

2021-12-08 11:49来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年12月2日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆

上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年12月2日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆


Passage 1

Topic:The importance of business cards


P1 business cards are used in all over the world。in china,students wear business cards which shows clearly their contact number and their address, their parents and grandparents

contact numbers. New York city doesn't use business cards...

P2 China used the business card the 15 century to keep the information. The process of making bushiness cards have more argument. Some toys companies. use bushiness cards when

they sell their products

P3 researches predict that the electronics will not replace paper business cards. Compare the paper business cards and electronic ones,


1. business card was banned in some institutions NOT GIVEN

2. China invented the Chinese business card TRUE .

3. the process of making business card is controversial TRUE

4. toy company use business card boost its sales NOT GIVEN

5. the business cards will decline in the future FALSE


John Kate opinion :

6. using business card can earn trust from other companies

7. computers cannot do this kind of job as business cards.

global situations :

8. one person's. travel time took large part of his business.

9.9. business cards improve the memory of people when they are doing business

G& W(人名) opinion:


11. business card show the status of the person


13. business card should kept as important tradition as innovation

Passage 2

Topic .:Maternity leave


P1 Two young men start a class facing new fathers in new York, because they found it hard to get relevant knowledge from other classes that focused on new mothers.

P2 Women do not have enough days of maternity leave at first, then the days extended. However, most firms to not offer paternity leave to fathers.

P3 on the one hand, women claim that they are the beneficiaries of matemity leave, on the other hand, they claim that they have suffler much.

P4 problems women face during and after maternity leave. For instance, promotion can become very hard.

P5 in order to solve the inequality of paternity and maternity leave, government take policies to encourage mothers and fathers to discuss and decide their days off by themselves, but

the effect is not ideal. Many fathers sil do not want to take paternity leave.

P6 governments take specific measures to force men take paternity leave, like Sweden givesubsidy and Po land make the paternity leave become compulsory.



14. Have cooperation on a global level

15. Why government methods have limited effects

16. Trend in one city

17. Contrast of attitudes towards men and women

18. Measures to encourage paternity leave

19. Problems women encounter


What are the TWO problems does women encounter in maternity leave?


B. There are limited access for part-time jobs.

C. Women find there are less money for the same job after maternity leave

D. Women find it hard to promote after maternity leave.

E. Women are unable to support themselves during maternity leave.



22. The maternity leave in Poland has guotas between men and women, also it becomes

23. compulsory because research found that children can have better 24. development


Passage 3

Topic:Book review: John Franklin: "the discovery of the slowness"

A John Franklin (1786-1847) was the most famous vanisher of the Victorian era. He joined the Navy as a rmidshipman at the age of 14 and fought in the battles of Copenhagen and

Trafalgar. When peace with the French broke out. he turned his attention to, and in particular to solve the conundrum of the Northwest Passage, the mythical clear-water route which

would, if it existed, link the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans above the northern coast of the American continent. The first expedition Franklin led to the Arctic was an arduous overland

journey from Hudson Bay to the shores of the so-called Polar Ocean east of the Coppermine River. Between 1819 and 1822. Franklin and his twenty-strong team covered 5550 miles on foot, Their expedition was a triumph of surveying - they managed to chart hundreds of miles of previously unknown coasttine.

B There fllowed a career as a travel writer and salon-goer {the man who ate his boots" was Franklin's tag-line), a second long Arctic expedition, and a controversial spell as Governor of

Van Diemen's Land. Then, in May 1845, Franklin set off with two ships - the Erebus and the Terror - and 129 men on the voyage that would kill him. In July, the convoy was seen by two

whalers, entering Lancaster Sound. Nothing more would be heard of it for 14 years. Had the ships sunk or been iced in? Were the men dead, or in need of rescue? Or had they broken

through to the legendary open polar sea, beyond the "ice brrier?

C In his correspondence and his published memoirs. Franklin comes across as a man dedicated to the external duties of war and exploration, who kept introspection and self-analysis to a minimum. His blandness makes him an amenably malleable subject for a novelist, and Sten Nadolny has taken full advantage of this license. Most important, he has endowed his John Franklin with a defining character tait for which there is no historical evidence: ('slowness', or 'calmness).

