

2021-04-30 10:47来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年4月24日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆

上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年4月24日雅思考试阅读机经真题答案回忆,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆


Passage 1


Dugongs, sea cows


Dugongs are found in North Australia and South-east Asia. They favor seagrasses that are rich in 1 nitrogen. These seagrasses grow in shallow coastal waters with the availability of light.

Dugongs have long upper li with a lot of 2 sensory bristles. As they move, they leave clear 3 trails on the seabed, and tiny 4 tufts of seabed remains. The sea-grass species

favored by dugongs are those come back most 5 quickly.


6. Larger dugongs compete with smallr ones. (NG )

7. Dugongs rarely come back to the same grazing area. (F )

8. It took more than 10 years for the re growth of seagrass after a storm damage. (T)

9. Dugongs need to eat almost constantly. (T )


10 Name one sea animal that resembles dugongs. (dolphins or walrus)

11 Approximately how many dugongs lived around Hervey Bay in 1992 before the

cyclone? (1750)

12. Name one factor that explain the movement of dugongs within seagrass areas. ( food

availability or environmental conditions)

13. Which human activity is most harmful to the dugongs? ( fishing nets )

Passage 2

Topic 1

Are Artists liars?

P1 Shortly before his death,Marlon Brando was working on a series of instructional videos about acting. to be called "Lying for a Living" . On the surviving footage, Brando can be

seen dispensing gnomic advice on his craft to a group of enthusiastic, if somewhat bemused, Hollywood stars, including Leonardo Di Caprio and Sean Penn. Brando also recruited random people from the Los Angeles street and persuaded them to improvise (the footage is said to include a memorable scene featuring two dwarves and a giant Samoan). "f you can lie, you can act," Brando told Jod Kaftan, a writer for Rolling Stone and one of the few people to have viewed the footage. "Are you good at lying?" asked Katan. “Jesus," said Brando, “'m fabulous at it."

P2 Such parallels are hardly coincidental, as I discovered while researching my book on lying. Brando was not the first person to note that the line between an artit and a liar is a

fine one. If art is a kind of lying, then lying is a form of art, albeit of a lower order- as Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain have observed. Indeed, lying and artistic stoyelling spring from a

common neurological root-one that is exposed in the cases of psychiatric patients who suffer from a particular kind of impairment. Both liars and artists refuse to accept the tyranny of reality. Both carefully craft stories that are worthy of belef- a skill requiring itelletual sophistication, emotional sensitivity and physical slf-control ( liars are writers

and performers of their own work).

P3 Confabulating patients are nearly always oblivious to their own conditin, and will earnestly give absurdly implausible explanations of why they're in hospital, or talking to a doctor. One patient, asked about his surgical scar,explained that during the Second World War he surprised a teenage gir who shot him three times in the head, klling him, only for surgery to bring him back to life. Others tel yet more fantastical tales, about trips to the moon, fighting alongside Alexander in India or seeing Jesus on Cross. Confabulators aren't out to deceive. They engage in what Mrris Moscovitch, a neuropsychologist, calls "honest lying". Uncertain,and obscurely distressed by their uncertainly, they are seized by a 'compulsion to narrate': a deep-seated need to shape, order and explain what they do not understand. Chronic confabulators are often highly inventive at the verbal level, jamming together words in nonsensical but suggestive ways: one patient, when asked what happened to Queen Marie Antoinette of France, answered that she had been "suicide"by her family. In a sense, these patients are like novelists, as described by Henry James: people on whom "nothing is wasted". Unlike writers, however, they have lttle or no control over thelr own material.

P4 The wider significance of this condition is what it tells us about ourselves. Evidently there is a gushing river of verbal creativity in the normal human mind, from which both

artistic invention and lying are drawn. We are bom storytellers, spinning narrative out of our experience and imagination, straining against the leash that keeps us tethered to realityThis is a wonderful thing: it is what gives us our ability to conceive of alternative futures and different worlds. And it helps us to understand our own lives through the entertaining stories of others. But it can lead us into trouble,particularly when we try to persuade others that out inventions are real. Most of the time, as our stories bubble up to consciousness, we exercise our cerebral censors, contrlling which stories we tell, and to whom, Yet people lie for all sorts of reasons, including the fact that confabulating can be

dangerously fun.

