

2013-07-23 14:30来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


2013年5月18日托福考试尘埃落定,新航道“托福国家队”团队,时间为您回忆及解析本场考试托福机经 ,帮助托友们知己知彼。



Section 1


【内容】考古学教授答应帮学生的Graduate School Application写推荐信,但是学生查邮箱没有收到,下周立马有一所学校申请截止,所以焦急的找assistant问详情。这位教授期末有书稿截止、并且安排去澳大利亚沙漠实地研究,虽然她一贯行事缜密(on top of everything),但这件事确实疏忽了。Assistant答应给教授邮件联系,确保推荐信不耽误之后的学校,且建议学生另找其他教授,以防万一

Section 2

【主旨】Astronomy-One of Saturn’s planet

【内容】讲Saturn的一个planet,重点讲述其可能有有机生命体存在,证据如下:Unlike other planets with craters all over its surface, the surface of this planet is crater free, which indicates internal activities. Its southern polar has those cracks referred to by scientists as the “tiger stripes”. This region lets out vents of vapor and is high in temperature. There are several explanations for the high temperature. The first being radioactive elements emitting the heat causing it to remain warm, but considering the size of this planet, it could not have contained enough radioactive materials within to sustain the high temperature. The second being the gravitational pull and the force from the planet creates the friction, but according to calculation, it is still not quite enough, still 5% off. This discussion is valuable for astrological exploit, because it is more likely to contain extraterrestrial life than Europa and Mars.

Section 3

【主旨】Art History- Andy Warhol

【内容】Andy Warhol——The artist that challenges the authenticity of art. Unlike other artists who work in studios, he creates painting in factories mainly using silk-screening to mass-produce many pages of the same paintings. The argument lies in, if his factory workers make the paintings, and Warhol only signed them as the last procedure, is it really him that created the painting? Student 1: Like teachers leave painting assignments in class, every students hand in pieces of flowers, the teachers cannot sign the copy can call it his own. Student 2: Like Renaissance workshop, apprentices do part of the work according to the artists instruction, the artist signed the painting. It is still legitimate for Warhol to be the owner of those art, because he contributes the notion. Professor: It is worth discussion, and remains to be seen.

Section 4


【内容】学生过来跟教授讨论关于short paper和long paper两个的内容把握,关于Benjamin Franklin这个多才多艺的人物,到底细节添加把握到什么程度。教授建议,小论文,可以注重到富兰克林和Post Office的渊源;大论文可以扩宽内容,比如电力等其他方面的贡献。

Section 5

【主旨】Zoology- Female Mule Deer respond to fawn’s cry

【内容】Female Mule Deer respond to fawn’s cry even though the fawn is not her own, for its cause there are several explanations:(1) Recognizable error, the mule deer cannot tell the difference between the cry of her own fawn and other fawn. Not likely. Experiment: when a female mule deer’s fawn is right in from her, when she hears the cry in the microphone, she will also rush there immediately; (2) Bedded Fawn Theory, because their fawn is lying in the burrow, so they are concerned when they hear the cry. Not true. The deer with bedded fawn and the deer with active fawn (fawn standing outside) reacted the same when hearing cry, no difference in intensity;(3) Reciprocal altruism, expecting other mule deer would do the same for their fawn.

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Section 6

【主旨】Business- purchasing behavior

【内容】)Normally, a purchasing behavior consists of 5 steps:

明确需要--信息收集--产品比较--购买发生--产品反馈,一般中间可以缺失一两步,且 顺序会稍有颠倒,但大致如此。但是,Impulse Buying是完全不符合这五步的一种购买行为。学生举例,自己去超市买东西,结账看到冰柜里有一瓶饮料,很贵,但包装很漂亮,他打开冰柜,摸在手里,冰凉的那种畅快让他决定买这瓶饮料。教授分析,这叫Point to chase(POP),鼓励大家触摸的一种方式购买(invites touching)。除此之外,还有upselling,就是跟顾客询问相关产品购买意向,比如快餐店老问您要fries么?教授谈到,虽然impulse buying不符合任何规律,但是研究还是有价值的,在商业销售当中,任何细节都是不应该放过的。比如曾经有一家薯片公司,在电影院发放薯片,电影结束回收袋子,数袋子里剩了多少片,就是为了知道一场电影能吃多少,放多少片合适。




Task 1

Talk about an interesting activity you recently participated in. Did everyone involved enjoy the activity? Give details and examples in your response.

