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托福TPO57阅读Passage 3原文+真题+PDF下载(部分)

2020-12-21 16:44来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

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托福TPO57阅读Passage 3题目

29. The word "necessitated" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. suggested

B. permitted

C. required

D. produced

30. Paragraph 1 implies that compared with later films, American films before 1904 were

A. less likely to be made for commercial reasons

B. less likely to be narrative films

C. more likely to combine editing, camerawork, acting and lighting

D. more likely to be filmed using multiple camera shots

31. The phrase "such problems" in the passage refers to

A. the new emphasis on one‐reel films

B. a series of camera shots

C. ways to help spectators understand story films

D. techniques of editing, camerawork, acting, and lighting

32. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true about the filmmaking style known as classical Hollywood cinema?

A. It consisted of devices that were tried elsewhere but abandoned.

B. Its principles were largely developed after 1917.

C. A great many international filmmakers adopted it after the First World War.

D. A large number of its principles were developed outside the United States.

33. According to paragraph 3, which of the following did NOT generally cause a lack of understanding in very early silent‐ movie audiences?

A. Lack of familiarity with the plot

B. Shifts in time from scene to scene

C. Shifts in place from scene to scene

D. Poor photography by the filmmakers

34. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. A number of well‐photographed films need improvements to their plots so that audiences will not consider them to be inferior.

B. Some photographically good films are nonetheless poor films overall because the filmmaker, who knows what the film is about, forgets that the audience does not.

C. Manufacturers of films need to help familiarize audiences with the good motion pictures that are brought out because the films were not made with the audience in mind.

D. Regardless of the number of good motion pictures that are brought out, there will still be many that audiences will consider to be poor.



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