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ACT科学Session3地球学(实战练习Practice 6)

2017-05-08 17:11来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:ACT科学Session3地球学(实战练习Practice 6)

  Practice 6

  (55C-Passage VI)

  Earth's atmosphere consists of various gases and suspended liquid and solid matter. The atmosphere can be divided into layers based on air temperature and/or composition. Figure 1 shows the layers of the atmosphere, the altitude of the layer boundaries, in kilometers (km), and the air pressure, in millibars (mb), at those boundaries. Figure 2 shows the average air temperature, in degrees Celsius (℃), in arctic (cold) and tropical (warm) air asses at various altitudes. Table 1 shows air pressure and temperature readings from weather instruments carried into the stratosphere by balloons on 2 separate days.



  Practice 6.1

  According to Figure 2, at approximately which of the following altitudes would a weather instrument measuring air temperature be unable to distinguish between tropical and arctic air masses?

  A. 12.0 km

  B. 13.5 km

  C. 15.5 km

  D. 16.5 km

  Practice 6.2

  According to Figure 1, several atmospheric layers overlap one another. Which of the following describes atmospheric layers that share part of a common altitude range?

  F. Stratosphere and mesosphere

  G. Stratosphere and thermosphere

  H. Mesosphere and thermosphere

  J. Mesosphere and chemosphere

  Practice 6.3

  According to Figure 1 and Table 1, if the weather instruments rose above 13.7 km, the air pressure would most likely:

  A. increase to more than 1,000 mb.

  B. stay at 200 mb.

  C. decrease to less than 200 mb.

  D. decrease to 1,000 mb.

  Practice 6.4

  According to Figure 1, a weather instrument reading an air pressure of 5 mb is most likely in which of the following layers?

  F. Troposphere

  G. Ozonosphere

  H. Mesosphere

  J. Ionosphere

  Practice 6.5

  Answers for Practice 4-6: Practice 4 D G C H D G

  According to Table 1, which of the following statements best describes the relationship between altitude and air temperature?

  A. The air temperature decreased with increasing altitude on Day 1 only.

  B. The air temperature increased with increasing altitude on Day 1 only.

  C. The air temperature decreased with increasing altitude on Day 2 only.

  D. The air temperature increased with increasing altitude on Day 2 only.

  Answers for Practice 4-6: Practice 6 B J C G C

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