参考答案:An interesting school activity I recently participated in was volunteer teaching. We went to a small, under-developed village that’s far from the city. Students from my school split into groups to teach the kids different classes. I was assigned to teach them English. I taught them some basic greeting skills that they thought was fun. During class breaks, all of us gathered outside to play sports of our choice. Some kicked around a soccer ball, some played the badminton and some played pingpong. Everyone had a blast. Everyone had a blast. I would love to visit the school again soon because everyone had a good time.

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that parents are the best teacher for children? Give specific reasons and details in your response?

参考答案:I agree with the statement that parents are the best teacher for children for the following reasons. First, parents are all we have to learn from when we were young. When a baby is born, first thing he understands is his parent. We slowly learn to talk, walk, run, count and read with the help of parents. We need support, comfort and encouragement. And all of it is provided by our parents. Second, everyday parents slowly and unknowingly teach their kid how to survive in this world. And when the child grows up, he accomplished all the survival task and try to apply in his life. Sometimes he fails and sometimes he passes. Day by day he builds up the confidence in him.

Task 3

【讲座主题】学生letter建议建一个study lounge

【原 因】在人文学院的楼里为学习人类学哲学的学生提够更好的服务



Task 4

【讲座主题】backward framing


【1个例子】研究小组让受试者喝咖啡,咖啡处理过不好喝,受试者喝的时候回访TV program,讲的是一些人喝超好喝的咖啡,大家都很幸福。之后要求受试者写下体会,对咖啡的评价都是positive和delicious的。

Task 5



Task 6


【2种方式】(1)保证存活,兔子warm season换短毛,相对的换长毛,保证其不冷不热地生存下去;(2)防止捕食者,S动物冬天换白毛,捕食者不容易发现他,因此他可以生存。


Passage 1


【内容】1890’s之前,美国尚未经历City Beautiful Movement,除去极个别的Washington D.C,当时的城市规划的特点就是——no urban planning.

影响美国人民住址选定的几个因素主要为:economics,preference to live individually, etc.当时的两大特点为:(1)随着移民风潮(migration)和大量农村人口涌入城市,城市对于住房的要求开始增长;(2)大量城市人口(urbanites)考虑到城市居住诸多隐患,迁移乡村。主要的城市居住弊端为,大量建筑材料易燃、楼距太近、城市明火使用导致火灾频发;排水系统不完善,进而啮齿类动物传播疾病,危及居民健康。



Rise of Industrial America

Between 1880 and 1900, cities in the United States grew at a dramatic rate. Owing most of their population growth to the expansion of industry, U.S. cities grew by about 15 million people in the two decades before 1900. Many of those who helped account for the population growth of cities were immigrants arriving from around the world. A steady stream of people from rural America also migrated to the cities during this period. Between 1880 and 1890, almost 40 percent of the townships in the United States lost population because of migration.

Industrial expansion and population growth radically changed the face of the nation's cities. Noise, traffic jams, slums, air pollution, and sanitation and health problems became commonplace. Mass transit, in the form of trolleys, cable cars, and subways, was built, and skyscrapers began to dominate city skylines. New communities, known as suburbs, began to be built just beyond the city. Commuters, those who lived in the suburbs and traveled in and out of the city for work, began to increase in number.

Many of those who resided in the city lived in rental apartments or tenement housing. Neighborhoods, especially for immigrant populations, were often the center of community life. In the enclave neighborhoods, many immigrant groups attempted to hold onto and practice precious customs and traditions. Even today, many neighborhoods or sections of some of the great cities in the United States reflect those ethnic heritages.

During the final years of the 1800s, industrial cities, with all the problems brought on by rapid population growth and lack of infrastructure to support the growth, occupied a special place in U.S. history. For all the problems, and there were many, the cities promoted a special bond between people and laid the foundation for the multiethnic, multicultural society that we cherish today

City Beautiful Movement

The City Beautiful Movement was a reform philosophy of North American architecture and urban planning that flourished during the 1890s and 1900s with the intent of introducing beautification and monumental grandeur in cities. The movement, which was originally associated mainly with Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and Washington, D.C. promoted beauty not only for its own sake, but also to create moral and civic virtue among urban populations.[1] Advocates of the philosophy believed that such beautification could thus promote a harmonious social order that would increase the quality of life.

Origins and Effect

The movement began in the United States in response to crowding in tenement districts, a consequence of high birth rates, increased immigration and consolidation of rural populations into cities. The movement flourished for several decades, and in addition to the construction of monuments, it also achieved great influence in urban planning that endured throughout the 20th century, in particular in regard to the later creation of housing projects in the United States. The "Garden City" movement in Britain influenced the contemporary planning of some newer suburbs of London, and there was cross-influence between the two aesthetics, one based in formal garden plans and urbanization schemes and the other, with its "semi-detached villas" evoking a more rural atmosphere.

