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2021/6/17 Thursday




雅思阅读Passage 3对应


Test 5 Passage 3

Elephant Communication









咨询在 Ohope度假可享受的服务


Ohope Holiday Park: Accommodation


6. Children can play tennis for free.

7. It is possible to hire equipment for fishing for an afternoon.

8. The children could visit the local farm on Saturday and Sunday.

9. Children can be guided to the forest every evening to see birds.

10. Contact Arataki to confirm the booking.







11. When did the speaker usually wake up?




12. What is the first thing the speaker do in the moming?

A. cleaning up horses

B. organizing her son

C. doing farm work


The woman is the chainwoman of the rider's club. At present, there are about 13.40 full time

volunteer riders in the club, but nomally only 14.25 of the riders can actively participate in

the event organized.


A. she likes it

B. she doesn't mind it

C. she hates it

15. Correspondence B

16. Raise fund C

17. Contact riders A

18. Managing accounts C


19-20. In which two ways do the woman believe the organization can improve?

B. make fund raising activities more effective

E. volunteers should be more aware of the difficulties faced by disabled people







21-22. What are the TWO reasons why children do less sports than the past?

A concern about the taffic

B. the preference of indoor activities

C. a lack of faciltieis

D. more time spent in the Intermet

E. the reduction of time

23-24. What TWO aspects would the student like to focus on?

A learn how to evaluate the risks

B. learn how to improve digestion

E. learn about the surrounding environment

25- 26.What are the TWO diferences of outdoor games now from the old generation?

A they have less trfff

B. they last shorter time

C. They have fewer people

D. They include fewer made-up games

E. They involve fewer chasing games


27. What should parents be concerned about their children as they spent less time in

outdoor activities?

A weakening family conditions

B. poor health condition in the future

28. What schools should do to reverse the trend?

A revise its aim

C. consider parents' opinion

29. What is the result a report from other researchers found about children living in rural areas?

A. they play outside more than children in cities

B. they need more supervision

C. they do more farm work

30. What did Dr. Chang highlight the report?

B. the result is inconclusive

C. the focus is limited







Field Trial - Heat Pump Technology


UK aims to reduce the carbon emission produced by 31. homes by 25%.

The most 'green' energy is 32. solar.

Little investment in heat pump technology is due to the lack of 33. experience in using this

form of energy.

What is heat pump?

Heat pump functions as the purpose of a 34. boiler.

Heat pump gets heat from the earth and 35. air.

When temperature rises to 60C. it klls 36. bacteria.

Field trial

Heat pump is used for. 37. radiators and under-loor heating.

Key conclusions:

There should be 38. training for insallation techniques.

39. Simple designs perform better.

People should be taught to regulate controls.

Need a 40. supervisor to coordinate


Part 1.

People & Animal

Wild life


Extreme sports



Watch stars

Environmental Protection


Car tip

Work & study



Getting up earty

Objects & Things

Wallet and purse

Special costumes


Window Vlew





Home County


Primary School





Being happy

Part 2&3

People & Animal

Describe your favorte singer or actor喜欢的歌手或演员

Describe a person who loves to do social work社会工作

Describe a writer you would like to meet作家

Describe a person who understands your felings and emotions懂你的人

Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes穿着奇怪的人

Describe someone who is older than you that you admire尊敬的长者

Describe a person who likes to help others乐于助人

Describe a person you know who is polite礼貌的人


Describe an argument with your friend与朋友的争吵

Describe a time when you helped a friend帮助朋友的经历

Describe a time when you lost your way迷路

Describe an occasion when many people were smiling微笑

Describe an occasion when you were not alowed to use your mobile phone不允许用手机的场合

Describe an event when you tried to do something but not sucessful.努力做了但没有成功的事

Describe a plan in your life (that is not related to work or study计划

Describe a leisure activity near/ on the sea that you want to try水上活动

Describe time when you shared something with others (or another person) 分享

Describe an occasion when you ate somethling for the frst time第%一次吃某种东西

Describe a time when you made a promise to someone承诺

Describe a live sport match that you have wathed现场体育比赛

Describe a time you had to wait in line for a long time排长长的队

Describe a time you had to encourage someone to do something he or she didn't enjoy doing鼓励别人做不喜欢的事情

Describe a time when it is important to tell your friend the truth告诉朋友事实

Describe a time when you had to use your imagination用想象力

Describe an activity that you do ater school/work课后活动


Describe a piece of equipment that is the most important one in your family家中重要的设备

Describe a natural talent (like sports, music and so on) you want to improve提高的天赋

Describe a puzze(ike a jigsaw or a cross word) you have solved谜语

Describe an art or craft activity (e.g. painting. woodwork, etc.) that you had (at school)艺术品

