首页>托福>写作>2023年新航道托福写作新题型范文集:Your professor is teaching a class on taxing unhealthy food. Write a post respond

2023年新航道托福写作新题型范文集:Your professor is teaching a class on taxing unhealthy food. Write a post respond

2023-05-17 09:23来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:为了更好的帮助大家考好理想的托福写作分数,今天小编整理了2023年新航道托福写作新题范文集,本篇文章的主题是Your professor is teaching a class on taxing unhealthy food. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.一起来学习一下吧。


自2023年7月26日起, 托福iBT考试的时长将由3小时缩短至2小时以内,取消考试中的10分钟休息时间。其中改革比较多就是托福写作,可以用2个关键字抓住改革的精髓:“短”和“学术”。



表面上看,输出速度没有变化,都是10字/分钟。但是,构思慢的学生要小心了。之前完全可以用10分钟构思,再用20分钟写作。现在必须“短平快”:2分钟内读完教授的邮件和学生留言,然后形成自己的思路,马上动笔,绝 对不能拖泥带水。


旧版托福写作有一些接地气的题目,比如《你愿意在家吃饭,还是去饭店?》。问的是个人偏好(Personal Preference)。考生不需要有什么知识储备,只要有生活常识和基本英文能力就能交出一份答案。即便是低龄考生和脱离学校很久的社会人士也可以得到不错的分数。

改革后的题目会“高冷”很多。比如一道样题问你:在过去的两个世纪,推动人类社会进步的最重要的发明是什么?题目还规定你不许讲电脑和手机。ETS示范的满分答卷讨论了“疫苗和抗生素”。但是仔细想想,这要求考生(1)了解科技进步史;(2)有话题词汇储备,比如vaccine, antibiotic, lifespan, pathogen。显然,学术讨论不是仅靠常识就能hold住的。

2023年新航道托福写作新题型范文集:Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

为了更好的帮助大家考好理想的托福写作分数,今天小编整理了2023年新航道托福写作新题范文集,本篇文章的主题是Your professor is teaching a class on taxing unhealthy food. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.一起来学习一下吧。


Your professor is teaching a class on taxing unhealthy food. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.

In your response you should:

• express and support your opinion

• make a contribution to the discussion

An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You will have 10 minutes to write it.



As is discussed in the class, technology development in food industry has greatly improved the taste and flavor of the food. Many foods and drinks containing high levels of sugar, salt, or fats are consumed in great quantities even though people know such foods have harmful health effects. Therefore, it is urgent for government to make these unhealthy foods and drinks more expensive by taxing them. However, it is suggested that improving the public health awareness should be given priority. So, where do you stand on this issue?


I think, taxing the unhealthy food is the obvious direct way to solve the problem. The tax (money paid to the government) would discourage consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks and raise money for future health-care costs. When people want to buy such food and drinks, considering the extra fee for tax, they will not choose to consume more.

Gradually, they are more likely to form good habit for diet. That is a good way.


I disagree. While I understand higher prices can reduce the quantity of consumption, the effect usually lasts in a short time. When people get used to the new price, the consumption will recover soon, let alone their favorite food. So government should do its utmost to improve people’s awareness. Only when people truly realize the harm of junk food can they resist the induce for the unhealthy food.


From my perspective, elevating the prices of fattening food is considered efficacious to constrain the trend towards health problems. Considering relatively higher costs for such kind of fattening food, such as burgers and cakes, residents, who do not want to impose heavier financial burden on families, may reduce consumption gradually, therefore leading to less fatty food buffs and accordingly less overweight population over the long haul. For example, with a view to urging the UK government to tackle this thorny health issue, the local activist group has called on the government to impose a 'calorie tax' on companies producing high fat and high sugar processed foods. The 'Sugar and Salt Action' has targeted high fat foods such as sweets, ice cream, pudding, and chocolate sauce.Based on this policy, some people convict that by inflating costs of fattening foods , consumers , when taking higher prices into account, are prone to buy wholesome products instead of the junk foods.

AI 打分及评语

Based on the rubric, I would rate the following sample answer with a score of 4 out of 5.

The response effectively expresses an opinion in favor of taxing unhealthy food and provides a specific example to support the argument. The use of language is generally clear and idiomatic, and the writer employs a variety of sentence structures to convey their ideas.

However, there are a few minor grammatical errors, such as the misuse of "convict" instead of "believe" and some awkward phrasing in the sentence "Considering relatively higher costs for such kind of fattening food, such as burgers and cakes, residents,who do not want to impose heavier financial burden on families, may reduce consumption gradually." A possible

revision could be: "Given the relatively higher costs of fatty foods such as burgers and cakes, individuals who do not wish to impose heavier financial burdens on their families may gradually reduce their consumption, ultimately leading to fewer unhealthy food enthusiasts and a smaller overweight population in the long term."







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