

2013-07-23 14:30来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




Section 1


【内容】男生找老师,老师问他今天上课听懂没?男生说他报communication的时候没想到会讨论古罗马演讲家,并且说不同意此演讲家的观点“要做好人才能当演讲家”。老师说对的,这是我们下节课要讲的内容。古希腊有学校培养演讲家,不讲moral内容,只教怎么去persuade别人,有时候自己都不知道自己讲的是什么。然后男生说今天来其实是想请你帮我的internship写推荐信,老师说好啊,但是我才教了你半个学期,不太了解你。学生说我写了个personal essay,老师说好吧那我帮你看看,可以了解你顺便帮你改改essay。

Section 2


【内容】美国首都为什么从费城迁到华盛顿,当时本来经济文化中心是费城,但是当时中央政府权力主要被地方13个州瓜分了,南北方的州总有争议。比如当时中央想通过一个bill来take over某些州的debt,南方州不同意,觉得是政府削弱了他们的权力。北方州也不同意,因为有些北方州自己没有debt,不想给别人还债。因为首都不能在任何州里面才公平,所以大家一度因为会把费城从宾州里面独立出来,但是有政客去游说北方州,说可以把北方一块地作为首都,就是华盛顿特区。南方一度还是不同意,但是怕再吵下去中央政府要分崩离析,于是就同意了。华盛顿离弗吉尼亚州很近,所以也比较方便。本来买下华盛顿并不是很贵,但是中央政府太穷,还得卖地给别人来一点点筹钱。

Section 3


【内容】老师说蝙蝠都会冬眠,一般每一两周就会有自然醒现象出现。但是最近美国的一些蝙蝠醒来的会更频繁,这非常不好,因为蝙蝠容易饿死。原因可能是蝙蝠染上了一种白色的真菌,但是欧洲也有长这种真菌的蝙蝠却没被饿死,所以怀疑可能是美国的真菌变异了。还有种看法是有可能真菌并不是直接致死原因,有可能是因为有东西影响到了他们的免疫系统。本来蝙蝠有种物质chitin,应该是夏天不能消化,冬天胃里产生酶来消化,但是在冬天死去的蝙蝠体内还有很多chitin,证明消化这里出了问题,影响了energy,导致蝙蝠冬天的死亡。 最后说人类可以帮助他们,比如在洞里放取暖设备,但是本来蝙蝠也是可以自救的

Section 4



Section 5


【内容】拉斯科洞穴画,说怎么样定义画的时间,一个是absolutely 时间还有就是relative时间。人们可以根据洞内的化石以及当时作画的颜料进行科学测量分析,计算出画存在的时间。还有就是可以根据洞穴里的画,有些画是重叠在另一幅画之上的,意味着下面那幅画相对来说时间更早一些,成为relative time。但是随着拉斯科动画旅游业的开放,旅客参观践踏了洞里面的土地给后期的研究带了很大障碍,也许拉斯科画有很神秘的宗教意义,但是一切都已无从考证了。

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Section 6






Task 1

Your friend has been offered a job that's far away from his hometown. Do you think he should take it or not? Give specific reasons and details to support your response.

参考范文:I don't think he should start a job that's far away from home town for the following reasons. First, working far away from hometown means leaving his families and friends. And that might be hard to deal with if he ever runs into troubles. He won't have someone close to talk about his problems and get advice he need. Second, working far away from hometown means he has to adopt to a whole new life style. Such as getting use to new food or foreign cultures.

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree that teachers should encourage students to have class discussions during class? Give specific reasons and details in your response.

参考范文:I agree with the statement that teachers should be encourage students to have discussions during class. First, students will have better concentration if they speak up during class. Discussion keeps students fully focused on the topic. They might get distracted if the teacher going on and on without giving students a chance to speak. Second, students get to learn how to speak in public from doing class discussions. And these communicating skill will come in handing after they graduate.

Task 3

【讲座主题】The school is planning to set quiet time at 10:00 pm in the student dorms

【原 因】(1) cut down noise made my students ;(2)reduce conflicts between student

【学生态度】Woman agrees with the policy

【同意原因】(1)it can reduce the noise in the dorms. She has to study in the library now because the dorm is too noisy with all the parties going on. If this policy goes through, she can get things done in the dorms. And students can go to bed earlier, and get ready for early classes;(2)her friend had some arguments with her roommate because her roommate always listen to music at a high volume, she complained but the roommate won’t turn it down. It will make student’s life easier if University make the new plan a reality.

Task 4

【讲座主题】Impact Bias

【内容讲解】people have inaccurate expectations of the impact certain event will have on them. Both the intensity and how long it would last

【1个例子】The professors daughter wanted to apply to this University because her best friends are applying and the University’s got a great educational program. She thought he life will be ruined if she didn’t get it. It turns out she wasn’t accepted. She got very upset about it. But she was busy taking care of her high school graduation and planning her summer vacation. Pretty soon she forgot about her misfortune of being rejected by the school, and move on with her life.

Task 5

【一个问题】the man is invited to go to a conference in NYC with the professor he’s been working with, but only hotel will be covered, he will have to pay for transportation himself.

【解决方案】(1) he can buy a flight ticket and fly to NYC . Pro: meet people, opportunity to learn, more time to be prepared for presentation . Con: expensive ; (2) take the train to NYC . Pro: save some money. Con: train ride takes one day, he will miss an important class

Task 6

【讲座主题】The professor talks about how animals that doesn’t live underwater do to stay under the water.

