

2021-08-18 16:03来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2017年6月17日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆

上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2017年6月17日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆


Passage 1


The history of coffee

Content Review

P1  People have used coffee for many years, but it was first discovered in the ninth century in Ethiopia. There was a legend. It was said that a goatherd found one of his goats ate a certain cherry, and was more lively at night than other goats. He reported this to the monastery. A monk in the monastery ate this cherry and didn’t tend to sleep that night. So, other monks in the monastery began to eat the cherries so that they could pray at night. Soon the cherry spread to Arab countries.


P2  Arab countries were not only the first to cultivate coffee trees but also the first to trade. In the 15th century, and 16th century, countries like Iran, Yemen had coffee house. People went there to drink coffee, have conversations, listen to music, and play chess. Coffee houses became centers to exchange information. The holy city Mecca had large numbers of people visiting every year.


P3  In the early 17th century, coffee houses were established in major cities in European countries like Italy, France, German. In London, there were about 300 coffee houses. These houses attracted patrons of common interests. Later, many well-known companies developed from here.


P4  In the middle 17th century, colonists from Europe brought coffee to North America. But tea remained the most favorable beverage in North America until 1773, when a riot against the heavy taxes on tea. The riot was called Boston Tea PartySince then, peoples drinking preference turned from tea to coffee.


P5  With the big demand for coffee, there was an intense competition between countries to plant coffee trees. Of course Arab countries didn’t want to share. But Holland was successful in the competition. Its initial efforts to plant coffee trees in India was a failure. Then it succeeded planting in South Eastern Asia, on an island called Java. Later spread to some nearby island.


P6  In 1714, French King Louis XIV received a coffee seed as a present. He ordered to plant it in the Royal Botanical Garden. A navy officer managed to get a seed from the garden and sent it to Caribbean. Soon millions of coffee trees were grown in Central America. They became the stock of coffee trees from which other South America countries descended.


P7  In the 18th century, Brazil was under Portugals rule. Palheta was sent to ask for some coffee seedlings. But he was refused. However, Palheta was handsome, the wife of the governor was captivated. As Palheta left, she gave him a bouquet of flowers buried inside were enough coffee seeds to be planted.


P8  In only 100 years, coffee spread quickly around the world, and became one of the most profitable crops.


Questions & Answers

Questions 1-6  

Complete the table. One word only.

TimeLocationnotes9th centuryEthiopial found the effects of coffee on 1. goats;l inhabitants in a 2. monastery began to drink coffee.Early 17th centuryEuropel London had 300 coffee houses;l Many 3. companies developed from coffee housesMid 17th centuryS E Asial Planted coffee trees on Java and nearby islands18th centuryFrance South Americal The 4. King got a gift of coffee seed;l Coffee seeds in the 5. flowers thrived in Brazil.Late 18th centuryNorth Americal Taxes on 6. tea transferred people’s drinking habit to coffee.


Questions 7-13 T/F/NG

7. Arabs were the first that bought and sold coffee in the 15th century. T(P2, the first to trade)

8. Coffee houses were the social centres in Europe in the 15th century. T (P2, exchange information)

9. First coffee house in Europe was in Italy. NG (P3, 原文只说了in major cities in Europe )

10. In North America coffee immediately became popular after it was sent there. F (P4, tea was the most popular until 1773)

11. Holland first tried to plant coffee trees in Java in south Eastern Asia. F (P5, 原文对应initial efforts to plant coffee trees in India failed.)

12. The seed from the Royal Botanical Garden was the origin of other coffee plants in South America. T (原文P6)

13. The price of coffee increased rapidly in the 18th century. T (P8, 对应the most profitable crop)

Passage 2



Content Review

P1  The dingo is a wild animal found in Australia whose taxonomic status as a distinct species remains debated. The dingo is the largest terrestrial predator in Australia, McLean Lee believe that they play an important role in keeping ecological balance.


P2  The introduction of Dingoes was to control the number of rabbits and foxes. However, the dingo is seen as a pest by livestock farmers due to attacks on animals. To prevent the overrun of dingoes, local farmers hunt them by using bait.


P3  In addition, it is believed that the fierce and wild hunters of Australia, Dingo is somewhat responsible for the extinction of Tasmanian tigers. These wild dogs may have competed for food and shelter with the death of tigers.


P4  In order to control the proliferation of dingoes, the dingo barrier fence stretches from eastern Queensland all the way to the South Australian coastline. The fence was erected to prevent dingoes enter North Australia continent. It was later modified to protect livestock, particularly sheep, from dingoes.


P5  Some experts claim that dingoes prefer native mammals as their food. Others believe it is nonsense simply because they won’t hunt giraffe or kangaroos even if there are out of stocks.


