首页>雅思考试备考专区>雅思口语>Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school

Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school

2018-01-04 15:40来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:2018年1月变题季雅思口语part2范文:新题Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school学到的东西。同学们可以从以下几个方面入手:

2018年1月变题季雅思口语part2范文:新题Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school学到的东西。同学们可以从以下几个方面入手:

You should say:

What is the skill

Howto learn it

Is it hard to learn it

And explain why it is important


I'm a business student, and I'm currently doing a lot of case studies and assignments which my professor expects me to hand in, and they don't allow us to hand in things which are handwritten. I bought myself a computer a year ago, and after three months I found that my typing skills were just too poor; in fact, I was wasting most of my time just typing things in. So I decided to take a three-week typing course.

The course was open to everyone and it was offered at a private, business skills school. I was 'very worried when I took the class that : I'd be the only man in the class, but it turned out that there were 2 other men, I although they registered with their wives. The instructor was quite young-a secretary who could type up to 110 words a minute. She types about as fast as some people play the piano.

Basically, the main trick was having faith in your ability to type without looking at the keys. So, the instructor would call out individual letters, and we had to quickly hit them without looking down. Actually we used a keyboard without letters in the beginning, because the temptation was too great to look anyways。

After the course I was able to type at about 30 words per minute-not enough to get me a job as a secretary, but enough to make my assignments go a lot faster. I felt very proud to increase my speed ,and I felt the skill was very useful to learn. By typing faster I was able to spend more time on the actual work of studying information and putting more work into my overall analysis.


雅思口语Part2范文2:Describe something you learned(outside a class or a lecture)

You should say:

What the skill is

Why it cannot be learned at school

Why it is important

Explain how we learned it


Speaking of an important skill that cannot be learned at school, I would like to say something about applying cell phone screen protectors.


I was always struggling to put on the screen protectors perfectly because I had never managed to do it for a single time.


Coincidently, I met a relative of mine during the spring festival holiday who has been working in Guangzhou computer market doing some small business including the screen protectors. So, when he dropped by, he taught me how to do it without leaving any blemish or bubbles on the screen.


At first, he let me watch a teaching video clip which was posted on Youku to be familiar with the main procedures. Later, he asked me some questions to kind of diagnose how much I grasped it. Then, he gave me some guidance when I had the first shot. He looked really like an expert of it. It took me roughly half an hour to get the hang of it. The moment I nailed it, I felt an overwhelming sense of achievement.


This kind of skill was really something that I couldn’t possibly learn in school, because our teachers and the school didn’t encourage us or even gave us a chance to get to learn any subjects except for those academic courses like Math, Physics, Chemistry that were about to be examined in the College Entrance Examination. I really hope our education system could have a little bit change on this. The reason why I think this kind of skill is quite essential is that it not only practiced our hands-on skills but is really money-saving, right? Maybe you will become another millionaire by doing this job.






l.Is there any other way for young people in your country to learn knowledge?

2. What’s the best way to learn knowledge?

3. Why some people prefer to learn from the internet instead of learning from a teacher or a class?

4. What type of knowledge is more important? Book knowledge or practical knowledge?

5. How can we teach children practical knowledge?



Describe a city or country you want to live the most in the future

雅思口语范文:Describe an important river/lake in your country

雅思口语part2范文:Describe a popular person

雅思口语:Describe a piece of technology you like using(not computer)

雅思口语:One time when someone speak highly of what you have done







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