首页>雅思考试备考专区>雅思口语>雅思口语part2满分范文:Describe a street that you know

雅思口语part2满分范文:Describe a street that you know

2017-05-26 16:48来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:雅思口语part2满分范文:Describe a street that you know

  雅思口语part2满分范文:Describe a street that you know

  You should say:

  Where is it located

  What you like to do there

  And explain why you like it


  Speaking of the street I like to visit, I would talk about the most famous street in my city - the Lantern Lane. It's a street with a history of more than three hundred years, so the whole lane is an exciting collision of traditional eastern culture and modern western culture. A large number of fancy restaurant, bars and boutiques have sprouted along the two sides of the lane. The lane got the name Lantern' mainly because there are two lanterns hung high on the outside of each traditional building. As sun sets, colourful bar lights flick on and red lanterns begin to glow, and the view is just fabulous. Every year, the lane attracts thousands of visitors with its unique scene. Visitors come here not only for the amazing night view, but also for experiencing the collision of eastern culture and western culture. Having a couple of drinks in a bar is super enjoyable. Some bars have roof terraces which allow customers to look out onto the old Bell Tower or down to the hustle and bustle of the street below. After having a drink in the bar, visitors can also visit the boutiques and pick the handmade crafts in boutiques. They can find a variety of Chinese traditional refreshments on this street, and some old-style toys bring most Chinese visitors back to their childhood. I think the best thing about Lantern Lane is that there are thousands of things you can do to have fun, and I’m not exaggerating, so I go there almost every weekend. Sometimes I would take my friends there and we could always have a lot of fun there.


  You should say:

  Where is it located

  What buildings are there on the street

  How often do you go on that street

  and explain why you like to visit this street.


  I would like to describe a street from my hometown where I spent a lot of time in my childhood and adolescence time. This street is called grace street (...say a name of a street you know about...) and it is at the back side of the high school we used to study at.

  This is not a very wide street and since it is on the back side, people often avoid this road and take the main street. There are some 2-3 storied buildings there and one 7th storied building is situated beside this street. A large portion of the street-side is occupied by the high school and there is a pond, 2 lamp posts, one post office and 2 small tea stalls are situated beside this street.

  I used to visit this street and spent time with my friends in my teenage time mostly. Since I now live in a different city I rarely visit this street. However, I go to this street sometimes with my friends whenever I visit my hometown. This is the place where I spend my time with my friends in the evening when I stay at my hometown. I go to my hometown 3-4 times in a year and visit this street each time I visit my hometown.

  I like this street because I have so many memories related to this street. I still go there whenever I visit my town. And this very street where I used to spend some of my golden periods reminds me my old time there. Being there with my friends sometimes reminds me things I used to do there and how precious the time was. For these reasons, I like this street very much.




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