D Slowness infuences not only Franklin's behaviour but also his vision, his thought, and his speech. The opening scene of The Discovery of Slowness (The Discovery of Slowness by Sten Nadolny) - depicts Franklin as a young boy. playing catch badly because his reaction time is too slow. Despite the bullying of his peers, Franklin resolves not to fall into step with

"their way of doing things'. For Nadolny, Franklin's fated fascination with the Arctic stems from his desire to find an environment suited to his peculiar slowness.

E He describes Franklin as a boy dreaming of the 'open water and the time without hours and days' which exist in the far north, and of finding in the Arctic a place where nobody

would find him too slow'. Ice is a slow mover. Ice demands corresponding patience from those who venture onto it. The explorers who have thrived at high latitude and high altitudes

haven't usually been men of great speed. They have tended instead to demonstrate unusual self-posession, a considerable capacity for boredom, and a talent for what the Scots call

'tholing', the uncomplaining endurance of suffering.

F These were all qualties that the historical Franklin possessed in abundance, and so Nadolny's concentration and exaggeration of them isn't unreasonable. Even as an adult, his slowness of thought means that he is unable to speak fluently, s0 he memorizes 'entire fleets of words and batteries of response', and then speaks a languid, bric-a-brac language. In the

Navy, his method of thinking first and acting later itally provokes mockery from his fllow sailors. But Franklin persists in doing things his way, and gradually earns the respect of those

around him. To a commodore who tells him to speed up his report of an engagement, he replies: "When I tell something. sir. | use my own rhythm. A lieutenant says approvingly of

him: 'Because Franklin is so slow, he never loses time.'

G Since it was first published in Germany in 1983. The Discovery of Slowness has sold more than a milin copies and been translated into 13 languages. It has been named as one of

German literature's twenty 'contemporary classics', and it has been as a manual and by European pressure groups and institutions representing causes as diverse as sustainable development, the Protestant Church, management science, motoring policy, and pacifism.

H The various groups that have taken the novel up have one thing in common: a dislike of the high-speed culture of Postmodernity. Nadolny's Franklin appeals to them because he is immune to the compulsion to be constantly occupied', and to the idea that 'someone was better if he could do the same thing fast.' Several German churches have used him in their and focus groups 的an example of peacefulness, plety, and self-confidence. A centre scheme (a 'march of slowness' or 'of the slow'), inspired by the novel. Nadolny has appeared as a guest speaker for RIOS a Lucerne-based organization which aims to reconcile management principles with ideas of environmental sustanabiliy. The novel has even become involved in the debate about speed limits on German roads. Drive down an autobahn today, and you will see large road-side signs proclaiming 'unurriedness a slogan that deliberately plays off the title of the novel.

27-31段落信 息配对题

27. Sir John Franklin's occupation before the first expedition A

28. A depictin that Sten Nadolny's biography on John Franklin is not much based on facts.C

29. A serles of events that Sir John Franklin took after his expedltion,B

30. associate the central scheme with environment process by the book The Discovery of Slowness G

31. Reason of the widespread popularity for the book The Discovery of Slowness H


In his personal correspondence to and in his published memoirs by Sten Nadolny, John Franklin was depicted as a man dedicated to the exploration, and the word of "slowness'

was used to define his 32Personality .when Frankin was in his childhood, his reaction time is too slow in 33 Slowness。his determination to find an environment suited to his

peculiar 34. Timelessness. And Franklin was said to be a boy dreaming finding in a place he could enjoy the 35暂缺in the Arctic.


36. Why does the author mention "the ice is slow in the geological arctic", to demonstrate the idea

A. of the dffcilties Franklin conquered

B. that Franklin had a dream since his childhood

C. of fascination with the Arctic exploration

D. that explorer-like Frankin should possess the quality of being patient


37. When Franklin was on board with sailors, how did he speak to his fellow sailors

A. he spoke in a way mocking his followers

B . he spoke a bric-a-brac language to show he languish atitude

C. he spoke in the words and phrases he previously memorised

D. he spoke in a rhythmical tune to save chatting time


38. His effort to overcome his slowness in marine time lite had finally won the

A. understanding of his personality better

B. capacity for coping with boredom

C. respect for him as he insisted to overcome his difficulties

D. the valuable time he can use to finish a report


39. What is the feature of Discovery of slowness?


B. The separate and not connection




40. Why is the book The Discovery of Slowness sold more than a million copies

A. it contains aspects of the life people would like to enjoy

B . it provides solutions about how to face the present life

C. it induces a debate about speed limits German

D. it shows that the past time was lower than the present







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