

2018-09-10 16:12来源:互联网作者:上海管理员







Giving Opinion/Expressing Opinion

in my opinion/ in my view…

my view is that/ my point of view is that…

I reckon/ I feel/ personally speaking…

As far as I am concerned…

It seems to me that…

Well, I would say…

I would like to point out…

If you want my opinion…

The way I look it…

As I see it…

The point I am trying to make is…

I think/ believe that…

I suppose/ presume/ would say…

I think most people would agree that…

I believe it is hard to deny that…

I strongly believe that…

I think none would deny that…


1. In my opinion, we should encourage children to have more outdoor activities than playing computer games.

2. Personally speaking, the trend has changed to a great extent than that of our forefathers’ era.

3. I would like to point out that having a part-time job is advantageous from various aspects.

4. The way I look it is a waste of time and resource which could have been better utilized in academic fields.

5. The point I am trying to make is that it is not entirely our fault.


To repeat a statement/ Rephrasing

What I actually meant was…

To express it another way…

Another way to say it…

Another way of saying it is…

Let me put it this/ another way…

What I mean is…

To rephrase what I have just said…

What I want to say is…

What I am trying to say is…


1. What I actually meant was space research might be important but not more than feeding the hungry mouths.

2. To express it another way, parents have a far greater role to play.

3. Let me put it another way and express my strong agreement in support of the gap year for university students.

4. To rephrase what I have just said I believe that parents should spend more time with their children despite their busy schedule.

5. What I am trying to say is books are better than movies as it has lasting impact on readers’ mind.


Giving an Example

Take…, for example…

A good example of this is…

To give an example…

I can give a relevant example here…

Look at…for instance.


1. Take my country, for example, where most of the people still believe in strong family ties and support each other no matter what.

2. A good example of this is cricket fans who not only follow every single tournament of their favourite team, their own country in this case, but many of them appear on the stadium to cheer up and support the entire team.

3. To give an example, such professionals not only make an extensive amount of money but also have a great influence on their fans.

4. Look at famous artefacts, for example in London that attracts a great number of tourists each year.


Giving an explanation

Well, the reason is...

Well, the thing is...

What I mean is...

The reason for this is...


1. Well, the reason is technology that has revolutionized the way we contact others.

2. Well, the thing is I have observed some of these people closely and they all have something in common-hard work and passion.

3. What I mean is healthcare is a basic human right and the government must allocate proper budget to establish sufficient healthcare centers and employ experienced doctors and nurses.


Asking to repeat something/Asking for an explanation

I am not sure what you meant by (...)

Could you please, say that in other words?

Could you please, repeat the question?

Do you mean…?

I am sorry. Could you please, repeat that?

I beg your pardon...

Could you please repeat that...?

Could you please explain it to me in another way?

I did not quite get that. Did you mean...?


1. I beg your pardon, I could not catch the last sentence.

2. I did not quite get that. Did you mean what social changes occurred during the past two decades?


Agreeing with an opinion

I quite agree...

I completely agree that...

Yes, Indeed...

I could not agree more...

I entirely/totally agree with you on that...

That's exactly how I see it...

That's exactly what I think/believe...


You are quite right about...

You have just read my mind...

Yes, that's obvious...


1. I quite agree that music choice by the young generation is often considered tasteless by the senior citizens.

2. Yes, indeed, it is our responsibility to save the endangered species.

3. You are quite right about difficulties in adopting these changes but that's what the human race has always done.

4. You have just read my mind as I was considering the same example.

5. Yes, that's obvious and the way we are treating them is a shame.


To repeat a statement/ Rephrasing

I possess a different view...

I must disagree with the view that...

I am afraid I believe/see it otherwise...

This might be true in some context but...

I am inclined to oppose the view that...

I am afraid I disagree...

Yes, perhaps, but...

Well, it depends...

I see what you mean, but this is not the whole story...

Yes, but there is also another aspect to consider...

I don't quite agree that...

Well, that's one way to look at that, but...

I am not quite so sure that...


1. I am afraid I believe otherwise and feel that ordinary citizens like us have a much greater role here.

2. Yes, perhaps, but my experience has taught me that I should plan beforehand rather than ruing it.

3. Well, it depends, and from my personal experience, I can say that such activities are really helpful.

4. I am not quite so sure that I would contradict my parents on issues like that.



I mean...

Or, should I say...

Or, rather...

... would be more precise...

So, to turn to my original point...

To get to the main point...

Anyway, to get to the point...

The main point I want to make is that...


1. Or should I say international movies have better quality than those of locally produced movies in such countries?

2. I mean we can implement the law but that should not be done too hastily.

3. To get to the main point, enhanced life expectancy is basically the result of advanced medical research.

4. So, to turn to my original point, rich nations should help such poor nations to maintain the world peace.


Buying some time/Stalling for time

That's an interesting/difficult/tough question...

I have never really thought about it, but...

I don't know much about it but...

I have not given enough thought on that...

Well, not sure where should I start...


1. That's an interesting question and I would like to thank you for asking me this. I believe that waste recycling is not a choice but a mandatory task.

2. I don't know much about it but from my personal experience, I can say that we should focus on more pressing issues rather than wasting money on things that are yet to bring any positive output.

3. I have not given enough thought on that but I feel the trend is not a good one.


Commenting on your own ideas

I know this may sound obvious but...

This may sound strange but...

I am not sure if this is the correct example...

Strange it may seem but...

I am sorry to have to say this but...

Though this is very sad, this is the reality...


1. This may sound strange but who should we blame for the environmental degradation than ourselves?

2. I am sorry to have to say this but not all employers treat such employees with respects.

3. Though this is very sad, this is the reality that money and power exercise have made things worse.


Expressing certainty

I am absolutely convinced that...

There is no denying that...

Nobody will deny that...

It is a fact that...



1. I am absolutely convinced that money may be important to purchase things but not to buy happiness.

2. It is a fact that many countries are struggling to fight corruption and citizens have a great role to play here.

3. Undeniably, education makes the difference and that's why the government has to increase its budget allocation for this sector.


Introducing other ideas/contrasting ideas

On the other hand...

On the contrary...

To look at it another way...

Then again...

From a different perspective...

From a different point of view...


1. On the contrary, youngsters have fresh ideas and a much better understanding of the technology.

2. Then again, I think we should keep the C02 emissions as low as possible.

3. From a different perspective, those tourists contribute a lot to the national economy.


Making a complaint or showing frustration about something

Can't something be done to/about...

Forgive me for mentioning it, but...

It really is terrible/ridiculous that...

I wish someone did something about it...

Something ought to be done about it...


1. Forgive me for mentioning it, but people sometimes are careless enough to harm themselves.

2. It really is terrible that even after knowing the consequences, we are damaging the environment.

3. Something ought to be done about it and there could be no better time than right now!


To interrupt

sorry to interrupt...

If I may interrupt...


1. Sorry to interrupt but I would like to say that I come from a city which has better facilities than the one you mentioned just now.

2. If I may interrupt, I would like to finish by saying that this is what most of the ordinary citizens believe about our legislative system.


Drawing the conclusion/Ending a point/discussion

In summary, I can say that...

So, that's why I think that...

Anyway, that's why...


1. Anyway, that's why we are the supreme being and we should act accordingly.

2. In summary, I can say that we still have to monitor this closely before taking any whimsical decision.












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