Describe an article on health you have read.关于健康的文章

Describe a toy you enjoyed playing when you were a kid.小时候喜欢的玩具

Describe a thing that you bought and felt pleased about.满意的购物


Describe a towmn or a city where you would like to live in the future想居住的城镇

Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike高楼

Describe a place you vited that has been afected by pllution污染的地方

Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in安静的地方

Describe a place (not your home)where you are able to relax放松的地方

Describe a part of a city or town that you enjoy spending time in.喜欢的地方

Describe someone's home you like but don't want to live in.不喜欢的家

Describe a street market or ouldoor market you've been to街边集市

Describe a company where you live that employs a lot of people大公司

Describe your favorite movie喜欢的电影

Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in本地新闻

Describe a law on environmental protection环保法律

Describe a time when you found out something interesting on the social media在社交媒体的趣事

Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people.教别人技能

Describe a perfect job you would like to have完美的工作


Passage 1

Topic An experiment to investigate the nature of language ability

P1 The paragraph is mainly about the introduction of the toplc. There is some information about scientific research about chimps and about how they leam languages.

P2 The paragraph mainly intoduce Matata, one of the chimps that researchers would conduct experiment. Matata, a female chimp of bonobo, a species hardly known before. Matata brought an infant with her, named Kanzi.

P3 Researchers try to teach Matata to understand human language and to point to symbols to communicate. They designed several ways in the experiment to observe Matata. During the session, Kanzi was llowed to play freely.

P4 Because of some performance of chimps, researchers decided to make greater efrts to make a more naturalistic condition.

P5 This paragraph begins to descrbe the experiment of Kanzi. Kanzi was taught together with the other two chimps , one from its own species, the other from a different species of chimps. Researchers were not insistent on Kanzi' s response. They would respond to Kanzi when it responds.

P6 Researchers mainly used spoken languages to communicate with Kanzi, just as communicate with small children, except that they designed some signals such as gestures and”

P7 The paragraph describes an experiment with Kanzi. A researcher gave Kanzi instructions by spoken languages from afar, while the other researcher stayed together with Kanzi with an earphone, so he would not give Kanzi any tips. This researcher was to observe whether Kanzi would understand the instructions and do as it was told to.

P8 The findings of the experiment include Kanzi understood complex sentence structure better than simple structure when he was told to do something new. For example, he was confused when hearing to take the orange and put it on the table in the chair house, but would do without hesitation when hearing put the orange to the table that is in the chair house. Kanzi eventually learned to use clear and consistent sentence structure

P9 The paragraph compares the performance of learmning languages between Kanzi and its two companions. Researchers find that Kanzi could understand 200 words when it was ten. The other two chimps, either the bonobo or the other species of chimps, were able to learn as electively as Kanzi.

P10 the paragraph is mainly about the conclusion researchers drew from the experiments. Protection is damaging to the development of..


The experiment with Matata

1. Matata is a female bonobo.

2. During the session with Matata, the researchers let Kanzi play.

3. "a number of shapes of...

4. The researchers try harder to .. that is naturalistic.

The experiment with Kanzi

5.”by only observation.

6. A dffrent species from Kanzi can learm in the same way as Kanzi.

The conclusion Savage-Rumbaugh drew from the experiments

7. Protection is harmful to


8. Researchers keep Kanzi apart from other chimps. F

9. Researchers use both verbal and non-verbal communication with Kanzi. T

10. Kanzi is always wlling to fllow the instructions from researchers. F

11. Researchers choose Kanzi' s favorite food during the session. NG


13. Kanzi finally learned to use fixed sequence. T

Passage 2


Odd and curious money


ancient Babylonians didn" t have computers and the intemet. Nevertheless accuracy in recording was still just as important to ensuring trust between parties. Because paper had not been invented yet, Babylonians used a type of clay tablet as currency with transaction records inscribed on the surface of the clay. The evolution of modem bank notes and check could be partly traced from this type of currency.


In ancient China, coins were the main forms of currency. These coins can be made of copper, iron, lead, gold and slver with dfferent shapes, weight and marks. Silver sycee(silver ingots) were a major form of currency in Chinese history for a period of more than a thousand years. Since the Song Dynasty. siver ingots legally became part of the currency system. Siver was not the only precious metal used in ancient China (as a matter of fact. it was relatively more valuable then than now) but was also taken as an exchange media, e.g, Money.


n Thailand, people used tiger claws as their major form of currency as they were hard to obtain. Later, tiger tongue shaped money were issued and produced in large amount, making it popular among collectors.


Dog teeth were sometimes used and even strung together so that it can have higher value.


In japan, the people in power (shogun) confiscaled the valuable metals and minted them into coins because he thought these were useless luxunies. This led to the assassination of

the shogun. Money trees were used in japan in trading with other island nations.


