

2022-08-08 09:32来源:互联网作者:上海管理员









1. 8.25

2. water

3. woods

4. cousin

5. restaurant

6. walk

7. 10.00

8. boots

9. pay










21-25 选择

21. what is the problem with the students’ recent paper report?

C. need to choose a focus

22. what is the difficulty the student thought the babies might have?

C. the babies mix up the mother language with a second one

23. what has been agreed between the teacher and the students?

B. bilingual ability is helpful for future career

24. what does the teacher say about the advantage of the bilingual ability for baby

A. they may be more capable of dealing with multitask

25. what is the major concern of parents sending baby to bilingual school?

C. the school fee is too high

26-30 匹配

26. Professor A: C. not well organized

27. Professor B: F. there are too few samples being taken

28. Professor C: A. not a clear topic focus

29. Professor D: D. lack of logical reasoning in some parts

30. Professor E: B. some content is too supercilious








8月的第 一场雅思考试阅读部分依旧延续7月的难度系数,

Passage 1 Shadow Puppets皮影戏




题型配比:判断3+流程填空5+notes 填空5


1. T 2.T 3.NG


4.animal skins 5. determine the shape before cutting out 6. dig some holes to add details 7.paint 8.和rods绑在一起


Passage 2 Multitasking debate 多任务处理







14. F 15. I 16.C 17. B 18.G


19. C 20.B 21.A


22.YES 23.YES 24.NO 25.NOT GIVEN 26. NO



Multitasking Debate

Can you do them at the same time?

Talking on the phone while driving isn't the only situation where we're worse at multitasking than we might like to think we are. New studies have identified a bottleneck in our brains that some say means we are fundamentally incapable of true multitasking If experimental findings reflect real-world performance, people who think they are multitasking are probably just underperforming in all — or at best, all but one - of their parallel pursuits. Practice might improve your performance, but you will never be as good as when focusing on one task at a time.

The problem, according to Rene Marois, a psychologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, is that there's a sticking point in the brain. To demonstrate this, Marois devised an experiment to locate it. Volunteers watch a screen and when a particular image appears, a red circle, say, they have to press a key with their index finger. Different coloured circles require presses from different fingers. Typical response time is about half a second, and the volunteers quickly reach their peak performance. Then they learn to listen to different recordings and respond by making a specific sound. For instance, when they hear a bird chirp, they have to say “ba”; an electronic sound should elicit a “ko", and so on. Again, no problem. A normal person can do that in about half a second, with almost no effort.

The trouble comes when Marois shows the volunteers an image, and then almost immediately plays them a sound. Now they’re flummoxed. “If you show an image and play a sound at the same time, one task is postponed,” he says. In fact, if the second task is introduced within the half-second or so it takes to process and react to the first, it will simply be delayed until the first one is done. The largest dual-task delays occur when the two tasks are presented simultaneously; delays progressively shorten as the interval between presenting the tasks lengthens.

There are at least three points where we seem to get stuck, says Marois. The first is in simply identifying what we're looking at. This can take a few tenths of a second, during which time we are not able to see and recognise a second item. This limitation is known as the "attentional blink”:experiments have shown that if you're watching out for a particular event and a second one shows up unexpectedly any time within this crucial window of concentration, it may register in your visual cortex but you will be unable to act upon it. Interestingly, if you don’t expect the first event, you have no trouble responding to the second. What exactly causes the attentional blink is still a matter for debate.

A second limitation is in our short-term visual memory. It’s estimated that we can keep track of about four items at a time, fewer if they are complex. This capacity shortage is thought to explain, in part, our astonishing inability to detect even huge changes in scenes that are otherwise identical, so-called “change blindness”. Show people pairs of near-identical photos - say, aircraft engines in one picture have disappeared in the other - and they will fail to spot the differences. Here again, though, there is disagreement about what the essential limiting factor really is. Does it come down to a dearth of storage capacity, or is it about how much attention a viewer is paying?

But David Meyer, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, doesn't buy the bottleneck idea. He thinks dual-task interference is just evidence of a strategy used by the brain to prioritise multiple activities. Meyer is known as something of an optimist by his peers. He has written papers with titles like "Virtually perfect time-sharing in dual-task performance: Uncorking the central cognitive bottleneck”. His experiments have shown that with enough practice - at least 2000 tries - some people can execute two tasks simultaneously as competently as if they were doing them one after the other. He suggests that there is a central cognitive processor that coordinates all this and, what's more, he thinks it uses discretion: sometimes it chooses to delay one task while completing another.

