

2017-06-14 16:07来源:互联网作者:上海管理员


  Some people regard the increasing business and cultural contact between counties as a positive development. Others, however, feel these leading to loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



  Whether you like it or not, we are globalizing quickly with ever-increasing business and cultural interactions between different countries. You may end up as a job travelling worldwide or having frequent conference calls with business partners from the other side of the Earth. Although some express their worries about the loss of national identities, I am deeply convinced that we could benefit more from the growing connections with other countries.

  On the one hand, transcultural communication helps us to inject new blood into our local cultures. A good example is that we start to celebrate Thanksgiving Day just as Americans do. Americans inherit this tradition as their ancestors set sail for this unknown land about four centuries ago at chances for a better life and they give thanks to the Native Americans’ first generosity at that time. We take this festival as a good time to give thanks for what we have, what we are now and all things surrounding us. The core tenet could be a guidance to lead us for an even brighter future.

  On the other hand, the business connections are instrumental in improving the local economy. Growing understanding of foreign markets motivate many multinational companies to branch in other countries to expand their business scope. This is important to the local economy as textbooks would tell us that it is conducive to attract foreign investment and also provide more employment opportunities. Besides, confronting the global issue, like disease control, environment protection and refugee crisis, we need to work as a united party. We could take advantage of the resources and technologies to optimize the outcome and it is essential for the whole world to work together.

  Undoubtedly, it carries a grant of truth that the increasing connections with other countries in business and cultures will lead to the loss of national identity. The primary reason is that the native traditions and customs will gradually fade out and even die out with more foreign elements introduced. For example, China government legalized the traditional festivals when Chinese were obsessed with Western holidays.

  It is safe to conclude that globalization has facilitated the cultural understanding and communication, and also has driven the local economy, but at the same time, we should not neglect the negative impact on our national identity.

  (380 words)









  进一步增强句子灵活性,很多it is...that...的句型不见得一定要用,用就要用得准确。如果压缩小错误,适当增加灵活性,本篇作文就非常接近7分了。



  Whether you like it or not, we are globalizing quickly with ever-increasing business and cultural interactions between different countries. You mayend up as a job travelling worldwide or having frequent conference calls with business partners from the other side of the Earth. Although some express their worries about the loss of national identities, I am deeply convinced that we could benefit more from the growing connections with other countries.


  Like it or not, we are globalizing quickly with ever-increasing business and cultural interactions among different countries. You may end up doing a job that involves travelling worldwide or having frequent conference calls with business partners from the other side of the globe. Although some express their worries about the loss of national identities, I am deeply convinced that we could benefit more from the growing connections with other countries.



  end up...后面可以接多种成分,比如

  end up in prison...(介词短语);

  end up living in poverty(分词短语);

  end up homeless(形容词);

  end up with a failure(介词短语)


  On the one hand, transcultural communication helps us to inject new blood into our local cultures. A good example is that we start to celebrate Thanksgiving Day just as Americans do. Americans inherit this tradition as their ancestors set sail for this unknown land about four centuries ago at chances for a better life and they give thanks to the Native Americans’ first generosity at that time. We take this festival as a good time to give thanks for what we have, what we are now and all things surrounding us.The core tenet could be a guidance to lead us for an even brighter future.


  On the one hand, transcultural communication helps to inject new elements into our local culture. A good example is that we start to celebrate Thanksgiving Day just as Americans do. Americans inherit this tradition as their ancestors set sail for the New World about four centuries ago for a better life and they gave thanks for the generosity the native Indians gave them. Now this festival is taken as an occasion for giving thanks for what we have, what we are now and all things surrounding us.Obviously, the core idea of Thanksgiving could enrich our own culture.



  其中:give thanks to somebody for something,用成了give thanks to something,此类错误,很伤士气。此外,this unknown world 所指不明,美国当初的叫法是“The New World”。Give是时态错误,应该 gave。


  On the other hand, the business connections are instrumental in improving the local economy. Growing understanding of foreign markets motivate many multinational companies to branch in other countries to expand their business scope. This is important to the local economy as textbooks would tell us that it is conducive to attract foreign investment and also provide more employment opportunities. Besides, confronting the global issue, like disease control, environment protection and refugee crisis, we need to work as a united party. We could take advantage of the resources and technologies to optimize the outcome and it is essential for the whole world to work together.