Aficans used whale teeth as curency and whale teeth can be made into necklace and only be worn by the tribal chiets. A Katanga Cross, also known as a handa in some local languages, is a cast copper cross that was previously used as currency in parts of what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo from the 19th to 20th centuries, although its use for bride purchase. Katanga crosses were made in various sizes, but typically measure 200 millimeters in length and weigh approximately 1 kilogram. These crosses were made by digging mould in the sand and pouring liquid metal into the mould.


14.中国18世纪主要货币是? .

A.Round coin

B. Silver coin

C. Silver ingot

15. What did the author say about tiger claws money?

B. it was hard to acquire

16. Why did Thailand government used bllting money as a form of currency?

C. standard coins were not available

17. What happen when dog teeth were strung together?

Value became increased

18. How was a kakanga cross made?

C pouring liquid metal into mould shaped by sand










I. 目前依然在使用




22.日本money tree钱币A


24. Kakanga cross钱币G

25. 非洲刚果钱币 D


Passage 3


The Secret Sounds of Elephants

九分达人6 Test5 Passage3 Elephant Communication

Elephant Communication

O Connell-Rodwell, a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, has traveled t Namibia's first-ever wildlife reserve to explore the mystical and complicated realm of elephant communication. She, along with her colleagues, is part of a scientific revolution that started Most 20 years ago. This revolution has made a stunning revelation: elephants are capable of

| communicating with each other over long distances with low-frequeney sounds. also known as infrasounds, which are too deep for humans to hear,

As might be expected, African elephants able 10 detect seismic sound may have something to do with their cars. The hammer bone in an elephant's inner ear is proportionally huge for a mamma! but it is rather normal for animals that use vibrational signals. Thus, it may be a sign that suggests clephants can use scismic sounds to communicate.

Other aspeets of elephant anatomy also support that ability, First, their massive bodies, which enable them to give out low-frequeney sounds almost as powerful as the sound a jet makes during takeoff, serve as ideal frames for reeiving ground vibrations and transmitting them to the inne ear. Second, the elephant's toe bones ane set on a fly pad, which might be of help when focusing v ibrations from the ground into the bone. Finally, the elephant has an enormous brain that sits in the cranial cavity behind the eyes in line with the audiory canal. The front of the skull is riddled with sinus cavities, which might function as resonating chambers for ground vibrations.

It remains unclear how the elephants delect such vibrations, but OConnell-Rodwell raises a point that the pachyderms are "listening with their trunks and feet instead of their I ears.

The elephant trunk may just be the most versatile appenduge in nature. Iis uilisation encompasses drinking. bathing. smeling. feeding and scralching Both trunk and feet contain two ypes of merve endings that are sensitive 10 pressure-one detects infrasonic vibration, and another responds to vibrations higher in frequencies. As OConnell-Rodwel sees, this research has a boundless an unpredictable future. Our work is really interfaced of gcophysics, neurophysiology and ecology, she says. 'We 're raising questions that have never even been considered before.'

It has been well-known to scientists that seismic communication is widely observed among small animals, such as spiders, scorpions, insects and quite a lot of vertebrate species like white-lipped frogs, blind mole rats kangaroo rats and golden moles. Nevertheless OConnell-Rodwell first argued that a giant land animal is also sending and reeiving seismic signals, 1 used to lay a male planthopper on a stem and replay the clling sound of a female, and then the male one would exhibit the same kind of behaviour that happens in clephants- - he would freeze, then press down on  his legs, move forward a lte,t then stay stll again. I find it so fascinating, and it got me thinking that perhaps auditory communication is not the only thing that is going on.

Scientists have confirmed that 37 an elephants capacity to communicate over long distance is essential for survival, especially in places like Etosha, where more than 2, 400 savanna elephants range over a land bigger than New Jersey. It is already difficult for an elephant to find a mate in such a vast wild land, and the elephant reproductive biology only complicates it. Breeding herds also adopt low-frequency sounds to send alerts regarding predators. Even though grown-up elephants have no enemies else than human beings, baby elephants are vulnerable and are susceptible to lions and hyenas attack. At the sight of a predator, older ones in the herd will clump together to form protection before running away.

We now know that elephants can respond to warning calls in the air, but can they detect signals transmitted solely through the ground? To look into that matter, the research team designed an experiment in 2002, which used electronic devices that enabled them to give out signals through the ground at Mushara. The outcomes of our 2002 study revealed that elephants could indeed sense waming signals through the ground, 'O Connell-Rodwell observes

Last year, an experiment was set up in the hope of solving that problem. It used three different recordings- -theI 994 warning call from Mushara, an ant-predator call recorded by scientist Joyce Poole in Kenya and a made-up warble tone.“The data I've observed to this point implies that the elephants were responding the way I always expected. However, the fascinating finding is that the anti-predator call from Kenya, which is unfamiliar to them, caused them to gather around, tense up and rumble aggressively as well but they didn't always flee. I didn't expect the results to be that clear-cut.'









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