【2种方式】(1) reduce movement in order to save oxygen. For example, alligators hunt under water by staying very still, basically no movement. In doing so, it can cut down heart rate, therefore cut down the need for more oxygen; (2)minimize the time spent under water. For example, brown pelican dives down to catch fish in the water. It doesn’t go to deep, and it has air sacks that open when in the water. That will help the pelican to get back to the surface as fast as possible for oxygen.


Passage 1

【主旨】Distribution of Plants and Animals

【内容】讲地球上植物之间的相似性要远大于动物。以下阐明原因: (1)植物很早以前就开始大范围传播,在大陆板块分开之前就分布到各处,而动物出现得较晚;(2)动物曾经历了多次大灭绝,且之后出现的新物种代替了旧物种与原来很不相同,而植物则很长寿;(3)动物群不如植物群一样分散广,每一个地方都有特定的动物种类,只有当大陆相连接的时候,动物才能进行传播。植物群分散比较广,并且即便是由于大陆漂移,植物也可以越过海洋进行种子的传播。所以人们能看到各个地方相似的植物群出现。最后转折,在亚洲和非洲两地的动物相似性却很高,是因为当时一度亚非板块相连。

Passage 2

【主旨】Determining the Age of Planets and Universe

【内容】 宇宙里面组成的物质都是一样的,形成的时间也比较相仿。科学家发现不同的的星球上留下的遗迹通过科学测量,月球和岩石形成的时间都是一样的,得出结论,所有星球形成时间相仿。地球上有很多水,有腐蚀,不能作为参数进行比较。但是月球和小行星进行比较,目前人类史上没出现小行星撞击地球,但宇宙爆炸产生的小行星碎片已陨石的状态掉落到地球上。

Passage 3

【主旨】Agriculture and Settlement around the Nile

【内容】 尼罗河流域地图。主要讲撒哈拉沙漠和尼罗河对居民的影响。大家都认为尼罗河对于居民的定居是积极意义的,沙漠有着消极的影响。但实际上两个方面是相互影响。在很多年前,当时撒哈拉沙漠还是一片比较富裕的土地,土壤比较适宜,但是随着气候逐渐变干,撒哈拉沙漠已经不适宜人们居住,人们被迫迁移到尼罗河周围,尼罗河那里比较适宜人类的居住,但是大洪水在尼罗河的泛滥导致在溪流边上的人民到达介于河流和沙漠的一片土地上躲避洪水,退却后,人们恢复正常的生活。随着气候的变化,越来越多额游牧主义社群开始定居下来sedentary lifestyle,以庄稼的种植和农业的发展来不断的提供稳定的食物来源,其中谈到非洲农作物源于东亚。


negligible = minor

constraint = limit

commence = begin

unexpectedly = surprisingly

enormous = huge


Task 1


【主题】关于whether R. robustus is active hunter of dinasaurs. 一个叫R.的生物胃里面发现了恐龙的残骸,于是科学家们争论它是不是恐龙Hunter或者只是食腐动物。

Reading: (1) reading说它的size is small, as big as domestic cat; (2) 它的legs short, 不可能跑很快,追不上恐龙, position也不适于hunting; (3) 在R. robustus stomach里的dinasaur bones provide no evidence, 因为没teeth mark

Listening:.(1) 它的size是big enough to eat baby dinasaurs, 它的size even 比baby dinasaur 的两倍还大;(2) 可以,举例论证:Tasmanian Devil,它的腿也很短,就是R. robustus的情况,但是它就是active Predator.所以(ancient) R.robustus could also do that.(3) R. robustus的jaws 很强壮发育的很好,可以swallow in whole or in large pieces,表示R. robustus不用back teeth.

Task 2


The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very different from the challenges their parents and grandparents faced in the past.

参考范文:The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very different from the challenges their parents and grandparents faced in the past.

There have been dramatic changes in people’s lives in the 21st century, especially for the world's youths. The challenges they face are fierce and range from personal problems to work-related issues. As a result, some sociologists argue that compared to young people in the past, young people today encounter more distinct challenges in more diverse areas of their lives. I cannot agree more.

Initially, with the advancement of science and the development of technologies such as the Internet, personal challenges have shifted patterns. Take dating as an example: in the past, people got to know each other mainly through middlemen or day to day encounters, and their contacts were limited. Thus there were fewer opportunities to compare individuals, and this decreased the chances for an individual to find someone suitable. Nowadays, with so many online dating platforms such as Zhen’ai and Baihe, people can easily get in touch with one another, which greatly increase people’s range of choices. Besides, the Internet also allows people to get to know each other virtually before deciding whether to meet, which greatly reduces awkward situations.

Secondly, the economic boom also altered the work-related challenges faced by the youngsters. An example would be the job seeking process. In China, decades ago, people’s job allocations were mainly determined by state or local governments. This was especially true for college students. As a result, there was no need to worry about finding a job. But today it is different. College graduates swarm all over the country, and they have to find jobs on their own and compete with numerous counterparts. The number of well-paid jobs is quite limited. According to a recent survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, nearly 7 million college students are graduating in 2013, and so far only one fourth of those have found jobs. It was also mentioned by some educators that this year would be the hardest time for job hunting due to both the exploding number of students and the limited number of qualified candidates.

To sum up, under the dual influences of science and technological progress as well as economic development, personal or work-related problems confronted by young people today are quite different from those of the past











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