摘要:好久没有和大家分享SAT词汇 了!今天新航道SAT继续和大家分享SAT巴朗3500词汇表
好久没有和大家分享SAT词汇 了!今天新航道SAT继续和大家分享SAT巴朗3500词汇表
deviate V. /背离/turn away from (a principle, norm); depart; diverge. Richard never deviated from his daily routine: every day he set off for work at eight o'clock, had his sack lunch (peanut butter on whole wheat) at 12:15, and headed home at the stroke of five.
devious ADJ. /拐弯抹角的;偏僻的/roundabout; erratic; not straightforward. The Joker's plan was so devious that it was only with great difficulty we could follow its shifts and dodges.
devise V. /设计;发明/think up; invent; plan. How clever he must be to have devised such a devious plan! What ingenious inventions might he have devised if he had turned his mind to science and not to crime.
devoid ADJ. /缺乏的/lacking. You may think her mind is a total void, but she's actually not devoid of intelligence. She just sounds like an airhead.
devotee N. /热心的追随者/enthusiastic follower. A devotee of the opera, he bought season tickets every year.
devout ADJ. /虔诚的;诚恳的/pious. The devout man prayed daily.
dexterous ADJ. /灵巧的;右撇子/skillful. The magician was so dexterous that we could not follow him as he performed his tricks.
diabolical ADJ. /恶魔的/devilish. "What a fiend I am, to devise such a diabolical scheme to destroy Gotham City," chortled the Joker gleefully.
diagnosis N. /诊断/art of identifying a disease; analysis of a condition. In medical school Margaret developed her skill at diagnosis, learning how to read volumes from a rapid pulse or a hacking cough.
diagnose, V.; diagnostic,ADJ.
discomfit V. /扰乱/put to rout; defeat; disconcert. This ruse will discomfitthe enemy. discomfiture, N.discomfited,ADJ.
discomposure N. /心乱;不安/agitation; loss of poise. Perpetually poised, Agent 007 never exhibited a moment's discomposure.
disconcert V. /迷惑;扰乱;使难堪/confuse; upset; embarrass. The lawyer was disconcerted by the evidence produced by her adversary.
disconsolate ADJ. /悲伤;沮丧/sad. The death of his wife left him disconsolate.
discord N. /冲突的;不和谐的/conflict; lack of harmony. Watching Tweedledum battle Tweedledee, Alice wondered what had caused this pointless discord.
discordant ADJ. /不和谐的;冲突的/not harmonious; conflicting. Nothing is quite so discordant as the sound of a junior high school orchestra tuning up.
discount V. /漠视;解散/disregard; dismiss. Be prepared to discount what he has to say about his ex-wife.
discourse N. /演讲;谈话/formal discussion; conversation. The young Plato was drawn to the Agora to hear the philosophical discourse of Socrates and his followers. alsoV.
discredit V. /不信任;丢脸/defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve. The campaign was highly negative in tone; each candidate tried to discredit the other.
discrepancy N. /相差;缺乏一致/lack of consistency; difference. The police noticed some discrepancies in his description of the crime and did not believe him.
discrete ADJ. /分离;没有关系的/separate; unconnected. The universe is composed of discrete bodies.
discretion N. /判断力;审慎的/prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances. Use your discretion in this matter and do not discuss it with anyone. discreet,ADJ.
discriminating ADJ. /有识别能力的;有偏见的/able to see differences; prejudiced. A superb interpreter of Picasso, she was sufficiently discriminating to judge the most complex works of modern art. (secondary meaning) discrimination, N.
discursive ADJ. /散漫的;不得要领的/digressing; rambling. As the lecturer wandered from topic to topic, we wondered what if any point there was to his discursive remarks.
disdain V. /蔑视/view with scorn or contempt. In the film Funny Face, the bookish heroine disdained fashion models for their lack of intellectual interests. also N.
disembark V. /登陆;靠岸/go ashore; unload cargo from a ship. Before the passengers could disembark, they had to pick up their passports from the ship's purser.
disenfranchise V. /剥夺(公民权)/deprive of a civil right. The imposition of the poll tax effectively disenfranchised poor Southern blacks, who lost their right to vote.
disengage V. /脱离;分离/uncouple; separate; disconnect. A standard movie routine involves the hero's desperate attempt to disengage a railroad car from a moving train.
disfigure V. /诬陷,抹黑,诽谤/mar in beauty; spoil. An ugly frown disfigured his normally pleasant face.
disgorge V. /吐出,涌出,呕吐/surrender something; eject; vomit. Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen from the pension fund, the embezzler tried to run away.
disgruntle V. /使郁闷/make discontented. The passengers were disgruntled by the numerous delays.
新航道上海sat培训 开设有各种SAT培训班 ,小班教学,团队一对一指导,助教全程跟踪辅导,直达高分不在是梦。
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
SAT考前模考冲刺班 | 40课时 | ¥3800 | 在线咨询 | |
SAT十一特训班 | 6-8人 | 48课时 | ¥16800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT模考刷题班 | 不限 | 4天 | ¥5800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
SAT强化班(3-6人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64课时 | ¥31800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT冲刺班(3-6人.走读) | 3-6人 | 32课时 | ¥18800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT精英班(3-6人,争1500分) | 3-6人 | 48课时 | ¥16800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT预备班(3-6人,走读) | 3-6人 | 32课时 | ¥16800 | 在线咨询 |
SAT基础班(3-6人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64课时 | ¥30800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
ACT强化托管班(6-8人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64 | ¥21800 | 在线咨询 |
ACT冲刺托管班(6-8人,走读) | 3-6人 | 64 | ¥11800 | 在线咨询 |
课程名称 | 班级人数 | 课时 | 学费 | 报名 |
SAT一对一 | 1 | 按需定制 | ¥1280元 | 在线咨询 |
ACT一对一 | 1 | 按需定制 | ¥980元 | 在线咨询 |
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