P5 During a now-famous libel case in 1996, Jonathan Aitken, a former cabinet minister, recounted a tale to ilustrate the horrors he endured after a national newspaper tained his name. The case, which stretched on for more than two years, involved a series of claims made by the Guardian about Aitken's relationships with Saudi arms dealers, including meetings he algedly held with them on a trip to Paris while he was a govemment minister. What amazed many in hindsight was the sheer superfluity of the lies Aitken told during his testimony. Ailken's case cllpsed in June 1997, when his defence fnally found indisputable evidence about his Paris trip. Until then, Aitken's charm, fluency and flair for theatrical displays of sincerty looked as if they might bring him victory. They revealed that not only was Aitken's daughter not with him that day (when he was indeed doorstepped), but also that the minister had simply got into his car and drove off, with no vehicle in pursuit.

P6 Of course, unlike Aitken, actors, playwrights and nvelists are not ltrallyy atempting to deceive us, because the rules are laid out in advance: come to the theatre, or open this

book, and we'll lie to you. Perhaps this is why we felt it necessary to invent art in the first place: as a safe space into which our lies can be orralled, and channeled into something

sclally useful. Given the universal compulsion to tell stories, art is the best way to refine and enjoy the particulartly outlandish or insighful ones. But that is not the whole story. The

key way in which artistic“lies”differ from normal lies, and from the "honest lying" of chronic confabulators, is that they have a meaning and resonance beyond their creator. The lar lies on behalf of himself; the artist tell lies on behalf of everyone. If writers have a compulsion to narrate, they compel themselves to find insights about the human conditin. Mario Vargas Llosa has witten that novels "express a curious truth that can only be expressed in a furtive and veiled fashion, masquerading as what it is not." Art is a lie whose

secret ingredient is truth.


i Unsuccessful deceit

i Biological basis between liars and artists

i How to lie in an artistic way

iv Chronic liars and their stories exemplifers

v The distinction between arists and common liars

vi The fine line between liars and artists

vi The definition of confabulation

vili Creativity when people lie

14 ParagraphA vi

15 ParagraphB il

16 ParagraphC iv

17 ParagraphD vili

18 ParagraphE i

19 ParagraphF v


Q 20-21 Choose Two lters, A-E

Which Two of the fllowing statements about confabulating patients are true?A E

A. They have lost cognitive abilies.

B. They do not deliberatly tell a lie.

C. They are normally aware of their condition .

D. They do not have the impetus to explain what they do not understand.

E. They ty to make up stories.

Q 22-23 Choose Two lters, A-E

Which Two of the fllowin statements about playwrights and novelists are true? B E

A. They give more meaning to the stories.

B. They tell lies for the benefit of themselves..

C. They have nothing to do with the truth out there.

D. We can be misled by them if not careful.

E. We know there are lies in the content.


A 24 newspaper accused Jonathan Aitken, a fomer cabinet minister, who was selling and buying with 25 arms dealers. Aitken's case collapsed in June 1997. when the defence fnally found indisputable evidence about his Paris trip. He was deemed to have his 26 victory. They revealed that not only was Aitken's daughter not with him that day, but

alos..... .

Passage 3


Sign, baby, sign


27. H

28. B

29. H

30. E

31. C

32. G

33. F


34. Parents should teach deaf babies home gestures (F)

35. ASL is the most used sign language in the world (NG)

36. ASL can be used in primary school for children as an altermative subject.(F)

37. Children who use ASL lear vocabulary better than grammar (NG)

38. Children have less difcultyt learning sign than speaking (T)

39. First and second language are stored in different areas of brain (T)

40. That speaking must be taught before sign language is an outdated view, said Dr.

Daniel. (F)







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