

2021-05-27 17:58来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2017年5月25日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆

上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2017年5月25日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆


Passage 1

Content Review



Questins & Answers


Passage 2


Astronauts in Space

Content Review

"Galactic cosmic radiation poses a significant threat to future astronauts," said M. Kerry O'Banion, M.D, Ph.D, a professor in the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC)

Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy and the senior author of the study. "The possibility that radiation exposure in space may give rise to health problems such as cancer has long been recognized However, this study shows for the first time that exposure to radiation levels equivalent to a mission to Mars could produce cognitive problems and speed up changes in the brain that are associated with Alzheimer's disease."

While space is full of radiation, the earth's magnetic field generally protects the planet and people in low earth orbit from these particles. However, once astronauts leave orbit, they

are exposed to constant shower of various radioactive particles. With appropriate warning, astronauts can be shielded from dangerous radiation associated with solar flares. But there are also other forms of cosmic radiation that, for all intents and purposes, cannot be effectively blocked.

Scott and Mark's microbiomes were different through the course of Scott's, stint on the Space Station, but that was expected, because of their differences in diet and lifestyle.

Research focusing on genome sequencing showed that Scott and Mark also have hundreds of mutations in their genomes when compared to one another, NASA said This genetic detective work is just beginning. The scientists conducting the study "will look closer to see if a 'space gene' could have been activated while Scott was in space," NASA added.

While none of these experiments are totally definitive, the results will go a long way toward helping NASA figure out just what astronauts will face when stretching farther out into the

solar system.

Questions & Answers

Questions 14-19段落信息对

14. An account of the method used by researchers in a particular study. F

15. A way scientists used to solve the radiation when astronauts in space. E

16. A conflicting way of research. C

17. A warning to people who are in space. A

18. A reason for the limitation of scientific research into space exploration. B

19. Examples of the wide range of features that contribute to the health of astronauts. D

Questions 20-22填空题: No more than two words

20. The common complaint in space weightless.

21. The magnified field in the planet like safeguard shield .

22. The radiation is often linked to a sense of health problems.

Questions 23-26人名观点对

23. B

24. A

25. B









Reading faces

Content Review

P1: In the past the public have static impressions of portraits and believe these will ilustrate the soul of individual. Before 15th century, painters claimed that the portrait

drawn by them revealed the underlying character of the subjects.

P2: With the involvement of portrait industry, the public and commenters began to doubt that the character of individuals kept changing throughout their lives, so the portrait could

only show the temporarily part of their character.

P3: There was an exhibition showing the portrait of Van Gogh and Giocomo, surprisingly, they were not the normal ones people saw in the art galery. The portrait represented the

two heads Van Gogh, and Giocomo, has to separate bodies. That represent the opposition of different opinions on portrait.

P4: However, people's appreciation towards art or portrait of the Art gallery go back to old days for several decades, take the exposition in Musee du Louvre for instance, lots of

people believe the style of the portrait reveals their personal characters to a large extent.

P5: When it comes to contemporary society, people turn out to be objective towards the connection of physiognomy and people's expectation. Using established scientific

principles, researchers looked at different facial features and hand and body proportions. The result indicated an accuracy for personalty profiling in many aspects, therefore

physiognomy can be the modern-day scientific approach to readingfaces.

P6: Nowadays, people can get“portraits" promptly by camera instead of paintings. A camera and surroundings can be manipulated in various ways to see people in new ways.

The photographer's perspective is one of the most important elements of pontrait photography,and photographers must be able to work with angles, distances , compositions, and various types of lighting in order to present different viewpoints of their subjects.

P7: Some professors regarded idealism as a reason why people will mislead the style of portrait or photograph as the personality of an individual. It is normal for people to idealize

the actress/actor or consider them to be the leading lady/hero in a certain movie. Therefore, the acting skills can be comparable with the drawing technique, which are illusions of audience.

Questions & Answers

Questions 27 -34 Multiple choice

27. What's the difference of portraits before the 157 century and after the 151 century?

A. different style

B. cost

C. position

D. values

28. Why does the writer mentionthe portrait of Van Gogh and Giocomo?

A. Separate the artists from the community.

B. Portraits are greater than the past

C. The conception of portrait begin to separate from the past

D. Poraits are not intendedforthe pubic

29. What's the me aning of the writer when mentioning the works in the Musee du Louvre?

A. Modern gallery still contains outdated thoughts

B. The paintings represent the current ideas of the public

C. The portraits suggest the underlying meaning of the painter

D. The visitrs preference towards paintings.

30. What's the meaning of paragraph 5?

A. People believe that portrait cannot ilustrate personalty.

B. The portrait painter may have detailed purpose.

C. The comprehending of portrait revised with time

D. It would be wrong to overlookthe character of the portrait.

31. In current society, whats the relationship between physiognomy and people's expectation

A. Human nature can be all revealed from physiognomy

B. The physiognomy is directly proportionalto expectation of indvidual.

C. There is a match between them to some extent.

D. There has no direct link between them.

32. What's the dfference of camera and porait?

A. Portrait can capture the real personalty

B. Camera can only get the temporary emotion of people

C. The advent of photograph is based on portrait

D. Camera can present from different angles.

33. Why does the author refer to“actor" in the last paragraph

A To ilustrate that there are connections between photograph and actor

B. To make comparison

C.To make analogy of acting skills and painting skills

D. There are similarlies between actor and painter

34. What is the value of a photograph of portrat in current society?

A reveal more characters compared with the past

B. The limitation of portraits

C. It fail to match the expectation of the public

D. Represent one of the phase of knowing individuals personality.

Questions 35 40 TIF/NG

35. Portrait can give people correct impression on all personality. F

36. People believe that portrait can hardly ilustrate individual's traits..F

37. People's concept of portrait changed a lot compared with the past1

38. The photo of camera cannot be compared with the qualty of portait.F

39. The personality/ character are set at bith NG

40. The meaning of idealitic is compared as the acting of actor.







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