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Describe an occasion that you have a cake that is special

2017-05-20 17:47来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:口语新题:特殊蛋糕。Describe an occasion that you have a cake that is special

  Describe an occasion that you have a cake that is special

  You should say:

  What kind of cake it is

  When you ate the cake

  Who were with you

  And explain why you think the cake is special



  Speaking of an occasion that I had special cake, actually, I find it a bit hard to say as in my opinion most of the cake are just ordinary so maybe just the gesture is a bit different.

  So it was on my house warming day in the beginning of last year. I rented a new apartment back then because I needed to live close to school as my old house was over an hour away. As a university student, most of us are young and broke, so I told my friend that I didn’t want any house warming present and I would cook for them on the day. So instead of bringing me gifts, they all pitched in a beautiful cheesecake.

  The cake was round shaped, covered in cream with chocolate icing on the side. To be honest, it looked fantastic and I couldn’t help myself by cutting it the minute I saw it. As it turned out, the flavor was fabulous and we really did enjoy the night. Well, of course my cooking was pretty good as well.

  As for why it is so special, as a matter of fact, this was the very first time I had a cake other than someone’s birthday. And my friends told me that the gesture of the cake was to ensure that I can have a sweet life in my new apartment everyday. I believe it was our friendship that made this cake so special.

  Do Chinese have some special food in special festival? Why it’s so special?

  Well, as a matter of fact, we do. And to be honest I believe that Chinese are kind of famous for that matter. Dumplings are worldwide famous because generally Chinese people would eat it during the spring festival. The gesture of dumplings is that each individual dumpling are representing one of the family members. So having dumpling on the Chinese new year’s eve is like a ritual of the family reunion. Besides, there are plenty of other special food that we have in special occasions like the moon cake and zong-zi, in fact, from my perspective, all of those contributes to the Chinese food culture.

  When do you eat special food?

  For myself? Only on special occasions I believe. Like when the actual holiday is coming or family gathering. However, for dumplings it is a bit different. Sometimes when I am exhausted from study/work I would just boil some frozen dumplings because it is super easy and it could save me a significant amount of time.

  Do you know how to make a cake?

  Well, I have absolutely no idea. The cooking I referred before was like boiling things or steaming things. In fact, I suppose it would be very hard to make a cake. I have saw something on the cooking channel teaching people how to bake your own cake. There are just so many steps that you have to remember, especially when you are mixing the flours you have to constant beating it while you are adding other ingredients. Not to mention after you put it in the oven you have to keep an eye on the temperature all the time otherwise you could burn it and all the hard work would be in vein. So believe me I am not even gonna try that.

  Does people has to pay a lot of money on food in some special occasion?

  Actually, I think that really depends. I mean it is not necessary to pay a lot of money on food if you decide to cook by yourself. For instance, cakes are just flours and other ingredients mixing together. The cost of those ingredients maybe very cheap. If you make it from the very beginning, it won’t cost you much. However, if you decide to buy it from a store, in most cases you have to pay over hundreds or even thousands if you are buying a bigger fancy one. On the other hand, some of the special food are available in some restaurants, the cost for those food can be scary sometime, which means it could cost you more money if you decide to eat out.

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