

2016-11-25 16:39来源:互联网作者:上海管理员









  Write an essay in which you explain how Eliana Dockterman builds an argument to persuade her audience that there are benefits to early exposure to technology. In your essay, analyze how Dockterman uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of her argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Dockterman’s claims, but rather explain how Dockterman builds an argument to persuade her audience.



     In the article titled “The Digital Parent Trap”, Eliana Dockterman states that there are benefits for the younger generation to be exposed to technology. She builds her argument on the solid basis of sound research results and presents it in an unbiased manner via the ample use of exemplification mainly in the form of listing statistics.

  Instead of jumping to her conclusion, Eliana begins the essay by pointing out a key feature of this presentOday American generation: they are the techOsavviest in history. And then she moves on to list people’s contrasting views regarding this phenomenon without picking a side to stand by.

  The writer then examines the popular charges against tech fluency for young kids, which include Parental Adages’ against screens, the rise of cyberbullying, the negative impacts of social media as well as other problems associated with watching TV like obesity and violence. There are even practitioners in this veinOOthe Waldorf Schools where tech is literally banned so that the passion for lifelong learning can be ignited by engaging students in various kinds of practical and creative endeavors.

  The turning point comes timely right after these and marks the writer’s counterattack: there are three major benefits of early tech exposure. To start with, socialOnetworking sites “offer unprecedented learning opportunities”, which means students can obtain information from a wide range of resources other than from schools. Another benefit is the development of cognition, for instance, in terms of their improvement in the ability of logic and producing qualified history reports. The key has been attributed to engagement. And last but not least, youngsters tend to stay competitive when they are exposed to tech fluency. In other words, children brought up in a techOfilled environment will find it easier to get used to society.

  To make the argument more convincing, the writer even makes a little compromise in the concluding paragraph, emphasizing that children’s access to the gadgets should be monitored and restricted by adults so as to yield the most desirable results. She is convinced that parents should be openOminded about the merits of early exposure to tech products.

  Credibility of this article mainly rests on a comprehensive scope of conflicting ideas supported by solid figures. Both the cons and pros of tech fluency have been discussed at length with reference to specific examples and sources of information. Take the cons for instance. The Waldorf Schools and their philosophy has been narrated in a matterOofOfact manner without any subjective evaluation. Direct quotations of the interviewee are cited, which makes the account more trustworthy.

  Another two elaborate examples are given in the following paragraph where the writer discusses the strengths of tech fluency. One is the quote from Mimi Ito, an anthropologist at the University of California at Irvine, who is aware of the positive impacts of children’s going online. And the other is the evidence from SRI where “kids who played games like Samorost (solving puzzles) did 12% better on logic tests than those who did not.” Moreover, “at MIT’s Education Arcade, the case of students playing the empireObuilding game Civilization piqued students’ interest in history and was directly linked to an improvement in the quality of their historyOclass reports. “

  Even the reason for this bettered performance has been identified, which is engagement. Again, solid stats are provided: the retention rate for students of what they have learned is 10% for reading, 20% for listening and 50% for what they see demonstrated. And when they are engaged in doing something themselves—in the virtual worlds on iPads or laptops—that retention rate soars to an incredible 90%. No wonder this contributes to an improved performance in the above cases.

  Throughout the passage, the author successfully maintains an objective and detached scope of narrative in that it is intended for newspaper and requires objectivity and insight into the issue discussed.



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