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2017年5月雅思口语part1:Jewellery and diamond ring

2017-06-16 17:50来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语一直都是中国考生最头疼,今天雅思培训学校 小编为考生们带来了雅思口语part1:Jewellery and diamond ring,但需要考生将常见话题进行灵活应答,考取理想分数。

  雅思口语一直都是中国考生最头疼,今天雅思培训学校 小编为考生们带来了雅思口语part1:Jewellery and diamond ring,但需要考生将常见话题进行灵活应答,考取理想分数。

  1.Do you like jewelry?

  I'm fond of collecting jewelry, but I rarely wear most of the pieces I own.I purchase jewelry on every trip as sentimental souvenirs

  2.What kind of jewelry do you wear the most?

  i have no peferrence for any kind of jewelry, but. i have a long gold chain with a diamond cross on it that belonged to my grandmother that ive only taken off about 5 times since it was given to me.

  3.Why some people like to wear jewelry

  Today, people wear jewelry to express themselves. These days, everything in fashion is about being oneself, or about projecting one's personality. Jewelry is not exempt from this trend / motto. This is why there are eye-catching statement rings; and why reputable jewelry retailers accept custom-made orders.

  4.Have you bought any jewelry?

  yes, I'm fond of collecting jewelry. I bought beautiful Venetian glass bead necklaces and bracelets on a trip to Italy when I was thirteen.I then began purchasing jewelry on every trip as sentimental souvenirs. I also buy jewelry as gifts rather than picking up tee shirts or other items from tacky tourist shops.

  5.Do you wear many jewels?

  I don't wear too much jewelry but I wear studs and small hoops in my ears everyday and sometimes I wear small necklace

  6.Have you ever sent someone jewels?

  yes, but only once,it is a purity ring on a silver chain and the giftee is my girlfriend.i bought it for her first birthday since we met.


  Ornaments made out of precious stones and metal are called as Jewellery. There are different kinds of Jewellery such as Traditional, Fancy and Imitation Jewellery. Especially females are fascinated of jewellery. Jewellery enhances esthetics of the person. People wear Traditional Jewellery especially on some auspicious occasions or festivities such as marriages. Imitation jewellery is available for all range of people to wear it regularly or on some occasions. Now a days paper jewellery is also available. The latest trend of jewellery is antiques.

  Jewellery is the safest way of investment. We can get money across the table using jewellery, whenever needed. Jewellery has an influence on stock market also. There are different kinds of precious stones used to embed in jewellery such as Jade, Diamond , Sapphire, Agate, Cats-eye, Coral Pearl and so on. Gold, Silver and Platinum are precious metals. Of them, gold has highest demand. Gold purity is defined in terms of carats. The carat indicates the amount of impurities added to the gold. Pure gold or Sovereign gold is 99.9% pure and is malleable.

  Different kinds of jewellery can be made out of gold such as, Girdle, Armlet, Trinkets, Anklets, Toe-rings and so on. Usually jewelers bilk money from customers in this business. It is a multimillion dollar business and has high profits. On the flip side, it is difficult to protect jewellery. Anti-social activities takes place to acquire gold. People stoop down to any level to acquire gold. Also, in few places weapons are bartered against gold.

  Though it is a pinch on the pocket to buy jewellery, more people attract towards jewellery and feel it as a status symbol.


  These are the names of the ornaments which we use/wore regularly

  1. Girdle - A belt or cord worn around the waist

  2. Armlet - A band or bracelet worn around the upper part of a person's arm

  3. Trinkets - A small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value

  4. Anklets - An ornament worn around an ankle

  5. Toe-rings - Ring made out of various metals and non-metals worn on any of the toes



  1. Are jewelries popular in China?

  Girls normally wear all kinds of jewelries such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, ear-rings or studs. Honestly, adequate and proper jewelry and ornamentselevate a girl’s image and add extra charm to her. And when the jewelries are expensive ones, her status and identity will be shown and more confidence will come automatically to her.

  Besides, on some special occasions like a banquet or a business meeting, which require ladies to be dressed elegantly, jewelries prove to be necessary and vital companions.

  Generally boys don’t wear jewelries. But that was in the past. Nowadays, boys enjoy having their ears pierced and wearing one or two ear rings. It isbeyond me. Maybe they feel cool when they have some ear rings on.

  2. What jewelries do you wear?

  Well, platinum and silver ones are good enough to me. Such materials are elegant and economical. Besides, these materials won’t cause inflammationto skins easy. You can simply wear them all day. Pearl ones are good too especially the milk white ones. They are elegant and gentle and wearing them always make you feel graceful.

  I love rings, especially those big and cook ones with a skeleton or a hawk or some scare faces. It’s so cool.

  3. Have you sent jewelries as gifts?

  Definitely. Last June when it was my girlfriend’s birthday, I got her a rose gold necklace. It was a gorgeous one I should say. The necklace was made ofgold particles, very small ones, whose diameters, I think, were only less than one millimeter. And the pendant, a heart shaped ruby, was gorgeous too. Itcost me a fortune but I was glad she loved it.







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