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雅思口语Part1范文话题模板:Take photos.拍照

2019-04-17 15:41来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语Part1范文话题模板:Take photos.拍照

上海新航道雅思培训班小编为大家准备了雅思口语Part1范文话题模板:Take photos,该话题也是本季变题季的话题!


雅思口语Part1范文话题模板:Take photos.拍照

Do you like to take photos?

I am not a professional photographer and my interests vary for a career. However, I do like clicking photos from my iPhone, either when I am travelling or at parties. For me, photos are a mere collection of the memories made which I often display at my house of social media account. Taking those crazy pictures, sometimes hazy fill me with joy and remind me of the great times I had.


Would you like to study photography?

Presently not. I think there is already a lot on my plate. With a job at a corporate and being a freelancer leaves very little time for any learning. Also, my focus right now is on improving my writing and speaking skills. Having said that, photography is something I would love to learn but in the distant future and not immediately


How often do you take photos?

Technology has made life so much simpler and convenient. With the smart phones, I believe it has become easier for everyone to actually capture amazing photos. The different modes that the present day smart phones give to its users for clicking photos can actually make anyone crazy and it surely has had an impact on me as well. I do almost always prefer clicking photos rather than taking notes. Like, photos of presentations or a note I’d like to remember. Could also be the times when giving farewell or any other party or of nature. I do click photos from my iPhone just about the moment I feel like clicking one.

Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take your photo? Why?

To be honest, I like to take photos by myself so that the precious moments are captured from my perspective. Moreover, as I’m not really good at posing for pictures, I always find it embarrassing when being a model for someone.


What kind of photos do you like to take? Why?

Well, I think the kinds of photos do not matter. I tend to capture things that are not moving, since it is easier for me to catch the right angle to make the picture more eye-catching.


How (why) did you become interested in photography?

Well, my father, who is a very seasoned photographer, has taught me many principles of photography. Thanks to him, I won first prize in a photography contest when I was 10 years old and have fallen in love with it ever since.


Do you have any good family photos?

Very few I must say. And from the ones that we have, most of them are really crazy! Almost all of them have at least one of us making a weird face. But, there is a photograph of ours where my parents are holding me and my brother in their arms and we are smiling solemnly and are parents are looking at each other. It really makes me feel good and is framed and kept in the house.


Do you like to take photos? (Why?)

Yes, definitely. I think photography is great since it helps us to document our life and keep our memories from fading, and the photographic process is also fun.


How do you keep your photos?

I usually print them out and keep them in albums so they will be protected. Besides, I also store my photos on my computer disk and on the internet for backup.


Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos?

No, I don’t. To me, photos frames can take up lots of space so I would rather use albums or just save them on my phone.


Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?

Oh I could say without hesitation that landscape photography is more appealing to me as I was born and lived for quite a long time in ABC, a small city whose population is low but the scenery is gorgeous. I’ve shot lots of great pictures there.


How often do you take photos?

In the past, I used to take photos on a weekly basis as I was really addicted to it. However, as I’ve grown up and have had many tasks to deal with, I rarely use my camera anymore.


Do you take photos of yourself?

Not very often, I would say, but yes I do. Especially, when I have to go to a party, I click photos from my phone just to make sure that I am looking good. Also, it may sound funny, but I do take my snaps when I am sad. The moment I see myself depressed I cheer up. It is my way of fighting back and reminding myself that life is beautiful. And then there are times when I am bored. So, I usually go to those crazy Instagram features and make funny faces and take pictures.


Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?)

Sending photos which I have taken might be more valuable because I can use the contents of the photos to express my current feelings towards the receiver. Take beaches as an example. When I’m happy, I often shoot the scene of children running around and playing water sports, while I like to capture a peaceful sunset when I am feeling down in the dumps. In contrast, postcards are made by other people so they are just meaningless to me.










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