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王少娟|Hurricanes and typhoons-- Stormy weather

2018-10-08 10:03来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:给大家分享一篇双语文章,可作为雅思阅读的补充!Hurricanes and typhoons-- Stormy weather (飓风&台风—暴风雨天气)


Hurricanes and typhoons-- Stormy weather


Climate change means more severe storms in both the Atlantic and the Pacific. But governments are getting a bit better at preparing for them.


节选自The Economist September 22nd 2018


People living on opposite sides of the planet have in recent days felt the disastrous consequences of distant rumblings in the deep ocean. In America, they are still suffering the devastation left by Hurricane Florence, which made landfall in North Carolina on September 14th. Less than 12 hours later super-Typhoon Mangkhut tore into the Philippines, subsequently to hit Hong Kong and southern China. Mangkhut packed a bigger punch: a category 5 storm when it first hit land, to Florence’s category 1. But the impact of both was linked to rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which are changing the climate and warming the sea.


For that reason, future storms are also likely to be more severe than in the past. Florence and Mangkhut have shown the progress that has been made in preparing for them and mitigating the damage—but also highlighted how vulnerable many communities remain, especially in Asia.



The link with climate change comes from the accumulation in the atmosphere of greenhouse gases produced by the industrial burning of fossil fuels and by deforestation. They create an imbalance in the energy flowing in and out of the planet, driving temperatures up. About 90% of that additional energy ends up stored in the oceans. Researchers who monitor sea temperatures down to 2,000 metres have plotted a steady rise since the 1950s, reaching a record high last year. So far, 2018 is on course to set a new record.



Kevin Trenberth of the US National Centre for Atmospheric Research says this explains storms like Florence and Mangkhut. Tropical storms in the Atlantic (known as “hurricanes”) and Pacific (“typhoons”) draw their energy from this abyssal heat store. Warmer oceans mean more intense and longer-lasting storms. Climate models have long forecast this. Moreover, sea levels are rising at a rate of 3mm per year. Two factors explain this: water expands as it warms; and glaciers are melting at both poles. Higher seas mean storm surges reach farther inland. And, as the atmosphere warms, it can hold more moisture that eventually falls as precipitation. Recent studies have explored these effects in detail, using real events. Earlier this year, for instance, Mr. Trenberth showed that deep-ocean temperatures just before Hurricane Harvey, which led to disastrous flooding in Houston in August 2017, were at a peak globally and in the Gulf of Mexico.

(美国国家气象研究中心的Kevin Trenberth表示这(海洋温度升高)解释了弗洛伦萨飓风以及台风山竹。大西洋热带风暴(被称为‘飓风’)以及太平洋风暴(即台风)能量均来自深海热浪。温暖的海洋意味着更强持续更久的风暴。气候模型很早就预测到这种情况。此外,海平线正在以每年3mm的速度升高。两个原因可以解释这一现象:海水随着温度升高而扩张而且两极冰川也在融化。更高的海平面就会有风暴潮更深入袭击内陆。并且,随着变暖,大气层就会容纳更多水分,最终成为降水。比如今年年初,Trenberth就为我们展示了深海温度在墨西哥湾达到全球峰值,而随后就爆发飓风哈维,造成了2017年八月份休斯顿的灾难性大洪水。)


Data recorded just after the storm revealed a drop in the heat content of the Gulf that closely matched the amount of rain unleashed by the hurricane. Mr. Trenberth and his colleagues concluded that Harvey “could not have produced so much rain without human-induced climate change.” Kerry Emanuel, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, estimates that a hurricane like Harvey in 2017 was made six times more likely by human greenhouse-gas emissions, and that by 2100 the risk will be 18 times higher than it was in the late 20th century.


上海新航道雅思 、托福、GRE主讲。上海外国语大学教育学硕士毕业,持有口译证书、教师资格证书。8年教学经验,针对不同程度、不同年龄段、不同需求的学生,提供其最合适的教学内容及方法,因材施教,授人以渔。课堂条理清晰,逻辑严谨,风格亲切自然,耐心细致。运用完整而成熟的授课体系帮助数千学子夯实英语基础,提升考试成绩。







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