

2013-07-23 14:30来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




Section 1


【内容】一个女学生是教授助理,休假后回来后问教授关于论文写作的的事,她想写有关Dolphins的论文。女生提到度假中查了20世纪80年代的老资料,教授说太老了,应该查2004年的资料,这样才能显示出她认真做过一定的文献分析工作。另外,教授提醒女生注意选题,因为他期望女生在论文中体现出analysis on problems,而不是仅仅做summary。 女生补充说度假时有单位给她工作offer,教授提议不如先读个master。女生说还是倾向于先工作再读master。

Section 2


【内容】有一个英国探险家去南极,因为气候太差,结果没回来。后来他的老婆就把他的notes整理出书了,引起轰动,成了one of the best seller, 整个英国都把这个人当英雄,大人孩子都特别喜欢他。老师说这有两个原因:(1)历史原因,二战之前人人恐慌,有英雄情结;(2)他的夫人做了编辑整理和润饰宣传。然后来有个人又去南极,然后觉得那个所谓的英雄特别笨(这里有考题),有一个是组织能力,另外一个是没有用雪橇犬。再后来又有个女的要为这个英雄正名,就研究了那个时候的一些天气数据,发现那个weather特别糟糕(这里有考题),以Coldest March为题出版,表明当时的三月异常寒冷,因此更突显这个英国探险家的特别不容易。结尾的时候老师说"you might think why it was so late", 问(这里有考题)

Section 3


【内容】根据老鼠胡子设计机器人,刚开始时候不知道老鼠胡子的感受原理。机器人设计完了知道了机器人有感受器,接收了电脑重建image发现很准。后来说老鼠胡子长度能感受texture,长短感受光不光滑是不一样的,这个机器人还不行。最后老师说还没有提到light sensors,机器人以后会有很多功能,比如在黑暗的地方进行作业等。

Section 4

【主旨】financial problem

【内容】校广播站站长没钱了去找dean,dean说学校不给钱,只提供地方且学校广播站是学生组织的非盈利性机构。学生说理解,但还是希望dean能提供好的建议,提到之所以遇到financial problem有两个原因:(1)因为以前很多地方的企业都来广播站做广告,现在网络时代了都不来了,他们倾向于在网上发布广告;(2)企业认为该校广播台影响面比较小也不出名。院长说替他们预约学校development的专业人士咨询一下,他们或许能给出更加专业性和有效地帮助。。

Section 5


【内容】讲越来越多的artificial reef在被建造,这是因为人工reef的好处,越rough越好,hole越多越好,增加了生物的多样性biodiversity。这是因为有些小动物能将hole当做自己的inhabitant place,而大型海洋动物喜欢rough的环境,rough的环境能够方面他们栖息。

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Section 6






Task 1

If the school received a barrel of money, what do you wish it will be spent on? A sports gym, a laboratory or a scientific research facility?

参考答案:If my school received a barrel of money, I'd wish the money be spent on building a gym for the following reasons. First, it's so much better to be able workout indoors. We can workout no matter what the weather conditions are. For example, we can play the badminton when it's windy outside. Also, we can workout during anytime of the day. For example, I have the habit of staying late in the library. If there were a gym in my school, I'll have somewhere to run in after all my works are done. Last, indoor activities are usually less intensive, which means it's less likely for us to get injured from exercising.

Task 2

Some people believe that it is important for young people to have a part-time job as a working experience, while others think they should spend more time on their studies. What is your opinion and why?

参考答案:I think it's extremely important for students to have a part-time job for the following reasons. First of all, students can get real world experience from working off campus. Take myself for example, I waited tables part-time while I was in university. I learned a lot about how to deal with different kinds of people on that job. Also, working off campus means that students can get in touch with people that aren't students. Students have a chance to establish a professional network before leaving school. For example, some schools require students to intern at a local business as part of the graduate requirements. And I know people who have secured permanent positions at these firms even before they graduated.

Task 3

【讲座主题】school plans to require all medical school students to intern at the capital hospital during summer

【原 因】(1)students get a chance learn more about the job;(2)there won't be any scheduling conflicts

【学生态度】woman agrees with the plan

【同意原因】(1)students gets to put what they learned in class to practice, they can get some real world experiences before they leave school;(2) there won't be any scheduling conflict for her. She stays in the lab working till late in the evening. But she can work during summer.

Task 4


【内容讲解】diversion is the divided attention of an individual or group from the chosen object of attention onto the source of distraction

【1个例子】two politicians debates about the idea of building a park beside the city park, and budgeting for the project. Politician A stands against the idea, and he presents numbers and statistics to support why he think the project is too expensive for the city. Politician B however supports the project. But he doesn't mention money at the debate at all. He talks about he used to spend time with his parents beside the river when he was a child. The sight of boats in the river was beautiful. He says more people will be able to enjoy the great view if there is a park by the lake. People like the idea of the view, so they voted for him. But they are distracted from the fact that building the park might be too expensive for the city.

Task 5

【一个问题】the man's problem is he's got really bad tooth ache

【解决方案】(1)go to his own dentist, have everything checked out,but he can only go next morning because the doctor is not currently available;(2)go to another clinic,he can have the problem checked out as soon as possible. But he might miss Physics class. He really wants to go to the lecture because he's not good at Physics.

