首页>雅思考试备考专区>雅思写作>10月16日雅思大作文真题范文 | 国际援助对发展中国家重要吗?

10月16日雅思大作文真题范文 | 国际援助对发展中国家重要吗?

2021-10-26 09:59来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



Some people think financial aid from international organizations is important for developing countries. Others believe that practical aid and advice is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


(交代背景)It is fortunate that in the modern era many international organizations exist to aid developing countries. (复述题目)Yet some debate exists over whether aid should be given in the form of financial support or through practical aid and advice. (作者立场)I am of the opinion that practical aid and advice is far more beneficial to developing countries in the long run than simply giving parcels of monetary support.

(让步)I concede that financial aid can be tremendously beneficial to developing nations in certain circumstances. For instance, some countries lack necessary resources in order to build vital infrastructure. Only through the purchase of industrial capital such as machinery and raw materials can such countries improve their conditions, but such purchases require large sums of money. International organizations can donate money or offer special loans in order to facilitate these purchases and aid a nation’s development.(转折) Yet this is only a very short term solution, for after acquiring the raw materials tremendous expertise is required to maintain such systems so that they do not fall into disrepair. Thus, financial is not necessarily more important than practical aid and advice.

(作者立场论证)There are many ways in which practical aid and advice is superior to mere financial support. Advisors from more developed nations can teach at schools and universities in order to spread expert knowledge to people in a developing country so that a sustainable base of professionals can be established. Furthermore, practical aid in the form of establishing business relationships and supply chains may strengthen a developing country’s ability to become self-reliant and grow independent of financial support. Finally, practical aid and advice is less likely to be squandered and exploited as financial aid is in some less developed countries that may have corruption.

(复述作者立场&总结分论点)Ultimately, when international organizations give money to developing nations as a form of aid, it is merely a temporary bandage on a much larger issue, which is the lack of vital knowledge and infrastructure. (总结分论点)Aid in the form of teaching and improving practical areas of a country’s economy is a more beneficial form of aid.


People who damage public property, such as buildings or statues should have to do community service (such as cleaning parks) as a punishment rather than other forms of punishment (such as paying a fine or going to prison)

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



(交代背景)In an increasingly urbanized world, the destruction of public property such as buildings or statues has increased significantly over the years. (复述题目)Some people have suggested that the punishment for such a crime should be community service, while others have argued for more traditional punishments such as fines or jailtime. (作者立场)I believe that the extent of damage and the vandal’s personal circumstances should determine the kind of punishment.

(作者立场论证)In the case of minor damage, or a vandal who is incapable of making financial reparations or has a family to support, community service may be a suitable punishment. For instance, if people have spray-painted graffiti on a wall, making them clean it up could be a proper way of reprimanding them. Similarly, if people are caught littering, having them pick up trash from the streets for a period of time can rectify their behavior. It would be senseless or cruel to send such people to jail or place a financial burden upon them.

(让步)However, in the event that a piece of important public property is destroyed, consequences must be more severe. For example, if a historic statue is damaged, then the cost of repair should be borne by the vandal. If a reckless driver collides with a fire hydrant and destroys it, leading to a waste of resources and need for repair, financial punishments should be inflicted(实施).(转折) Nevertheless, I would argue that sending such people to jail would be excessive unless they are unwilling to pay for their crime or are repeat offenders.

(复述作者立场)All in all, I am in favor of using community service as a punitive measure against people who damage public property. (总结分论点)In some cases, fines are reasonable. (复述作者立场与总结分论点)However, I do not think that jailtime is a humane way to respond to crimes of vandalism except in the most extreme cases.







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