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Describe a time when you share something with others

2017-05-31 16:12来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part2范文:Describe a time when you share something with others


  Describe something that you have shared with others (or another person).

  You should say:

  what you shared

  when you shared it

  who you shared it with

  and explain why you shared it or how you felt when you shared it.



  Well, something I have shared with a couple is my SUV, I bought it last yeas, and it has been my handy commuting tool since I got the hang of it. But several months ago, I saw a PSA on telly saying that the air quality has been deteriorating( 恶化)and the pernicious( 有害的)effect on us would be the serious engulfing(吞噬) smog( 烟雾)and devastating (毁灭性的)respiratory(呼吸) diseases(疾病) and that was horrible. At the same time I knew the couple living next door who were also my colleagues would want to have a car because of peer(同伴) pressure, you know, demonstration(示范)of one’s social wealth and hierarchy(层次结构 )is also a social malaise(不适), but they were worried about the financial constraint(限制)after that. So I decided to share my car with them and they just took responsibility of part of gas bill. Every morning they met me at the designated(指定) spot and I would drive them to workplace together.

  With the reference to why shared my car with them, there are 2 points that I want to make, first, helping others to the best of one’s ability is a kind of Chinese traditional virtue (美德)to all strata(阶层) of society. And luckily, I solved their problems effectively without compromising(妥协)my quality of life; at most I lost some reins of that car. But it didn’t bother me. And it also saved the husband James from the wife’s nagging(唠叨). He said he owed me a huge favor. Second, this car-pooling thing might be kind of my effort to protect the environment of the city, because I really got shocked about the levels of pollution in the vehicle-choked(车辆堵塞)cities of China. And this has been exacerbated(恶化) by people's ignorance, which is just like the thin end of the wedge. So I take the initiative(主动性)to reduce the use of my car and call on my colleagues to follow the trend. And I hope this trend would influence a larger population.


  雅思口语part2范文2: Describe a time when you share something with others

  You should say:

  What you shared

  When you shared it

  Who you shared it with

  And explain why you shared it or how you felt when you shared it.

  I shared my depression experience with a stranger.

  I had depressed feelings for a number of years. I couldn’t find joy in anything, my energy level was low and I was struggling to do basic chores like cleaning and washing. I found it incredible when people would suggest things like getting exercise to make me happier. All I could think was, 'I can't drag myself out of bed to take a shower, and how the hell am I supposed to drag myself to the gym?'

  A friend of mine realised what was happening, and after one particular outburst of tears and misery, he suggested I went to the university counsellor.

  Talking things through with someone who is completely unbiased is a wonderful experience. Even when you think you have nothing to talk about, they are good at getting you started.

  Unfortunately, there was a limited time frame, and I felt those feelings creeping back. I finally went to my doctor, told them I had tried counselling, and asked if medication was an option. He agreed.

  I know that anti-depressants are a controversial topic, but they were truly life-changing. The first type did not help. The second type was like opening a window.

  They did not make me happy. What they did do, however, is give me the strength to start making myself happy. I stopped crying for no reason. I was able to sleep soundly. The thoughts screaming around my head ground to a halt so I could focus, and I started enjoying things again.

  I still have bad days, but they are days - not weeks, or months.

  In short, seek professional help. Friends and family are wonderful, but they can be biased and I can feel guilty for 'troubling' them with my feelings. Professionals are just that. I was proud of myself for taking that first step to find support.




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