P6  In fact, Dingoes are more likely to prey calves and younger preys. Therefore, they play an important role in controlling goats, as well as native herbivores, that together contribute to overpopulation when present in large numbers.


P7  One argument is that dingoes can keep in check smaller predators such as foxes and cats, in turn benefiting native species reducing overall predation pressure upon them.


Questions & Answers

Questions 14-20

Which paragraph contains the following information?

14. Dingoes prefer native animals than non-native ones.      E

15. The introduction of dingoes to Australia                  B

16. Dingo’s preference on predators.                        F

17. The prevention on the number of dingoes.                D

18. An earlier method to control dingoes.                     B

19. The relationship between Tasmania tigers and dingoes.     C

20. 待回忆


Questions 21-23 Matching

21. The number of dingoes will affect the income of farmers.   B

22. The relationship between dingoes and balance of nature.   A

23. The preference on predators.                          E


Questions 24-26 short answer questions

24. The extinction of Tasmanian tigers are partly due to the completion from dingoes.

25. Dingoes prefer to choose calves as their preys.

26. Dingoes can control the number of wild-life animal from overpopulation.

Passage 3


新西兰儿童文学作家Margaret Mahy

Content Review

P1  Margaret Mahy is the most famous writer in New Zealand. She likes to explore innovative style of writing and her writing contains a lot of magical contents. Her work of children literature as well as teenager literature are both famous. Her writing style is so unique that there is only one other writer in New Zealand considered her descendant -- Knox. Margaret is also very welcoming to journalists, even though it is not good to her health to receive so many interviews. I just interview her a few days ago, and find her to be an energetic and adorable old lady.


P2  When Mayh was canvassing her novel, she does not have a budget, but she managed to find inspiration in everyday life. She wrote on bus, she canvas the plot beside schools, she did her work in old buildings. Those mundane surrounding never restricted her imagination, and her works are all very appealing. Most of her work have something in common: she likes to write about unruly people -- pirates, robbers, lions, alongside with librarians, mothers, teachers who tries to escape from stereotype. Very often, the central role in her book is a young boy who have supernatural power that could take him to magical places and make him experience upheaval of life. Usually the ending of her book is not unpredictable, but the reader could always get what they want from reading her novels.


P3  One of her most famous work is called Magician Hoad, the original work has 800 pages, and then it has been rewrote. Now there are several versions of the book, and the latest one is half as long as the original one.


P4  Bubble trouble is the book that favoured for generations by New Zealand parents and children. It is a tongue twister about a clown. The work is favoured by Mayh herself. She has recited the work many times both publicly and privately. It is a marvelous work, which demonstrated her master of a language.


P5  Mayhs work has inspired generations of people, I have read her book to my stepdaughter in 1960s, and read her books to my son in 1970s, and now my own grandchildren are hooked by her books.


P6  To Mayhs mind, the relationship between a writer and the readers is very important. She holds the opinion that the work is not complete before the readers read it, because the readers could generate new ideas from the work. Mayh has been famous for engage actively in meetings with readers, even though it may not be good for her own well-being.


P7  The talk with Margaret Mahy is also marvelous. She always concerns about new knowledge, when heard about a new name, she would immediately turn to encyclopedia and look it up. The talk with her is both fun and inspiring. She can manage to spot special things out of ordinary life.


P Another renowned writer called Hill gave her high remarks. He says that Mahys view of world is the one that she can make ordinary things seem interesting just as she can see the unusual power in language. She can always find sparkling side of the language just as she can find interesting things from life.


Questions & Answers

Questions 27-31 Y/N/NG

27. Mahy wants to explore the traditional theme in New Zealand writing. N

28. Mahys teenagers books is more popular than her books for children. NG

29. Mahy and Knox have criticized each others works. NG

30. Mahy is welcoming to journalists. Y

31. Mahy is at ease when answering questions. N


Questions 32-35 选词填空

The place where Mahy construe her work is (E. everyday) places. However, the location where the story take place is (I. Exotic and familiar). The hero of her book is usually a boy with (C. Magical) power. The conclusion of her books would make the reader feel (F. Predictable and satisfying )


Questions 36-40 单选

36. Which statement is true about Magicial Hoad?

It has been reconstructed.

37. Which statement is true about Bubble trouble?

It is most favoured by New Zealand parents and children.

38. What is the purpose of the 5th paragragh?

To suggest that Mahys work is favoured by readers for generations.

39. What is the purpose of the 6th paragraph?

Mahy encourage feedback from readers.

40. Why does the writer refer to the comment from Hill to Mahy?

To illustrate Mahys view to the world.







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