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Describe something you borrowed that was useful

2017-05-18 17:18来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part2话题:Describe something you borrowed that was useful

  Describe something you borrowed that was useful

  You should say:

  what the thing was

  when you borrowed it

  whom you borrowed it from


  and explain why you borrowed the thing.I’d like to talk about the interphone I borrowed from one of my friends in April. I was planning a self-driving trip to Sichuan Province then. There were seven people of us, so we planned to go there in two cars. I had one interphone in my car, so I thought that it would be much convenient to get hold of people in another car on the way if there was another interphone. So I went to my friend to ask him to lend me his interphone before I set off.

  He was one of my good friends. We once travelled to Inner Magnolia to see the grassland together by car. It was also a self-driving trip. We used the interphones to talk to each other on the road. That was the first time I used the gear which impressed me a lot.

  It turned out that the interphone was really a useful device in our self-driving trip on our way to Sichuan Province. Every time I needed to take a rest in the service areas of the express way, or remind another driver to drive carefully when the road was filled with puddles from the rain, I just picked it up, pressed the button and talked. It was more convenient than making a telephone call, and thus it was far more security when driving.



  Well, last Saturday I made an appointment with my friend Lisa. We planned to meet at a shopping mall at downtown. We didn’t say the specific place where we were gonna meet coz we thought we could contact with each other by cell phone when we arrived there. But when I was on my way to the shopping mall, I suddenly found that I forgot to charge my cell phone in advance and it’s out of battery. I became anxious since the shopping mall was so big and crowded, I was worried that I could not find my friend at that time. When I arrived at the shopping mall, I had no idea which floor she was, so I had to look for her. But it was like fishing for a needle in the ocean and wasted me a lot of time. Then I started to find other solutions. The most important thing to do now was getting in touch with my friend as soon as possible. So I decided to borrow a cell phone from a stranger. I looked around and tried to find someone who might be willing to lend me a cell phone. Then I saw a young lady who was drinking coffee in a café with her cell phone on the table. I walked towards her and asked her for help. I thought she might refuse me and regarded me as a swindler. She was astonished at first, but after she realized what had happened, she smiled and agreed to lend me her cell phone. I was so grateful for that and kept on saying thank you to her. Finally, I was able to contact my friend and we had a wonderful Saturday together.


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