Marois agrees that practice can sometimes erase interference effects. He has found that with just 1 hour of practice each day for two weeks, volunteers show a huge improvement at managing both his tasks at once. Where he disagrees with Meyer is in what the brain is doing to achieve this. Marois speculates that practice might give us the chance to find less congested circuits to execute a task — rather like finding trusty back streets to avoid heavy traffic on main roads 一 effectively making our response to the task subconscious. After all, there are plenty of examples of subconscious multitasking that most of us routinely manage: walking and talking, eating and reading, watching TV and folding the laundry.

It probably comes as no surprise that, generally speaking, we get worse at multitasking as we age. According to Art Kramer at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, who studies how ageing affects our cognitive abilities, we peak in our 20s. Though the decline is slow through our 30s and on into our 50s, it is there; and after 55, it becomes more precipitous. In one study, he and his colleagues had both young and old participants do a simulated driving task while carrying on a conversation. He found that while young drivers tended to miss background changes, older drivers failed to notice things that were highly relevant. Likewise, older subjects had more trouble paying attention to the more important parts of a scene than young drivers.

It’s not all bad news for over-55s, though. Kramer also found that older people can benefit from practice. Not only did they learn to perform better, brain scans showed that underlying that improvement was a change in the way their brains become active. While if s clear that practice can often make a difference, especially as we age, the basic facts remain sobering. "We have this impression of an almighty complex brain/, says Marois, "and yet we have very humbling and crippling limits.” For most of our history, we probably never needed to do more than one thing at a time, he says, and so we haven't evolved to be able to. Perhaps we will in future, though. We might yet look back one day on people like Debbie and Alun as ancestors of a new breed of true multitaskers.

Passage3 The Tuatara-Past and future大蜥蜴—新西兰物种入侵







27. D 28. B 29. B 30. B 31. D


32.YES 33. YES 34.NOT GIVEN 35.NO


36.creative thinking


38.native fish





Tuatara are reptiles endemic to New Zealand. Although resembling most lizards, they are part of a distinct lineage, the order Rhynchocephalia. Their name derives from the Māori language, and means "peaks on the back" The single species of tuatara is the only surviving member of its order, which flourished around 200 million years ago. Their most recent common ancestor with any other extant group is with the squamates (lizards and snakes). For this reason, tuatara are of great interest in the study of the evolution of lizards and snakes, and for the reconstruction of the appearance and habits of the earliest diapsids, a group of amniote tetrapods that also includes dinosaurs, birds, and crocodilians.

Tuatara are greenish brown and grey, and measure up to 80 cm (31 in) from head to tail-tip and weigh up to 1.3 kg (2.9 lb) with a spiny crest along the back, especially pronounced in males. Their dentition, in which two rows of teeth in the upper jaw overlap one row on the lower jaw, is unique among living species. They are even more unusual in having a pronounced photoreceptive eye, the "third eye", which is thought to be involved in setting circadian and seasonal cycles. They are able to hear, although no external ear is present, and have a number of unique features in their skeleton, some of them apparently evolutionarily retained from fish. Although tuatara are sometimes called "living fossils", recent anatomical work has shown that they have changed significantly since the Mesozoic era. While mapping its genome, researchers have discovered that the species has between five and six billion base pairs of DNA sequence.

The tuatara Sphenodon punctatus has been protected by law since 1895. A second species, S. guntheri, was recognised in 1989 but since 2009 its use has been discontinued. Tuatara, like many of New Zealand's native animals, are threatened by habitat loss and introduced predators, such as the Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans). They were extinct on the mainland, with the remaining populations confined to 32 offshore islands, until the first mainland release into the heavily fenced and monitored Karori Sanctuary in 2005.

During routine maintenance work at Karori Sanctuary in late 2008, a tuatara nest was uncovered, with a hatchling found the following autumn. This is thought to be the first case of tuatara successfully breeding on the New Zealand mainland in over 200 years, outside of captive rearing facilities.


