动物学 Zoology
例题练习 3
(57B-Passage IV)
Because amphibian eggs lack a hard outer shell, their DNA can be damaged by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight. Table 1 lists the egg-laying behavior of 7 amphibian species and the species’ relative ability to repair DNA damage caused by exposure to UV radiation.
Figure 1 shows the percent of eggs that survived to hatching in the lab for these 7 species after exposure to unfiltered sunlight or to sunlight from which the UV radiation had been filtered out.
例题练习 3.1
Based on the information in Figure 1, eggs from which species are most likely to survive prolonged exposure to sunlight?
A. Species A
B. Species C
C. Species F
D. Species G
l 数据表述类文章,此题为数据比较题。
l 抓住定位词 Figure 1,题目考察 most likely to survive prolonged exposure to sunlight 。
l 根据Figure 1中数据可以看出,在光下egg存活百分比的是物种G,所以直接得出正确答案为G。
例题练习 3.2
According to the data in Figure 1, which species showed the greatest difference between the percent of eggs that survived to hatching after exposure to unfiltered sunlight and the percent of eggs that survived to hatching after exposure to UV-filtered sunlight?
F. Species A
G. Species C
H. Species E
J. Species G
l 数据表述类文章,此题为数据比较题。
l 抓住定位词 Figure 1,题目考察 the greatest difference between…。
l 根据Figure 1中数据可以看出,对比值的物种为E,当然可以知道正确答案为H。
例题练习 3.3
Researchers recently discovered a new amphibian species that lays its eggs under cover. Based on the data in Table 1, the researchers would predict that this species’ relative DNA-repair ability is most likely:
A. less than 0.1.
B. greater than 0.1 and less than 0.3
C. greater than 0.3 and less than 0.7
D. greater than 0.7.
l 数据表述类文章,此题为数据推理题。
l 抓住定位词 Table 1,题目考察 a new amphibian species that lays its eggs under cover & relative DNA-repair ability。
l 根据Table 1中,不论物种,先将光照等级分类,我们可以看出大趋势是光照强度越大,修复能力越强,结合新物种的蛋是under cover,对应的光强是 low,在此光强下物种B的修复能力是 <0.1,推理可得,新物种的修复能力也应该是<0.1,故正确答案为A。
例题练习 3.4
According to the information in Table 1, for all the species shown, as the exposure of eggs to sunlight increases the relative ability to repair DNA damage generally:
F. decreases only.
G. increases only.
H. decreases, then increases.
J. increases, then decreases.
l 数据表述类文章,此题为数据推理(数据间关系)题。
l 抓住定位词 Table 1,题目考察当the exposure of eggs to sunlight increases 时 the relative ability to repair DNA damage的变化趋势 。
l 根据Table 1中,不论物种,先将光照等级分类,我们可以看出大趋势是光照强度越大,修复能力越强,直接比较得出正确答案为G。
例题练习 3.5
Based on the data in Table 1 and Figure 1, amphibians that had the lowest percent of eggs that survived to hatching when exposed to unfiltered sunlight tend to:
A. bury their eggs.
B. lay their eggs under cover.
C. lay their eggs in deep water.
D. lay their eggs in shallow water.
l 数据表述类文章,此题为数据比较题。
l 抓住定位词 Table 1 and Figure 1,题目考察 the lowest percent of eggs that survived to hatching 。
l 根据 Figure 1中,在 unfiltered sunlight 条件下,物种A的百分比,同时结合 Table 1 中物种A的egg-laying behavior 是 eggs buried,可以得出正确答案为A。
知识拓展 3
l 两栖动物(学名:Amphibia)包括所有生没有卵壳的卵,拥有四肢的脊椎动物。两栖动物的皮肤裸露,表面没有鳞片,毛发等覆盖,但是可以分泌粘液以保持身体的湿润;其幼体在水中生活,用鳃进行呼吸,长大后用肺兼皮肤呼吸。两栖动物可以爬上陆地,但是不能一生离水,因为可以在两处生存,称为两栖。它是脊椎动物从水栖到陆栖的过渡类型。现在大约有三千多种两栖动物。两栖动物是冷血动物。
l 两栖动物繁殖时候需要水,因为它们的卵要生在水里。刚从卵里出来的幼体形态似鱼(如蝌蚪)用鳃呼吸,有侧线,依靠尾鳍游泳。然后经变态(metamorphosis)才能上陆生活。一般来说,它们最后会离开水,但是并非所有两栖动物都是这样。
l 它们成长过程中最明显的是长出四条腿来在陆地上行走,另外还有:
身体分为头、躯干、尾和四肢四部分;鱼鳃改为别的呼吸器,如肺;皮肤变为可以交换气体的器官;眼睛加了活动性眼睑,下眼睑连有瞬膜(但某些鲨鱼已有瞬膜);在蛙蟾类的眼后常有一圆形鼓膜(tympanic membrance)覆盖在中耳(middle ear 或称鼓室 tympnic cavity)外壁,内接耳柱骨(columella),并出现耳咽管(eustachian tube)。
ACT科学 Session1生物相关例题解析可:ACT科学Session1生物(细胞生物学-例题解析)、ACT科学Session1生物(植物学-例题解析)
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