces with smooth curved surfaces resembling broken glass Others break into splinters or fibers, but most fracture irregularly.



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