主要收录2022年8月的雅思纸笔口语和机考口语题目。9月即将迎来换题季,8月依然沿用之前三个月的题库。请大家结合题库,本份预测和串题的思路进行复习。Part12 红色题为必备考题,紫色题为第二重点优先准备

*重点优先按顺序准备题目,一边题库,一边整理语料,根据预测准备,尽量考前确保所有预测都有按顺序刷过一遍* (文档结尾附建议)

三大必考题:Work or study/ Hometown/ Accommodation

Part1 必备考题

Evening times/Computers/Daily routine/Taking photos / Watches/Old buildings /Talents/Collecting things/Boring things/Meeting places/ Sports /books and reading habits

advertisement /Mirror/Dreams /Arts /Websites/Cinemas/Street markets /E-mails/Time Management / Lost and found /Concentration/TV program / Sitting down/dreams


Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about you work

Describe a long walk you ever had

Describe something you received for free

Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future

Describe an interesting neighbor

Describe an important river/lake in your country

Describe a quiet place you like to go

Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much

Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

Describe something that surprised you

Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in

Describe a traditional product in your country

Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positve way

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend

Describe a person who contributes to the society

Describe an important event you celebrated

Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved yet

Describe a person who you follow on social media


Describe a difficult decision that you once made

Describe a way that helps you save a lot of time

Describe an occasion that you lost something

Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study

Describe a positive change that you made

Describe a famous person in your country

Describe a time when you helped a child

Describe a thing you did to learn another language

Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you

Describe a story someone told you and you remember

Describe a course that impressed you a lot

Describe a skill that you learned from older people

Describe someone you really like to spend time with

Describe a time you visited a new place

Describe a house or an apartment which you would like to live in

Describe an interesting song

Describe a city that you think is interesting

Describe a rule that you don’t like

Describe a special cake you received from others

Describe a time when you organised a happy event successfully

Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

Describe something that you can’t live without

Describe a village that you visited



Describe a positive change that you made

Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

Describe a person who you follow on social media

Describe a famous person in your country

Describe a person who contributes to the society

Describe a way that helps you save a lot of time

人物类的上面三个话题都可以让我联想到刘耕宏,最近一个炙手可热的网络红人主播(live streamer),他不仅是个歌手,更为人熟知的身份是一个fitness instructor健身教练,在抖音上进行直播健身教粉丝健身操锻炼(do fitness livestream on Tiktok and teach his followers dance workout)。这是最近成千万网民在抖音上关注的人,也是一个来自我们国家的名人。刘耕宏在某些程度上确实是对社会做贡献的,因为他motivate thousands to get into shape(鼓励成年上万人去强身健体)。在刘耕宏的带领下,很多中国人开始晚上改掉吃饱就看电视的久坐的习惯(sedentary lifestyle),开始跟着刘耕宏跳操(doing workout with Liu Genghong),肥肉“咔咔掉”。

另外 你也可以说这是你保持健康的方式(something you do to keep fit),以及你最近的postive change。

另外 关于节省时间的方法(a way that helps you save a lot of time) 很多同学会觉得是个很抽象的话题 我们具体到健身的情景上来 如果你之前都是去健身房 但现在因为很忙碌 所以在家里跳操 其实就算一个节约时间的方法。


一个线图:关于1962-2012 澳大利亚五种产业的劳动力占比


对于C11 T3 的小作文,这里给大家提供三种overall的写法,

Overall,the average carbon dioxide emission per person had increased in the UK and Sweden, while that had declined in Italy and Portugal within the 40 years.

Overall, the amount of average carbon dioxide emission per person showed different trends in the four countries within the 40 years.

Overall, the difference among average carbon dioxide emission per person had narrowed considerably from 1967 to 2007. (Band 8)

特别是最后一种差距缩小的思路,概括性更高,其实对于很多的题目都是适用的,对比C9 T2; C11 T3;以及最新的C17 T3 上。

Task 2

Some people think visual images(like photographs, videos) can tell information more accurately in a news story, while others think they cannot represent the full story. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



对于双边讨论的题目而言,其实之前的推送中也有提到过,即中间两段去论述“为什么双方会有这样一个观点”。对于第 一个观点,可以从文字报道相对来说比较抽象,并且间接的报道可能会加入报道者主观的情绪,可能准确性有偏颇。相比之下,visual image能够把真实的画面去传达出来, 而且图片及视频不太容易被改动,所以更客观(objective)且真实性(reliability)会相对高。另外一些人认为新闻在报道的时候,图片和视频只是碎片的信息,只能呈现一瞬间或者一段时间中的真实情况,并不能呈现完整的来龙去脉,所以需要文字对图片及视频背景做出介绍,对于内容总体的总结。







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