  On the other hand, the business connections are instrumental in improving the local economy. Growing understanding foreign markets motivates many multinational companies to branch in other countries to expand their business scope. As textbooks would tell us, this is conducive to attract foreign investment and provide more employment opportunities, thus improving the local economy. Besides, confronting the global issue, such as disease control, environment protection and refugee crisis, we need to work as a united world. With the entire world working together, we could take advantage of the resources and technologies to optimize the outcome.




  1. textbook一句,原文的顺序也行,但似乎有些费解,而且连续使用this is important...it is conducive...显得很拖沓,不够简练清晰。


  2. 最后一句再用 it is essential for us to work together 是前面一句的重复。前面已经说了我们需要团结起来,那么下一句就可以自然接下去:团结起来,我们就能够有效利用资源和技术来优化结果。修改文比原文更自然了。


  Undoubtedly, it carries a grant of truth that the increasing connections with other countries in business and cultures will lead to the loss of national identity. The primary reason is that the native traditions and customs will gradually fade out and even die out with more foreign elements introduced. For example, China government legalized the traditional festivals when Chinese were obsessed with Western holidays.


  Undoubtedly, the increasing connections with other countries in business and cultures will, in many cases, lead to the loss of national identity. The primary reason is that the local traditions and customs may gradually fade out and even die out with more foreign elements introduced. For example, it is for fear that the traditions may be wiped out that Chinese government decides to celebrate some of Chinese traditional festivals as Chinese people are increasingly obsessed with Western holidays.



  1. 大的语言错误发生在那个词组a grant of truth,应为a grain of truth. 实际上,从简洁的角度,前面已经有了undoubtedly,后面就没有必要再说it is true that...了。

  2. 增加了in many cases,因为这里的语气过于了,缓和一下语气。

  3. 最后的举例显得比较弱,请看修改文的增加。


  It is safe to conclude that globalization has facilitated the cultural understanding and communication, and also has driven the local economy, but at the same time, we should not neglect the negative impact on our national identity.


  To conclude, while the globalization has facilitated the cultural understanding and communication, and driven the local economy, we should never neglect its potential negative impact on our national identity.


  结论部分意思没有问题,但是显得有些拖沓,文字不简洁。而且it is safe to conclude...有模板的痕迹,建议不用。


  Like it or not, we are globalizing quickly with ever-increasing business and cultural interactions among different countries. You may end up doing a job that involves travelling worldwide or having frequent conference calls with business partners from the other side of the globe. Although some express their worries about the loss of national identities, I am deeply convinced that we could benefit more from the growing connections with other countries.

  On the one hand, transcultural communication helps to inject new elements into our local culture. A good example is that we start to celebrate Thanksgiving Day just as Americans do. Americans inherit this tradition as their ancestors set sail for the New World about four centuries ago for a better life and they gave thanks for the generosity the native Indians gave them. Now this festival is taken as an occasion for giving thanks for what we have, what we are now and all things surrounding us. Obviously, the core idea of Thanksgiving could enrich our own culture.

  On the other hand, the business connections are instrumental in improving the local economy. Growing understanding foreign markets motivates many multinational companies to branch in other countries to expand their business scope. As textbooks would tell us, this is conducive to attract foreign investment and provide more employment opportunities, thus improving the local economy. Besides, confronting the global issue, such as disease control, environment protection and refugee crisis, we need to work as a united world. With the entire world working together, we could take advantage of the resources and technologies to optimize the outcome.

  Undoubtedly, the increasing connections with other countries in business and cultures will, in many cases, lead to the loss of national identity. The primary reason is that the local traditions and customs may gradually fade out and even die out with more foreign elements introduced. For example, it is for fear that the traditions may be wiped out that Chinese government decides to celebrate some of Chinese traditional festivals as Chinese people are increasingly obsessed with Western holidays.

  To conclude, while the globalization has facilitated the cultural understanding and communication, and driven the local economy, we should never neglect its potential negative impact on our national identity.

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