

2021-05-11 10:51来源:互联网作者:上海管理员






1. deciduous trees: trees that lose their leaves

TPO 1-3-Paragraph 2:Timberline trees are normally evergreens upper timberline.

suggesting the these have some advantage over deciduous trees(those that lose their leaves) in the extreme environments of the

2. chlorosis: loss of chlorophyll resulting in yellow or white leaf tissue

TPO 5-1-Paragraph 2:Mineral deficiencies can often be detected

by specific symptoms such as chlorosis (loss of chlorophyll resulting in yellow or white leaf tissue).

3. seed-bearing plants: plants that produce seeds

TPO 9-3-Paragraph 4: Many millions of years after ferns evolved (but long before the Hawaiian Islands were born from the sea), another kind of flora evolved on Earth: the seed-bearing plants.

This was a wonderful biological invention.

TPO 9-3-Q7: The word "This” in the passage refers to

A. the spread of ferns and mosses in Hawaii.

B. the creation of the Hawaiian Islands.

C. the evolution of ferns.

D. the development of plants that produce seeds.

4.buoyant: float

TPO 9-3-Paragraph 5: Plants with large, buoyant seeds-like shores.

coconuts-drift on ocean currents and are washed up on the

TPO 9-3-Q11: According to paragraph 5, a major reason that seeds can coconuts can establish themselves in distant locations is that their

A. survive long exposure to heat on island beaches.

B. float an survive for long periods in ocean water

c. use saltwater for maintenance and growth.

D. maintain hard, protective coats even after growing roots.

5.celwals made of cellulose: cellulose based cell walls 

TPO 25-3-Paragraph1: Green algae store food as starch, as do land plants and have cell walls made of cellulose, similar in composition to those of land plants.

TPO25-3-Q2: According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true of ancestral plants  EXCEPT

A. They had cellulose-based cell walls.

B. They were closely related to green algae.

C. They were able to store nutrients.

D. They had a sophisticated multicellular structure.

6. inhospitable to life: lacked the presence of any organisms

TPO 25-3-Paragraph 4: When plants first made the transition ashore more than 400 million years ago, the land was barren and desolate, inhospitable to life.

TPO 25-3-Q7: According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true about the terrestrial world at the time it was colonized by plants?

A.it was exposed to high levels of solar radiation.

B.it contained a limited supply of carbon dioxide.

C.it had developed 400 million years earlier.

D.it lacked the presence of any organisms.

7. prevent erosion and marshland deterioration: control marshland decline

TPO 22-1-Paragraph 4: Along the east coast Spartina is considered valuable for its ability to prevent erosion and marshland deterioration; it is also used for coastal restoration projects and the creation of new wetland sites.

TPO 22-1-Q8: According to paragraph 4, in its natural habitats  , Spartina helps estuaries by

A. controlling marshland decline.

B. decreasing the substrate elevation.

C. reducing the brackishness of the water.

D. increasing the flow of water into the estuary.

8. mow: cut plants down

TPO 22-1-Paragraph 6:Eforts to control Spartina outside its natural environment have included burning, flooding, shading plants with black canvas or plastic ,smothering the plants with

dredged materials or clay, applying herbicide, and mowing repeatedly.

TPO 22-1-Q11: According to paragraph 6, each of the following methods has been used in attempts to control Spartina EXCEPT

A. flooding plants.

B. cutting plants down repeatedly.

C. applying herbicides.

D. introducing predatory insects.

9. persistent: continue to do something for as long as possible

TPO 34-3-Paragraph 2:Ants are probably the most frequent and certainly the most persistent defenders of plants.

TPO 34-3-Q2: To say that ants are “persistent” defenders of plants means that

A. they defend plants against a wide variety of threats.

B. they continue to defend plants for as long as the plants are threatened.

C. they are successful defenders of plants.

D. they are easily observable defenders of plants.

10.secrete nectar: produce nectar

TPO 34-3-Paragraph 1:Many plants-one or more species of at least 68 different families-can secrete nectar even when they have no blossoms.

TPO 34-3-Q3: What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the ants that are attracted to the extrafloral nectaries ?

A. They do not eat the leaves of the plants that produce extrafloral

B. They live almost entirely on extrafloral nectar.

C. They spend most of their energy guarding extrafloral nectaries.

D. They frequently fight among themselves over extrafloral nectar.

11.insect-resistant: resistant to destruction by insects

TPO 38-3-Paragraph 1: Most often, these plants either contain a gene making them resistant to the herbicide glyphosate or they contain an insect-resistant gene that produces a protein called Bt toxin

TPO 38-3-Q1: According to paragraph 1, which of the following is toxin.

true of transgenic plants that produce the protein Bt?

A. They are resistant to certain herbicides.

B. They grow best in the United States.

C. They were treated with the chemicals glyphosate.

D. They are resistant to destruction by insects.

12.proponents: supporters noxious chemicals: toxic chemicals

TPO 38-3-Paragraph 2: On the positive side, proponents of transgenic crops argue that these crops are environmentally friendly because they allow farmers to use fewer and less noxious

chemicals for crop production.

TPO 38-3-Q2: According to paragraph 2, supporters claim that producing transgenic plants enables farmers to

A. increase crop production by up to 21 percent.

B. use fewer and less toxic chemicals.

C. control weeds without the use of glyphosate.

D. take advantage of more effective herbicides.

13.carpet: bed

TPO 44-3-Paragraph 1: Seagrass meadows in relatively turbulent waters tend to form a mosaic of individual mounds, whereas meadows in relatively calm waters tend to form flat, extensive carpets. The seagrass beds, in turn, dampen wave action, particularly if the blades reach the water surface.

TPO 44-3-Q1: According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true about seagrasses in calm ocean waters?

A. They will not survive for very long without the nutrients brought in by fast-moving waters.

B. They tend to form beds covering large areas along the ocean floor.

C. They usually are arranged in separate mounds.

D. They grow more slowly than do seagrasses in fast-moving waters.

14.catkin: dense cylindrical clusters of small , petalless flowers TPO 45-2-Paragraph 2:The result is insignificant-looking flowers and catkins (dense cylindrical clusters of small, petalless flowers).







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