

2017-05-10 11:15来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:学生总跟家长抱怨,词汇进不去脑子,课堂上老师讲的听不懂。为什么会记不住,是太难还是学习方法有问题?如果你还没有SAT巴朗3500词汇表 ,那么小编就一篇一篇给你分享。

  学生总跟家长抱怨,词汇进不去脑子,课堂上老师讲的听不懂。为什么会记不住,是太难还是学习方法有问题?如果你还没有SAT巴朗3500词汇表 ,那么小编就一篇一篇给你分享。

  dissident ADJ. /持不同意见的;难于对付的/dissenting; rebellious. In the purge that followed the student demonstrations at Tiananmen Square, the government hunted down the dissident students and their supporters. also N.

  dissimulate V. /伪装,做作,掩饰/pretend; conceal by feigning. She tried to dissimulate her grief by her exuberant attitude.

  dissipate V. /驱散,消散;浪费/squander; waste; scatter. He is a fine artist, but I fear he may dissipate his gifts if he keeps wasting his time playing games.

  dissolute ADJ. /放纵,挥霍/loose in morals. The dissolute life led by the ancient Romans is indeed shocking.

  dissolution N. /解散;终止;解体/breaking of a union; decay; termination. Which caused King Lear more suffering: the dissolution of his kingdom into warring factions, or the dissolution of his aged, failing body?

  dissonance N. /不和谐的(声音)/discord. Composer Charles Ives often used dissonance-clashing or unresolved chords-for special effects in his musical works.

  dissuade V. /劝阻;使灰心/persuade not to do; discourage. Since Tom could not dissuade Huck from running away from home, he decided to run away with him. dissuasion, N.

  distant ADJ. /冷漠的;远离的/reserved or aloof; cold in manner. His distant greeting made me feel unwelcome from the start. (secondary meaning)

  distend V. /扩大;扩张/expand; swell out. I can tell when he is under stress by the way the veins distend on his forehead.

  distill V. /蒸馏;萃取,提炼,提纯/extract the essence; purify; refine. A moonshiner distills mash into whiskey; an epigrammatist distills thoughts into quips.


  distinction N. /出名;出格/honor; contrast; discrimination. A holder of the Medal of Honor, George served with great distinction in World War II. He made a distinction, however, between World War II and Vietnam, which he considered an immoral conflict.

  distort V. /扭曲,歪曲/twist out of shape. It is difficult to believe the newspaper accounts of the riots because of the way some reporters distort and exaggerate the actual events. distortion, N.

  distraught ADJ. /使悲伤;使焦虑/upset; distracted by anxiety. The distraught parents frantically searched the ravine for their lost child.

  diurnal ADJ. /日常的/daily. A farmer cannot neglect his diurnal tasks at any time; cows, for example, must be milked regularly.

  diva N. /女歌唱家,天后;歌剧女主角/operatic singer; prima donna. Although world famous as a diva, she did not indulge in fits of temperament. ..

  diverge V. /多样的;各异的/vary; go in different directions from the same point. The spokes of the wheel diverge from the hub.

  divergent ADJ. /分歧的/differing; deviating. Since graduating from medical school, the two doctors have taken divergent paths, one going on to become a nationally prominent surgeon, the other dedicating himself to a small family practice in his home town. divergence, N.

  diverse ADJ. /丰富多样的/differing in some characteristics; various. The professor suggested diverse ways of approaching the assignment and recommended that we choose one of them. diversity, N.

  diversion N. /转移;解闷/act of turning aside; pastime. After studying for several hours, he needed a diversion from work. divert,V.

  diversity N. /多样性/variety; dissimilitude. The diversity of colleges in this country indicates that many levels of ability are being cared for.

  divest V. /剥夺/strip; deprive. He was divested of his power to act and could no longer govern. divestiture, N.

  divine V. /运用直觉,超能力;预见/perceive intuitively; foresee the future. Nothing infuriated Tom more than Aunt Polly's ability to divine when he was telling the truth.

  divulge V. /揭开,暴露/reveal. No lover of gossip, Charlotte would never divulge anything that a friend told her in confidence.

  docile ADJ. /驯服的,听话的;善良的/obedient; easily managed. As docile as he seems today, that old lion was once a ferocious, snarling beast. docility, N.

  doctrinaire ADJ. /教条的;顽固的/unable to compromise about points of doctrine; dogmatic; unyielding. Weng had hoped that the student-led democracy movement might bring about change in China, but the repressive response of the doctrinaire hard-liners crushed his dreams of democracy.

  doctrine N. /教育;学说/teachings, in general; particular principle (religious, legal, etc.) taught. He was so committed to the doctrines of his faith that he was unable to evaluate them impartially.

  document V. /书面证明/provide written evidence. She kept all the receipts from her business trip in order to document her expenses for the firm. also N.

  doff V. /脱/take off. A gentleman used to doff his hat to a lady.

  dogged ADJ. /顽固的;顽强的/determined; stubborn. Les Miserables tells of Inspector Javert's long, dogged pursuit of the criminal Jean Valjean.

  doggerel N. /打油诗/poor verse. Although we find occasional snatches of genuine poetry in her work, most of her writing is mere doggerel.








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ACT强化托管班(6-8人,走读) 3-6人 64 ¥21800 在线咨询
ACT冲刺托管班(6-8人,走读) 3-6人 64 ¥11800 在线咨询
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SAT一对一 1 按需定制 ¥1280元 在线咨询
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