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雅思口语话题之Describe a person who you like to spend time with

2017-05-31 16:34来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语话题之Describe a person who you like to spend time with

  雅思口语话题之Describe a person who you like to spend time with

  You should say:

  Who is he/she?

  What is your relationship with him/her?

  What kind of activities do you do together?

  and explain why you spend a lot of time with this person.



  Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time with my mother because she was diagnosed with cancer. It’s been a difficult time for our family .Before,we’ve always been a close family and had a good relationship with each other, but since the bad news attacked my mother, I have tried to spend as much time as possible with her and accompany her to her medical appointments . It’s a very stressful experience for all of us and we still don’t know what the final outcome will be but we’re being positive, optimistic and praying for her and making sure she is well taken care of.

  It’s strange, but since she was diagnosed with cancer, even the smallest little activities have become important, such as drinking a cup of tea together and just talking about things, helping her do some things around the home, and just spending time with her-it really doesn’t matter how insignificant the activity is – it’s become super special and important to just share as much time with her as possible.

  I’ve also made an effort, as has my brother and sister, to get home as often as possible and eat lunch together or spend whatever spare time we have with my mother.



  The friend I like to spent time with is Steven. I met him when I was only 8 years old and was in primary school. After that our intimacy grew up and we became best friends. One day he forgot to bring his book in school and that day I helped him with my expire books. After that we talked for a long after school and our friendship started to begin. We went to college together and then got admitted in different Universities. Since we were studying in the same city, we can meet each other and spend time together.

  We are yet to finish our graduation and busy with our own stuffs but whenever we get vacation we spend time together. Since our hometown is same, we go there together and thus we meet each other at least twice in a month. He is a helpful and talented friend who helps people and always wished best for people. He is studying Mathematics and he has a talent in Mathematics. Sometimes he explains some complex mathematical theories in a very simple and interesting way. He is passionate about reading books and that makes a good bonding with me. We often exchange our thought and criticism about books and politics.

  I like to spend time with him because we have many common interests between us. I never feel bored spending time with him. Since we are friends for a long time, we understand each other. A good friend always extends helping hands when in need and I've found Steven by my side always. We do so many fun stuffs together and help each other in our study. Good friendship, understanding and common interests makes us close friends and those are the major factors for what I like to spend time with his.


  I happened to meet this person who later became my friend in a yoga and meditation class which I joined quite lately. It was quite a chance that this person who goes by the name, Gajender, sat beside me during the class.

  The reason why I like spending time with him is the positive vibes that I feel out of him. He is one of the persons, rather the first person in my life whom I have met having a very positive attitude towards the life.

  I always found him in jubilant mood in spite of the fact that he had a very troublesome incident in his life. He lost his only son and that too at a young age of 25. I must say, he is one of the persons who have really made a positive impression on my mind and has contributed a lot in the way I have started looking at life.

  After these classes, it has been quite a regular feature that I spend my time in his company, almost every weekend. Yet another reason why I like spending time with Gajender is the humorous character that he possesses.




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