首页>雅思考试备考专区>雅思口语>2018年1月变题季雅思口语Part1新题-Leisure time

2018年1月变题季雅思口语Part1新题-Leisure time

2018-01-03 16:13来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:2018年1月变题季雅思口语Part1新题-Leisure time

2018年1月变题季雅思口语Part1新题-Leisure time集合。(偷偷说一下,这个话题是2016年的热门话题哦!)

1. What do you do in your spare time?

2. What do you do to relax?

3. How do you usually spend your evenings?

4. What do you usually do after work/after classes?

5. Do you prefer to stay at home in the evenings or do you prefer to go out?

6. Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?

7. Do you think people today have more time to relax than in the past?

8. Do you think it’s important for people to have leisure time?

9. Do old people and young people spend their leisure time in the same way?

10. What do you think are the good points and the possible bad points about having leisure time?

11. How do people in your country spend their holidays?

12. Do you like to travel in your holidays?

13. If you had a child, what leisure places would you go to with your child?


Well, I enjoy self-driving travelling in my spare time. I always drive my car with my friends or family to the rural areas of Beijing during the weekends to loosen up. I feel that self-driving travel can not only enable me to go somewhere I want to at any time, but I can also make my own itineraries and discover the stunning places that others may not find.

Normally, I’ll hang out with my friends because I want to loose up, but after being a father, I spend more time at home to stay with my kid, telling stories to him or playing games with him.

If I were to choose between the two, I’ll probably spend more time at home to stay with my kid, telling stories to him or playing games with him, whereas, hanging out with friends will reduce my quality family time with my son.

Oh, definitely not, you know, modern lifestyle can bring people convenience, however, the modern fast paced society and fierce competition have made most people spend more time with work, resulting in less quality time with family and friends.

Yes, definitely. After tiring work, people really need to loose up. Apart from earning money, I still need to enjoy family time, hang out with friends to socialise and travel around to experience different lifestyle.

Well, between the two, old people are fond of slow-pace of life compared to young people, for example, old people enjoy walking in the garden or chatting with old friends, on the contrary, young people are fond of energetic activities such as football and hiking in the mountains.

Well, it’s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to hang out with friends for dinner, but maybe for others, they will probably go shopping with family in the shopping malls to enjoy themselves.

Well, I’m really into taking my kid travelling around in the natural scenery spots during the weekends to loose up. Although travelling to other places is really time consuming, I still like going out because I believe that staying close to the nature can cultivate people’ s mental development.



What do you usually do in your free time?

Just do whatever sparks my interest, like shopping and watching a movie. Sometimes I will hang out with the family, laughing with friends, listening to music and bother my brother.


If you had a holiday, where would you choose to go?

Canada, specifically British Columbia, Vancouver and areas in that region, I have been to Niagara and I have seen some of the great lakes but for me the scenery of the west coast is amazing, the mountains, rivers lakes and trees are breathtaking, the people are really friendly, with a simple and slower way of life, how could you not enjoy being there.


Would you prefer to go to just one place or several places?

I prefer going only one place because I don't want to be too exhausted. Besides, I want to enjoy my vacation and if I am running around several places, that's just work.


Who would you choose to go with?

I choose my close friends because we seldom meet after graduation from college. If I have some free time I want to hang out with them and share stories happened recently.


Do you have enough time for your hobby (hobbies)?

From stories to poems, writing is just my thing. But I am too tired after study and work after a whole week. Also, I lack self-discipline, so I hardly have enough time to develop my hobby.


Do you think modern people have enough time for relaxing?

No, they don't. Life is filled with stress. There are stress and pressures from all directions. They have to deal with assertive boss, manipulative colleagues, and backstabbing. Moreover, they are deprived.


In your country, do men and women usually do the same kinds of things in their free time?

No. Men always stay at home watching TV. Sometimes they hang out playing football and drink something together. Women are always shopping freak. They shop from day to night and even don't need to eat.


In your leisure time, what do you usually do with your friends or family?

I always go to the movies and watch TV with my friends or family. I like hanging out with my family and doing things with them like going to the mall. Sometimes I will volunteer at the local food bank or homeless shelter with friends.


Do you think it's important to spend your leisure time with your family? Why?

Family always solves my problem no matter how tricky the situation is. Spending free time with them makes me happy and I can get rid of all the pressure from work. Moreover, I think that's what makes a family close when you spend time with them.


What kinds of leisure time activities are popular with young people today?

Boys like sports and always hang out playing football and basketball. Girls like getting together shopping and gossip.


Do older people like to do the same activities?

No. Old people are all afraid of loneliness so they love to just sit and talk with someone. Most of them will love to have a pet and go for a walk in the morning.


Compare the way people in China relax today and the way they used to relax many years ago.

Many years ago people like outdoor activities like football and basketball but now people usually stay at home watching movies, playing computer games and chat with friends via internet due to technology.


What changes can one make to one's life in order to be more relaxed?

First, get a good night sleep, eating right and exercise regularly. Then, staying positive and getting rid of anything or anyone to make you less stressful. Developing a hobby also help to be more relaxed.


Do you think it's reasonable for an employer to ask his or her employees to work in their rest time?

It's illegal and counterproductive. Moreover, employees feel depressed and exhausted for working in their rest time.



2018年1月变题季雅思口语Part1新题-ideal job


2018年1月变题季雅思口语Part1新题-Volunteer work


2018年1月变题季雅思口语Part1新题-(wild) Animal











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