Passage 2

【主旨】Honeybees Juvenile Hormone

【内容】在蜜蜂种群当中,根据年龄的不同,承担不同的任务,这种现象称之为“age polytheism”。比如,年幼的蜜蜂,一般在蜂巢工作,feed the queen and pupae;年长一点的蜜蜂,负责找食物(forage)和存储食物。分工不同的具体解释为,特定举动的频率会比较高,而并非彻底add or eliminate to the total number of the tasks they perform(这里有考题)。

研究表明,如此的分工,主要是由于蜜蜂当中一种叫做Juvenile Hormone的物质进行控制。Juvenile Hormone随着蜜蜂年龄的增长,分泌的速率提升,JH刺激蜜蜂大脑当中叫做mushroom区域逐渐增大,导致最后行为的不同。实验验证,摘除蜜蜂分泌JH的区域,人工注射JH类似物,能够使蜜蜂转变行为方式。

Passage 3



Gilbert Walker研究太平洋东岸和西岸气压发现了“跷跷板效应(Seesaw Effect)”,东岸气压高,则西岸气压低;反之亦然,该现象与厄尔尼诺有着千丝万缕的关系,所以合称——El Niño-Southern Oscillation。






【主题】美国的ANDE wall是不是一种防御机制

Reading:(1)wall不是连续的,有gaps,不能达到防御的目的;(2)wall 由multiple entranceways构成,而一般的防御建筑只有一个出口和入口;(3)没有walls和储水的地方,无法供给城内抵御外敌

Listening:(1)这些gaps都是悬崖之类,通常是容易受攻击的地方;(2)这些ways是用来contact,因为site在large area,而且这些通道很窄;(3)敌人也要面临食物和水短缺的问题,因为这里气候干燥 。

Task 2


Government should support scientific research even if the research does not have any practical use?

参考文章:Scientific research can be divided into two types: basic and applied. The purpose of basic research is to yield knowledge, while the purpose of applied research is to yield something with practical value. It may be tempting to argue that governments should only fund applied research—it is the intuitively "practical" choice—but this would be a bad idea.

First, applied research rests upon the foundation erected by basic research. All of the knowledge and techniques used in applied research have their origins in basic research. All of the work going into understanding the larger universe, for example, currently has very little practical application—why do we need to know about celestial bodies and the like when it might be centuries before we ever travel to them? But when humankind finally devises the means to send those first interstellar explorers off into the stars, it'll be thanks to the centuries of basic research that came before. The needs of the future are difficult to forecast. Therefore we cannot rule out scientific undertakings which have no immediate practical value.

Second, even if the results of basic research are not immediately applicable, we can at least examine how the research is conducted to hone our methodologies. That way, when scientists are conducting applied research that utilizes related concepts or methods, there will be some previous record or procedure to refer to. At the very least, the techniques pioneered in basic research should be transferrable to applied research. For example, say in the course of basic research on a certain chemical compound it is shown that they can be synthesized more efficiently using X method. The compound itself may be relatively valueless, but scientists doing applied research may look at how this more efficient process was arrived at and formalize a way to find cheaper solutions to synthesizing commercial chemicals.

It is true that the government could be spending their money on research with more immediate practical benefits—its duty is, after all, ultimately to foster the wellbeing of its citizens, and practical research can aid in that endeavor in more concrete ways. But if the government foregoes supporting knowledge for the sake of knowledge, then who will pick up the slack? Applied research can lean on private funding, because it is by its very nature a commercial undertaking. But basic research? Aside from foundations and wealthy philanthropists with a predilection for science, there would be nobody to support the march of scientific progress. As human beings we are more than just creatures of comfort—we are also knowers, and so furthering our understanding of the world should also fall under the rubric of government responsibility.

We cannot know where a particular line of inquiry will take us before we have arrived—otherwise, the act of inquiring would be pointless. Thus governments should at least fund basic research "just in case" a useful discovery is made. We also do not have to arrive at a useful destination to benefit from the inquisitive journey—the actual process of investigating might teach us as much as the answer we finally stumble upon. This is another reason funding for basic research should be dismissed out of hand. And last but not least, the pursuit of knowledge is a fundamentally human endeavor. The government should support if it seeks to aid in the flourishing of its citizens, because few others will step up to fill that role.


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