

2017-05-10 11:11来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:SAT巴朗3500词汇表 是每个SAT考生必备的词汇书,如果你还没有,请:SAT巴朗(3500)词汇书PDF网盘下载

  SAT巴朗3500词汇表 是每个SAT考生必备的词汇书,如果你还没有,请:SAT巴朗(3500)词汇书PDF网盘下载

  dishearten V. /挫败/discourage; cause to lose courage or hope. His failure to pass the bar exam disheartened him.

  disheveled ADJ. /邋遢,肮脏/untidy. Your disheveled appearance will hurt your chances in this interview.

  disinclination N. /不情愿,厌恶/unwillingness. Some mornings I feel a great disinclination to get out of bed

  disingenuous ADJ. /不诚恳的/lacking genuine candor; insincere. Now that we know the mayor and his wife are engaged in a bitter divorce fight, we find their earlier remarks regretting their lack of time together remarkably disingenuous.

  disinter V. /挖出,出土/dig up; unearth. They disinterred the body and held an autopsy.

  disinterested ADJ. /公允的/unprejudiced. Given the judge's political ambitions and the lawyers' financial interest in the case, the only disinterested person in the courtroom may have been the court reporter.

  disjointed ADJ. /断开/disconnected. His remarks were so disjointed that we could not follow his reasoning.

  dislodge V. /强制移除/remove (forcibly). Thrusting her fist up under the choking man's lower ribs, Margaret used the Heimlich maneuver to dislodge the food caught in his throat.


  dismantle V. /拆除/take apart. When the show closed, they dismantled the scenery before storing it.

  dismay V. /使沮丧;使害怕/discourage; frighten. The huge amount of work she had left to do dismayed her. also N.

  dismember V. /分解,肢解/cut into small parts. When the Austrian Empire was dismembered, several new countries were established.

  dismiss V. /拒绝;排除/put away from consideration; reject. Believing in John's love for her, she dismissed the notion that he might be unfaithful. (secondary meaning)

  disparage V. /忽略,轻视/belittle. A doting mother, Emma was more likely to praise her son's crude attempts at art than to disparage them.

  disparate ADJ. /大相径庭的;没关系的/basically different; unrelated. Unfortunately, Tony and Tina have disparate notions of marriage: Tony sees it as a carefree extended love affair, while Tina sees it as a solemn commitment to build a family and a home.

  disparity N. /不同;差距/difference; condition of inequality. Their disparity in rank made no difference at all to the prince and Cinderella.

  dispassionate ADJ. /平静的;公平的/calm; impartial. Known in the company for his cool judgment, Bill could impartially examine the causes of a problem, giving a dispassionate analysis of what had gone wrong, and go on to suggest how to correct the mess.

  dispatch N. /急速;急件/speediness; prompt execution; message sent with all due speed. Young Napoleon defeated the enemy with all possible dispatch; he then sent a dispatch to head-quarters informing his commander of the great victory. alsoV.

  dispel V. /散开;分裂;消失/scatter; drive away; cause to vanish. The bright sunlight eventually dispelled the morning mist.

  disperse V. /散开/scatter. The police fired tear gas into the crowd to disperse the protesters. dispersion, N.

  dispirited ADJ. /没情绪的,沮丧的/lacking in spirit. The coach used all the tricks at his command to buoy up the enthusiasm of his team, which had become dispirited at the loss of the star player.

  disputatious ADJ. /好辩的/argumentative; fond of arguing. Convinced he knew more than his lawyers, Alan was a disputatious client, ready to argue about the best way to conduct the case. disputant, N.

  disquiet V. /使焦虑,使难受/make uneasy or anxious. Holmes's absence for a day, slightly disquieted Watson; after a week with no word, however, Watson's uneasiness about his missing friend had grown into a deep fear for his safety. disquietude, N.

  dissection N. /分析;解剖/analysis; cutting apart in order to examine. The dissection of frogs in the laboratory is particularly unpleasant to some students.

  dissemble V. /伪装,做作,掩饰/disguise; pretend. Even though John tried to dissemble his motive for taking modern dance, we all knew he was there not to dance but to meet girls.

  disseminate V. /分发,扩散,散布/distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds). By their use of the Internet, propagandists have been able to disseminate their pet doctrines to new audiences around the globe.

  dissent V. /反对/disagree. In the recent Supreme Court decision, Justice O'Connor dissented from the majority opinion. also N.

  dissertation N. /论文(博士生)/formal essay. In order to earn a graduate degree from many of our universities, a candidate is frequently required to prepare a dissertation on some scholarly subject.








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