首页>雅思考试备考专区>雅思口语>2022年9-12月雅思口语变题季新题库part 1 高频话题:EVENT

2022年9-12月雅思口语变题季新题库part 1 高频话题:EVENT

2022-09-30 14:02来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:口语考试的题目都有固定的话题,一般会围绕生活、学习、娱乐等方面,part1、part2、part3的话题难度依次递增。既然事先知道了题目,肯定就要根据题库有针对性地准备素材。在下文中快跟小编一起来看一下2022年9-12月雅思口语变题季新题库part 1 高频话题:EVENT,希望对同学们的雅思考试有一定帮助。

上海新航道雅思培训班小编为大家准备了2022年9-12月雅思口语变题季新题库part 1高频话题,此类话题是在本次雅思口语考试季度中的新题!

1雅思口语变题季新题库part 1 高频话题:EVENT

1. Morning time [newl

1) Do you like gtting up early in the morning?

2) What do you usually do in the morning?

3) What did you do in the morming when you were lttle? Why?

4) Are there any differences between what you do in the morning now and what you did in the past?

5) Do you spend your mormings doing the same things on both weekends and weekdays? Why?

2. Singing [new]

1) Do you like singing? Why ?

2) Have you ever learnt how to sing ?

3) Who do you want to sing for ?

4) Do you think singing can bring happiness to people ?

3. Writing [newl

1) Do you write a lot?

2) What do you like to write? Why?

3) Do you think the things you write would change?

4) Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?

4. Housework and cooking [newl

1) Do you do some cooking/help your family cook at home now?

2) Did you do some house cleaning when you were young?

3) Do you have breakfast at home everyday?

4) Do you want to learn how cook wel!?

5) Do you think your home is clean and tidy?

6) What housework do you like or dislike doing?

5. Talents

1) Do you have a talent, or something you are good at?

2) Was it mastered recently or when you were young?

3) Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?

4) Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?

6. Collecting things

1) Do you collect things?

2) Are there any things you keep from childhood?

3) Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?

4) Where do you usually keep things you need?

7. Boring things

1) What kinds of things are boring to you ?

2) What will you do when you feel bored?

3) What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?

4) Do you think school is boring ?

8. Sitting down

1) Where is your favorite place to sit?

2) Do you always sit down for a long time?

3) Do you feel sleepy when you are stting down?

4) When you were a kid, did you usually sit on the foor?

9. Doing sports

1) What sports do you like?

2) Where did you learm how to do it?

3) Did you do some sports when you were young?

4) Do you think students need more exercise?

10. Daily routine

1) What is your daily study routine?

2) Have you ever changed your routine?

3) Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study?

4) What part of your day do you like best?

11. Sports programs

1) Do you like watching sport programs on TV?

2) Do you like to watch live sports games?

3) Who do you like to watch sports games with?

4) What kinds of games do you cxpect to watch in the future?

12. Science

1) Do you like science?

2) When did you start to leam science?

3) Which science subject is interesting to you?

4) What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?

5) Do you like watching science TV programs?

6) Do Chinese people often visit science museums?







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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
雅思强化段(C段)20-30人班住宿班 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
雅思全程段(A+B+C段)20-30人班住宿 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
雅思精讲段(B段)20-30人班住宿班 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
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