Task 6

【讲座主题】two ways to capture and eliminate CO2 pollutions

【2种方式】(1)chemical treatment that deals with the problem before the CO2 even leaves the factory. A coal factory uses a chemical to neutralize the CO2 in-house;(2)some factories choose to deal with polluted air at a later stage. For example: a factory plants great number of trees around the factory. The trees do a wonder job.



Passage 1 (重复NA20100221)

【主旨】From Cottage To Industry


早期工厂early factories里面这些机器,作坊也有,为什么要有工厂?


1750年以后出现工厂生产:(1)剥削exploit。原来在家自己管自己,工作时间不确定,而在工厂有严格时间要求。但是,也不能确定在家就比在工厂工作时间短。同时,这也能减少把原材料运到作坊的成本;(2)便于集中组织管理。而实际上1750年以前就有集中的生产centralized workshop,但当时主要是造船、军工、品贸易luxury goods等,需要政府资助government sponsor才能够生存。作坊也有优势,在萧条期,可以随时减少生产量。


Passage 2 (重复NA20111112)

【主旨】Species Diversity



经研究是受到食物供给food supply影响。动物在一种环境生存,当有入侵者invader时,原来的动物可能会挂掉。以前认为这是两动物之间发生物种竞争,现在发现实际是食物供给,因为入侵者也未必能在这一新环境生存。


但并非是食物供给是否充足影响物种多样性,而是食物供给的波动性。在极地的海里,春天和冬天的食物供给大为不同。春天某海洋植物丰富,微生物吃该植物,鱼吃微生物,还有动物不远万里从一极赶到另一极来吃。而在冬天食物稀少的地区,则生物要竞争。举例,某种灰狼grey wolf什么都吃,rabbit、caribou啥的都吃,这类动物被称为generalist,它们会根据实际情况调整饮食,而不是只吃某种特定食物。所以,就会出现物种之间的竞争,从而影响到物种多样性。

Passage 3 (重复NA20110430)









accelerating=increasing in speed



to be sure=certainly

exploit=take advantage of


Task 1


【主题】At a sale in California, envelopes containing photographic negatives

Reading:(1)底片拍的是Pine Trees leaning downward on a cliff。这在Adams兄弟的其他照片中也会看到;(2)装底片的信封上面的地址以及各个底片照相内容的标注的书写非常像A兄弟的媳妇Virginia Adams写的。V姐主要负责给A兄弟当助理。所以很可能是A拍的,然后V负责给整理organize;(3)底片部分有火烧的印迹damaged by fire。而A的工作室studio曾发生过火灾,三分之一的底片被烧。

Listening: 教授说这几个support都不靠谱not convincing:(1)底片内容是景点Yosemite National Park,是当地的标志性建筑,无数摄影师都去拍摄。不能证明这就是A的;(2)书写里面出现了misspelling,而Virginia从小就在Yosemite长大,教授说难道她从小到大一直都错着写;(3)当时底片用的化学材料极易燃flammable,因此摄影师们用的底片引起火烧在当地很常见,没有什么不同寻常的。

Task 2


Which of the following do you think contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation? Good Food、Good Location、Good Friends to travel with?

参考范文:When going on a vacation, a variety of factors can contribute to the overall quality of your experience. For me, the three biggest contenders are good food, good friends, and good location. However, if I had to go with just one, good location would win hands down.

When I travel, the first thing I'm looking to do is broaden my horizons. Food is certainly one way to do that, but it only constitutes a small part of how we can experience foreign cultures. And friends are surely great for the company, but they can also keep your mindset trapped in familiar territory while abroad. That's why food and friends are really secondary considerations for me while traveling. After college I backpacked alone through South America, and while I thoroughly enjoyed the food and longed for some familiar faces now and then, the most salient and enjoyable part of the experience was becoming immersed in a totally foreign location.

Actually, I'd go as far as to say that the experience would've been less enjoyable had I brought any friends with me. That's because when I'm visiting new places, I'm also looking to meet new people; traveling with friends can be great, but traveling alone really forces you to step out of your comfort zone and mingle with strangers. I had actually planned the South American journey months before with a friend of mine, but something came up and she was forced to drop out. The first few days after landing were terrifying. I'd never traveled alone before, and could hardly choke out two words of Spanish. But after a few torturous days of hanging around the hostel, I couldn't stomach the boredom anymore; I decided that I'd force myself to learn Spanish and talk to the locals. The next 2 months gave me some of the most memorable experiences of my life.

Finally, while most people take vacations as an opportunity to relax, I like to take them as an opportunity to challenge myself. Good food and good friends are great for relaxing, but they're not priorities if I'm seeking to push my individual boundaries. A good location, however, can provide a worthwhile challenge that food and friends alone will not--my 2 months in South America thoroughly convinced me of that. Learning a new language, meeting new people, learning to live with only what I could fit into a backpack--these were the challenges that this new location threw at me. Even today, I still consider the experience an important part of my coming-of-age.

These are the reasons why good location comes first for me. Now, don't get me wrong--I love good food as much as the next person. And you can bet my friends will tell you how much I cherish each and every one of them. But good food and good friends will both be waiting for me when I get back at home. Vacation is for getting away, and for that, a good location is crucial.









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